chapter 97

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We keep talking about our days and when I'm talking about the show, she ends up falling asleep. I lay down on my bed with my laptop next to me and I watch her sleep as I drift off into my own dreamland.

I'm woken up to the sound of my own voice once again and I temporarily forget that I am not in our bed at home, but still connected through Skype, in a hotel five time zones away.

"Oh shit!" Sarah screeches through the laptop.

"What's wrong babydoll?" I ask, opening my eyes and looking at her on the screen.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep on you. Or to wake you up either! I'm sorry."

"Are you kidding me? I loved it! It almost felt like I was back home in our bed with you. I really liked it."

"I did too. I just feel bad for falling asleep on you."

"I'm glad you did!" I wink at her, making her smile. "Can we make another sleep date? Tonight maybe?" I ask. There's her truest smile I love! Finally!

"It's a date!" she answers. Yes!


A sleep date? I like that. It's cute. A bit cheesy, but cheesy is Mikey's version of romantic, and I love it!

"Can you take the laptop into the bathroom with you so I can watch you shower?" he asks me when I return from waking up Casey.

"Mikey!!!" I squeal. What a horndog! He laughs and shrugs. He's still lying in his bed in the hotel, but he's awake and watching my every move.

"I could take mine in the bathroom, too. It'd be almost like we're showering together." Oh! Thats a cool idea actually!

"I like that. But not on a day I have to rush and get everyone ready to go. But I'll leave it on while I hop in the shower." He's pouting his pout that I can rarely ever turn down, but then I hear Ashton coming out of their shower, then see him in the background. All of him.

"Do you guys ever wear clothes in the hotel rooms?" I laugh, making Michael turn his head and nod to Ash.

"Oh. Hi Sarah. I didn't realize Mike was still on the call with you. Good morning."

"Get dressed Ashton. My kids are waking up!"

"And Grace hasn't seen the Rolling Stone cover?" he asks me. He is so proud of that cover.

"Well yeah, but still! That was photoshopped anyway! Just get dressed!" I laugh. "I've got to hop in the shower. I'll be right back babe," I tell Michael and go into the bathroom.

I come out 15 minutes later with a towel wrapped around me. You never know who could be in their hotel room by now. And it's a good thing I did.

"Hi Sarah!" Calum says through the laptop.

"Hi - Oh. Uh, hi Sarah." Luke stutters out.

"Hi Cal. Hi Luke. And Lukey?" He finally makes eye contact with me. "Quit trying to act all innocent around me. I know better!" He chuckles.

"Would you prefer me to be ogling at the sight of you in nothing but a towel?" he asks with a smirk.

"Well, no, but -"

"Okay then. Shut up and get dressed. Mike will be out of the shower soon."

"I hate you Luke!" I call out from the other side of the bed as I get dressed.

"Love you too Sarah!" God, what am I going to do with these idiots?

After I'm dressed, I come back around to see Cal and Luke smirking. Oh god, what now?


"Nothing nothing." Just then Mikey's naked body steps out of the bathroom behind them. I won't lie. I still can't get enough of the sight. And I don't ever want to.


When I step out of the bathroom, Luke and Calum are talking to Sarah, who's fully dressed and staring at me hungrily. Don't make me have to go back in the shower again Sarah! I had to take care of myself in the shower as it is. Just the thought of her naked in the shower... Oh fuck. Down boy! Not again! Even with an ocean between us, she still does this to me!

I quickly get dressed then kick Calum and Luke off my bed so I can finish talking to Sarah before she has to go.

It goes by too quickly, and we all say hi and bye to the kids then she has to sign off to drive to work.

We get ready and go in for rehearsals and soundcheck, then chill out backstage. Same routine, different day. I'm just counting down the days until I can hold her in my arms again. But isn't this what I need to be working on? Making it so my life doesn't revolve around her, but around making myself happy. But she's what makes me happy. This is so confusing.

After the show, we get on the bus for the next city. We play a few rounds of FIFA and calm down for the rush of the show, then I take my laptop into my bunk and Skype Sarah. One thing that I love is that she never expects me to call, and I never expect her to answer. If we connect, then awesome, but if we don't, it's not the end of the world. She has a life over there, just like I have one here.

She doesn't answer the call request, but a couple minutes later, she calls me back. By the towel on her head, I can tell she was in the shower. Damn, I missed it again! Her bruising is looking better and she's moving around better. "Another shower?" I ask. She usually doesn't shower twice in one day.

"A bubble bath. I needed to destress after talking to James this morning." Right. I'm so stupid.

"How'd it go?" I ask her. She's a lot more nervous about the disclosure than I am, but I can see why. We started our relationship while she was still married, afterall.

"Okay, I guess," she shrugs. "I explained about how we met, and the list, and everything. I kept Ash out of it, but told him everything else. It was really awkward, but he was really professional about it. He said that how we began is irrelevant to the case. The first that Damien knew anything about us was when we took the kids out to Australia, courtesy of Jayden. That's actually how he found me." Fucking Jayden! He just keeps giving me more and more reasons to despise him.

We talk more about our days, I tell her about the show, and like last night, she drifts off to sleep, and I do the same.


I really like these "sleep dates". It makes it easier to sleep when I fall asleep to his voice, and see his face when I wake up, even if it is on a screen.

"What the fuck dude?" Calum yells in the background. Michael laughs before telling me I might want to shut off my alarm. "Her alarm is you singing?" Cal asks him, "Damn she's whipped!"

"HEY!" I yell to Calum. "This has been my alarm since Sounds Good Feels Good came out, alright?! So zip it!" Michael and I both start to laugh. God I miss them, all four of them.

The next eight days fly by and before I know it, they're flying back home. The past ten days have been good for me. I've recovered quite well, my ribs still hurt but that's to be expected. That'll take months to heal. All the bruising is pretty much gone and I'm back to looking like my normal self again. Unfortunately, I can't go meet Mikey at the airport because of work, but he's going to come straight to the office, and at least James let me take half a day, so we'll head home once he gets here.


This plane can't land fast enough. I absolutely love touring, but I just really can't wait to see Sarah again. I'm sure that fans figured out I'm going to DC after I didn't get off in LA with the band, which is why Dave flew out here with me. Well, that and he wanted to check in on Sarah since technically she's still in his care. Since I have Dave with me, I go out the normal way and say hi to the small group of fans that are waiting. I can't keep blowing them off, but I explain to them that I can't come out without Dave, and they're really understanding. We finally get out of the airport and grab a cab. Dave is really uncomfortable with it, security-wise, but since we're just going to the label, he relaxes a bit. Finally we arrive at Hi or Hey Records and go upstairs. Finally I get to see her again!

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