Chapter Twenty~One (Where's Olivia? Part 1)

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I swore to myself that I would have this chapter up on Easter as a present for you guys.

I know I always say one day and do another but I'm fully dedicating my spring break to this book.

Just a heads up: I do read your guys comments and it made me think about the whole stereotypical name situation from Elizabeth and Olivia.

I thought about how it could be looked at offensive. Considering I am a dark skin girl, I would be hella mad if people just assumed my name was 'ghetto' because of my complexion.

I love my name Jordyn and I truly apologize if I did offend anyone. I never even put two thoughts into what I wrote.

But honestly...... Believe it or not this book was suppose to be stereotypical. It was suppose to be how Olivia and Ashton showed everyone else that what they had was real and that color doesn't matter.

Some racist things have been and will be said.

Ashton will sometimes defend them and Olivia will shut the whole operation down.

That's why you have to be aware of The Girl With The Blue Eyes.

Olivia has a lot of tricks and secrets up her sleeve so don't ever lose faith in this book no matter how hurtful things can get.

The light will always find its way to shine through the darkness.

Just had to put that out there..... Sorry for taking up some of the pages lol.

Enjoy Loves.....

Ashton's POV

The bell rings for us to have our hour break before football practice starts for another two hours.

I sit in the bleachers waiting for Olivia. 

I sit around looking at some of the other football players with their girlfriends.

Maybe that's why I felt so empty and out of place. I kept checking my phone to see if Olivia would ever text me.

Five minutes have went by and there's still no sign of my Queen.

I look down at the field as I connect eyes with the guy I hated most......August.

He stops talking to his group and just stares at me.

As soon as he stops talking the rest of his friends look up at me. He smirks and walks away, leaving me with one question.

What the hell was he up to.

.......Ten minutes go by....... and there's still no sign of Olivia.

Okay I know Olivia can be late but never this late. She would of texted me or something. I don't feel right. This doesn't feel right.

I finally decide to just give up on waiting on her and call her.

I pick up my phone and search for her contact name. Dialing her number all I hear is the numerous rings that go through my ear.

I finally hear her lovely voice.

'Hey! You reached Olivia Carson....Ashton stop! Olivia you should have that as your voicemail! *giggles* Hey you reached Olivia.....and Ashton. Sorry we couldn't get to the phone but I promise I will get back to you as soon as Ashton stops bothering me *giggles*. ' Then the phone leaves a beep for me to leave a voicemail.

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