Começar do início

"Neethu! This is not my girlfriend. This is my mom Kalpana,"said Rithick.

"Stop! Stop! I'm not the fool to trust you Rithick," Neethu was happy to hear it but she can't believed it completely. Her heart was filled with pain by seeing this painting.

"Okay! Tell me. Why you can't trust me Neethu?" asked Rithick by twisting his lips.

"Still your parents are young?" questioned Neethu.

"Nope!" said Rithick

"Exactly, You are in the photo, I am very sure," said Neethu. Her words showed extreme pain and worry. Rithick enjoyed the arguments between them. He was in intense happiness to see Neethu fighting for him.

"I and my dad resemble the same. He looked exactly like me when he was young. This picture was drawn by my dad for his lovable wife, when he was in Love with her at the age of 25."

"Aww! Interesting.. Sorry Rithick for doubting you" said Neethu.

"I am happy Neethu! I won't mistake you, Don't worry," said Rithick.

"Thanks Rithick! You are so sweet," said Neethu.

"Where is your mom, Rithick?" questioned Neethu.

"She was very busy today. She went outside with my uncle and aunt. She will be here at midnight," replied him.

"Okay Rithick!"

It was about 8 p.m. They were together enjoying the moments by chatting, watching T.V. Riya get up from there and she walked towards the kitchen. Riya asked the servant to be free. She was interested to prepare the dinner for Neethu and her brothers. Riya was then followed by Neethu.

"Riya! I will help you for preparing dinner," said Neethu.

"Nope Anni! You are our sweet heart," said Riya.

"How you have called me just now,Riya?" questioned Neethu.

"Ah! Sorry. Just I remembered Rahul Anna's girlfriend. I am sorry for calling you as Anni," Riya tried to change the topic.

"Aww! again interesting. Rahul's girlfriend? Who is that lucky girl," asked Neethu.

"Nope! It's secret Neethu. Rahul anna will kill me if I revealed the secret better you ask him," said Riya.

Neethu laughed, "Okay Riya! I will ask him,"

After few minutes later,

"Neethu, let's all together have the dinner," said Riya. They all together had the dinner with great time.

Okay! It's time to arrange for birthday party" reminded Neethu.

"Yup!" Said them. Rithick showed the way to his mom's room. Neethu noticed a fish tank on the way. Many varieties of fishes were there. She found a fish which was struggling to swim.

"Hey Rithick! See this fish is struggling," Neethu showed to Rithick.

"Yup! I will bring another fish tank. Let's drop the fish there," said Rithick and he placed the new fish tank nearer to that. Then, He replaced the struggling fish to the new tank.

"Put some salt in the water Rithick so that the fish will be okay," said Neethu.

"Really?" questioned Rithick.

"Yeah! Of course Rithick,"

Neethu was happy now to watch the fish swimming peacefully without any struggles. She felt very happy for the fish.

Few minutes later, they started decorating the room

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Few minutes later, they started decorating the room. Rithick often gazed at Neethu. Neethu and Riya were busy in chatting.

"Rahul! I wondered how these girls could talk without stopping? They won't stop unless we do something," said Rithick, admiring Neethu and Riya.

"Of course Rithick! Two mouthy's were together. We can't do anything. Just wait patiently till they stopped,"

"Yup Rahul! We were in tension about how to manage the situation but Riya was very cool," said Rithick.

"Don't worry Rithick, let's face together," said Rahul.

Neethu and Riya were completed decorating the room. They decorated with lights, candles, balloon bouquets, flower bouquets etc. The room seemed to be like twinkling palace.

Neethu asked, "Rithick! How is it?"

"Awesome Neethu! The room seemed to be pretty good because of your presence in between the candle lights, rose petals etc etc," said Rithick.

"Neethu! I wish to tell you something," said Rithick. He was unable to hide his feelings for her.

"What? Tell me Rithick,"

"iiiiiii...iiiiiii...," he lengthened his words.

Neethu gazed at Rithick with fixed eyes.

"Tell me!" Said Neethu. Rithick stood speechless so she went out. She was busy in writing the name in the cake.

"I want this minute to be frozen. Will you please look into my eyes and read my heart?" said Rithick.

"I love you Neethu! I love you! I love you ! I love you! I love you!," Rithick screamed out.

Rahul waved his hands towards Rithick. Rithick was not as usual "Rithick! Are you okay. Cool down Rithick..Neethu was not here. Riya and Neethu went out before 15 minutes itself. What are you doing here?"

"Neethu driven me crazy. Her eyes are nearly killing me Rahul! She looked more beautiful. No words in my dictionary to explain about her attitudes, her behaviour etc etc" he listed out.

"Everything happens at right time. Be cool and normal Rithick," said Rahul.

The time was ticking very fastly, it was about 11.55 p.m. Rithick call his mom's on the phone. She was too busy so she couldn't attend his call. They were together waiting for her arrival.

"At once, when we hear the car sound, we should hide ourselves in her room by closing her door slightly," said Riya, excitedly.

"Aww! Superb Riya," said Neethu.

"Neethu! You should hide yourself till the moment we call you back," said Rithick to make Neethu understand the situation.

"Why? Why Rithick? I have to hide. No way, I will celebrate together with you all," said Neethu with innocent tone.

Rithick was searching for words,

"Neethu! Listen to me. You are the surprise/special to my mom. So you have to stand in front of her surprisingly," said Rithick.

"Yup! Sure Rithick," said Neethu.

Few minutes later, Rithick's phone showed an message alert from his mom.

I will be there within half an hour. Please, don't wait for me my dear son. Have a sound sleep. Good night. Take care.


Hello Friends,

I feel happy to write this chapter.
Have you enjoyed?

How is the paintings scene between Rithick and Neethu?

Did Rahul have girlfriend? If yes! Where is she?

How is Rithick's dream of Proposal?

Really, I am thankful to all the friends who are supporting me by their votes and comments. I am excited to see your comments, it encourages me a lot. I welcome all the new reader Friends, Thanks for your support. Keep on supporting.

The next update will be most probably on or after 13-06-2016 because I will be busy next week.


Her Savior💞Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora