Chapter 61 Coffee Conversation

Start from the beginning

I guess I will just have to talk to Anna. She knows Madisyn's style. I would ask Matt, but we all know he would be indecisive. If we don't want to tell the public I can get her smaller ring, so it isn't as noticeable. Or I can get her a bigger ring, and people say what they want.

And I don't even know her ring size. She told me the size of her middle finger on her right hand because my sister got them matching rings, but that isn't her ring finger. I know just where I can get the size. Luke Hemmings. He bought her the gold ring she has on now, so he should know. I could ask her dad or mom, but I don't want to give it away.

"No yet I have to ask Anna some questions about rings." I replied taking a sip of my coffee. It is almost gone, and once it is that will be my cue to go upstairs.

"Smart idea, when it comes to this kind of stuff Anna knows her best. They have been best friends forever."

I nodded my head in agreement, and drank the last bit of coffee. "Well Matthew have you and Kaylee thought about the future minus the moving in together?" I asked.

"Well Shawn not really. To be honest I haven't even really thought about anything else. I don't think we are ready for anything really big like you." I understand where he is coming from. I know Kaylee and him have been taking things really slow which is why I was surprised to hear they were moving in together.

"Do you remember that time at prom when Madisyn got in that fight with Amber," Matt laughed remembering the memories.

"Yeah that was funny. Who would of thought her hair was fake?" I laughed.

"Everyone, I remember being so pissed at her because I was so worried about all the hate she would get. It made me so nervous about the reaction, but it actually wasn't that bad. Most people were laughing their asses off about the situation."

I think it helped that Madisyn did the video telling the truth, so the video wouldn't just get leaked taking people by a surprise. People though it was funny watching Amber's weave get pulled out. There were so many memes made up.

"I'm glad Madisyn punched her. Amber deserved getting her ass beat," I breathed trying not to get angry.

"She is such a bitch," Matt faked laughed while shaking his head.

With everything she did to Madisyn she deserved more. I wasn't around Madisyn much last year, but with the little amount I was I got to witness Amber being a bitch. Especially thinking about the night I asked Madisyn to be my girl friend.

Who the fuck tells someone to attempt suicide? That was so outrageous! Especially after all the pain Amber and her friends put Madisyn through before that phone call.

I'm just glad we were able to help Madisyn through that part of her life. She was having such a hard time with everything, and I think with the help of her fans and us she got through it easily.

It's just hard when something impacts her life in a bad way because it can trigger her back into her depression. Like when Jenna passed away that worried everyone so much. She wouldn't leave her room, talk to anyone, or eat. Thankfully some how we helped her get through that.

"Shawn I'm calling it a night," Matt yawned rubbing his face with his hands.

I agree with him. It's time for me to get to sleep. Staying up this late with so little amount of sleep is going to screw with my energy.

"I agree with you," I laughed. Both of us put our cups into the dishwasher, and turned off all the lights. "Did you lock the doors?"

"I did before coffee time."

What really surprised me about tonight is that Matt and I were the only ones. Usually Hayes or Nash would be up to the break of dawn.

I stepped up the final stair, and walked towards the door. "Night Matt," I yawned before opening the door.

"Night Shawn."

I opened the door slowly, and stepped in trying to navigate with the little light I got from the window. I closed the door, and stepped around the luggage laying on the floor.

There she laid perfectly content laying in a peaceful slumber. Her body staying still with her hand up to her face.

I smiled, and quickly went to the bathroom the wash my teeth. Don't want to wake up with horrid morning breath.

Finally I'm able to sleep. I climbed into the blankets, and positioned myself to face Madisyn. As I moved she did to moving her body close to mine.

"You were up late," she said with her voice scratchy. Proof that she was sleeping.

"Were you sleeping?" I asked stroking her hair gently with my fingers.

"No I've been awake," she yawned.


"Yes I am. Good night Shawn."

"Good night princess." I laid a kiss on her head, and snuggled my head into her.

I love her so much.

Authors note: Ruin by the way is a great song, and I think everyone deserves to hear it, so I put the music video above.

Shawn is almost eighteen guys.. What are we going to do??!

I hope everyone had or is having a great day!

Stay beautiful

Peace xoxo

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