Part 29

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Part Twenty Nine

It's been 4 months since we've been in America. Jackson had his funeral and it was definitely the send off he deserved. As Aston promised, he went with me to visit my mum. He was so sweet. He didn't sit with me to speak to her, he sat a few feet away on one of the benches. It was only when I called him over that he actually came and sat with me. And I respected him loads for that. He was very supportive and so nice about it all.

Also, he came with me to Jackson's funeral which he comforted me throughout. He was literally the most perfect definition of a best friend anyone could ever have. Before we left, my dad thanked Aston massively for 'looking after me' as he put it. But I have to admit, he did a good job looking after me.

Work is massively busy right now as I've been promoted to Events Organiser. It's so much work! I love it don't get me wrong but it's the fact that I hardly get to see my daughter anymore. She's either at school or across the hall with Aston. But that's mainly on the weekends. I either have to drop her off at his house or Aston would pick her up in the morning and take her to the studio or with him to a TV interview.

The first few times it happened I fought against it because I thought it was putting him out of his way but Aston insisted it was fine and she's no problem plus there'd be someone with her at all times. Aston was off work today so as it was Saturday, he decided to come over to my flat so that Lexi could stay in bed instead of me waking her up.

"I'd love to see you have a day off." Aston chuckled, sitting on my couch.

"I would too." I laughed as I put my remaining things into my bag.

"You think it's gonna calm down anytime soon?" He asked, as I zipped my bag up.

"What do you mean?" I frowned, checking my phone for the time.

"I mean, you're rushed off your bloody feet! I have more days off than you and I'm in a band for gods sake. You hardly see Lexi now as well, surely it's got to calm down soon."

"I dunno, it might do. But it doesn't matter anyway, if I didn't take the promotion then I would've been fired and had to move back home." I sighed.

"That's not the case and you know it," Aston sighed, getting up off the couch and coming over to me.

"You could always come stay with me, no matter what my door is always going to be open for you, and Lexi. If you don't want this promotion then quit, I know you took it because of your mum but she's gone babe. You've done your part now, you don't owe them anything. If you're not happy with it then quit, I know for a fact your mum wouldn't like it if you kept doing this job but didn't like it."

"It's not that simple though Ast." I said, putting my phone in my pocket.

"Why? What part of that is so difficult?" He frowned.

"I can't just drop everything because I'm unhappy with it! I need to do this!"

"Babe you don't! Your mum died 3 years ago, you've done all you can, doing this isn't going to bring her back!" He shouted, before his face dropped as he realised what he said.

"Jess I didn't-"

"Save it." I spat before running into the bathroom and locking the door behind me.

How could he even say that?

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