Chapter Thirty~Nine: Pregnancies and Surprises

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Olivia's POV

I sit on the table and start thinking of the outcome of everything. I can envision my baby. I can see me playing with her or him. The smile and the giggles. The tears welling in my eyes as I'm thankful for them.

The getting up in the middle of the night, just to bring them to my bed. The crying, the giggles, the silly faces. Yes the silly faces.

Mommy's baby.

My body shivers as I think about me being a mom. This time it will be different. I'm not going to make myself vulnerable, I have to do this because it's not just about me anymore. Im responsible for my baby. Their life is in my hands.

Fuck Jeremih, fuck his gang, my old gang. Fuck Kylie, fuck them bitches that caused my last miscarriage, fuck them weak ass niggas that beat me.

Fuck Elizabeth, India, and Arynn. I'm coming back for them bitches too.

You don't ever mess with someone's baby. And I'm tired of feeling weak, regardless of how many fights I've gotten into.

Jeremih can come after me if he want too. Cause I will put his life to an end. Shoot him dead in his head as I watch him fall to the floor.

Pour gasoline all over him and burn him. Make sure that his body is never found...... just like my fathers.

"Olivia?!?" Dr. Ballou's voice interrupted my ranting.

"Yeah?" I asked scrunching my nose.

"Are you okay? I called your name a good six times." She looked at me concerned.

"Yeah. Was just thinking about something. I'm sorry." I shook my head and looked at the screen.

"Okay. Do you wish to continue?" She questioned me.

"Yes please."

She smiled and nodded her head. She talked about the development of the baby and the different stages. She talked to Tre and I about the prenatal vitamins and to stay away from a lot of sugar so I wouldn't develop diabetes while Im pregnant.

She explained to us what we should do if something doesn't feel right and about the labor process and the drugs. She explained what drugs not to take and to make sure I drink a lot of water.

"You ready for the exciting part?" She clapped her hands together.

"Yes!" Tre and I squealed, both laughing at each other.

"Do you know how many months you are?" She asked.

"The doctor at the hospital said that I was a little over a month. But I don't really know he wasn't specific about it." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Okay well we'll see." She smiled. She grabbed a wand and rubbed it across my stomach.

"Look at the screen. Your not going to really see it because it's so little but you will be able to hear a heart beat." She smiled as we all looked anxiously.

A few minutes had passed by and we weren't hearing nothing.

"That's weird. Are you sure your pregnant? There's no heart be--- Oh there it goes!" She smiled as the little heart beat made its appearance.

"What's that?" I pointed to the screen. She moved her glasses up on her face and looked at the screen as if she was studying it.

She smiled at me and moved the wand around.

"There we go!"

"What?" I asked curiously.

"Twins! There's that heart beat and over here is another one."

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