Chapter Three

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Olivia's POV
(Short Chapter)

We run back into the classroom where India is in Ashton's face. I look at Ashton for a minute until he makes eye contact with me. We both stare at each other to see who's more dominant. I look away not being able to stand his face anymore.

A familiar voice walks into the room and drops her bag.

Elizabeth lets go of my hand and runs up behind India.

"Really your attacking my boyfriend now!" Arynn yells.

"So what you trynna squabble, cause I'm about sick and tired of you thinking you run this damn school Arynn!" India drops her bag.

"Why is it always you dark skin bitches think that you scare me? Like come on shouldn't you be out in the field somewhere harvesting crops and some other shit. I get that your mad that Ashton chose me over you India, but come on, you got to move on girl." I saw India's face drop. She looked so hurt, so innocent for a minute.

She looked at Ashton for a quick second and whispered something under her breath.

"You chose her over me, Ashton. Just remember that." She pushed passed Arynn and walked out the class.

"See she isn't as big and bad as she seems! Come on babe we have to go to our next class." Arynn giggled until she spotted me.

"Why are you still here?"

I looked at Elizabeth and I signaled for her and I to go.

She looked at me as if I was crazy but I really wasn't up for the drama today.

I stopped at the door and turned around to look at Ashton and Arynn.

"Arynn please don't take my kindness for a weakness cause eventually it's going to run out and you'll be sorry. And honestly keep a better leash on your boyfriend, he's been trying to get at me." I smirk and walk out the room with Elizabeth behind me.

"We have to go find India."

"What was that?" Elizabeth questioned.

"It was a taste of what could happen cause nobody is going to disrespect my friends like that."

"That's why I fuck with you Liv!" She hugged me tight.

Her phone buzzed and it was a text from India.

"India said that she's fine and that we need to go to class and to meet her at the office after second period to change her classes."

"Okay that's not a problem." I smiled. I pulled out my phone and texted my mom quickly to tell her everything's okay.

Ashton's POV

Damn did I really just pull that bullshit ass pick up line on her. I'm on one right now and I can't think straight. I just saw my first real girlfriend get crushed by the girl Im with right now and then I saw the girl that I'm crushing on about to beat Arynn's ass.

This is all happening to fast and I don't think I can handle it. I'm just one guy okay. I lowball do miss India so much, that was my girl, my day one and then Arynn came out of nowhere. It's not that I don't like black girls but I just don't find a lot of them attractive.

India was different she was gorgeous, feisty and lovable and I lost her. I lost the one girl that was down for me not because of my money or because of my fame but because she loved me and I cheated on her with dumbass Arynn.

I didn't plan on me and Arynn being together this long but I just needed someone I guess. Don't get me wrong she could ride me real good, and she's always up for sex but I don't want that all the time. I want one on one time outside of school and someone who has a little more respect for herself and who isn't always fighting and who doesn't take bullshit from anybody, and who has kindness and that's sweet.

I need and want me an Olivia.

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