Chapter Twenty~Eight

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(Long time no see loves but I'm back!)

Ashton's POV

"Come on Kiara!" I yell for her. I was taking her back to petsmart to get another one of those damn animal she loves.

"I'm coming Ashton!" She runs down the stairs.

"Where's Halo?" I cock my eyebrow at her.

"She's right here." She points to the carrier that she had for her.

I smile at her and grab my keys.

"Ready?" I smile.

"Very." She giggles and runs out the door.

Closing the door I jog to my car. She opens the back door until I close it.

"Your with me now. Come sit in the front with me." I smile. Her eyes opened big and she sprint to the front seat.

"Your the best Ashton." I hear her say as I get into the car.

I pull out the driveway. She starts talking to me about how excited she is to get this new creature.

I know I should be paying attention to her but I have someone else on my mind.


I guess I'm just scared. Spirit is such a chill ass girl but she has her slip ups like anyone else.

Yeah she's nice and all that but she's a lil crazy. Spirit has never ever given up on me. She's really the reason why I cheat. I cheated on every girl with Spirit. Even the girl I cheat with I cheated on her with Spirit.

Now that I think about it I don't even know why I went to her house. She probably thinks I want her back.

Truth is....... I be lying if I said I didn't.

The way her hair springs up and how she giggles and her little body is so easy to pick up.

She's cute but then again there's my baby girl Olivia.

"ASHTON!" Kiara screams at me as I stop the car.

Her eyes are big and she seems like she's seen a ghost.

"You ran a red light and we almost crashed Ashton!" Her eyes started to water.

I ran a red light?

I turn around and see all the awkwardly stopped cars at the stop light.

"Fuck." I whisper to myself.

I don't have time to go to jail right now or explain anything.

"Kiara don't ever do this in life okay." She looked at me confused.

I twisted and turned from out of the cars. Honks and people yelling filled the street.

People even started getting out of their cars but I wasn't trying to fight today...... Not today.

"I'm sorry Kiara." She didn't look at me.

"We can go get ice cream after if you forgive me." I looked at her with pleading eyes.

"You almost killed us Ashton....." She said under her breath.

"Fine then no ice cream." I say driving off.

"Ashton I'm almost nine years old. You can't bribe me with candy or ice cream anymore." She said to me as she looked through the window.

"Kiara I wasn't trying to bribe you....... Maybe a little. But I understand I'm sorry." I touch her cheek and wipe the tear that found its way out of her eye.

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