Chapter Thirty~Six: Who The F*ck Is She? Who The F*ck Is He?

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3 Weeks Later

"Alannnnn...." I giggle as he continues to kiss up my chin making me curl up.

"Babyyyyy." He laughed as he adjusted himself on top of me.

I smiled as he called me that.

"I like it when you call me that." I said making him look up at the ceiling and laugh.

"Baby, baby, baaabbbbaaayyy." He coos and lightly kissed me on my lips.

"How did I get so lucky to have you?" Alan asked me playing in my hair.

"I guess it was time for me to try something different." I smiled. He flipped us over so I was on top of him.

I laid my head on his chest as he continued to run his fingers through my hair.

Yes, I know I know. People may have questions so here's the story.

After I had that argument with Ashton that was suppose to turn into a kiss, I had realized that I was day dreaming. The bell had rang after our argument well during and he left and so did I.

We still have to see each other because we have 1 and 6 period together.

I had told Alan that he could take me out and he was actually a good guy it seems like. He's caring and is always there to protect me.

He plays football at school, but I haven't went to any of the practices because of cheer.

Nobody knows that Alan is my boyfriend because of all the drama. But I plan on changing that real soon.

He's too good of a guy to let go.

Right now we are chilling at Tre's house. He's in the other room doing something. He never lets me go in there unless he's in there.

Alan and I were suppose to be watching movies but I get too distracted. I love playing in his blonde hair and looking up into his soft brown eyes.

He caught me looking at him and he smiled.

"Yes princess?" He chuckled as he licked his lips.

"I think we should tell people, or act like a couple at school." I said to him as I played with the buttons on his shirt.

He grinned as he looked at me unbutton his shirt.

"Wow isn't this a surprise. I would love for that to happen." He moved up and kissed me.

"Perfect." I kissed him back. I sat on top of him and deepened our perfect kiss.

"Y'all can get the fuck out of here with all that cupcake shit." Tre said as he stood at the door.

" Tre said as he stood at the door

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