chapter 86

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We finish the show, and I lead Sarah backstage into the dressing room then run back out for the encore. Once we finish, I make my way back to the dressing room and immediately take her into my arms, pressing my lips to hers.

"Oh god, here we go again!" Ashton whines sarcastically when they come in a minute later.

"Ashton!" Sarah runs over to him, hugging him tight, then doing the same to Calum and Luke. "I've missed you guys so much!"

"We've missed you too," Luke says. "So really, what are you doing here?"

"There was a problem with the contract for Leeds. I flew out to get it straightened out."

"And James couldn't do it via email?" Calum asks. She looks to Ashton, then me.

"Uh, there was a little complication," she says. "Nothing major. Just more preventative."

"Damien," Ashton and I say together. She nods and Luke and Calum look confused.

She briefly explains who Damien is is that he came to DC to find her.

"So what happened babydoll?" I ask, "And where are the kids?" I miss those little shits!

"He was waiting outside the office yesterday. I agreed to go to lunch, to see what he wanted." She trails off and I know by her reaction that she doesn't want to tell me. But she promised, and she upholds it.

"Which is me. He wants me back again. I practically laughed in his face. I told him I have a boyfriend who I'm madly in love with, and everything else. He walked away saying he has his ways to get what he wants. When I got back to the office, he was in there talking to James. I don't know what exactly he said, but James didn't give him what he wanted, but it did worry him. So he sent me out here to finish off the Leeds contract. The kids are all at friends. We didn't want the kids anywhere near the house."

God damn it! And I'm stuck out here for three weeks!

"But Leeds isn't until Friday!" Ashton chimes in.

"I know!" she says with a smile. You mean I get her all week? I can't contain my excitement. I press my lips to hers and she smiles into the kiss.

"Um, guys? Can you wait til we get to the hotel? I mean, sure, I've been in the same room as you having sex before," Calum interrupts, "But I was, too. Ness isn't here so I'd rather not witness it again!"

"Oh my god, Cal," Sarah starts laughing. "Mikey and I were in the chair, and Grace was on the couch right where your dick was hanging out that morning. It took everything I had not to bust out laughing and blurt something out!"

"I don't wanna know!" Luke says, making us all laugh. "That was good, though Sarah, on stage I mean! You had the whole crowd laughing!"

She shrugs and says, "How boring would it be if I said I was out here for work? I knew some of them were quite upset. I had to do something!" Damn I love this woman!


"I'm sure it's all over twitter by now," Ashton says with a smile. He opens his phone, along with the rest of them, so I do as well. I find a decent video of it and send it to Grace, Mason and Casey, as well as Karen. Grace loves it, and Karen is now texting me with how much he hates me, with big smiley faces.

Once they're all done tweeting about the show, and ignoring any tweets dealing with me, they close out their phones and head for the showers. While they're showering, I look through my notifications and I love the support I'm seeing. I choose to ignore anything else. I've already accepted that not everyone will like me, and I'm okay with that. The only thing that truly matters is that my kids are happy for me, they like him, and he loves me. I answer a few tweets about me and Luke, oops I didn't think about that. I make sure I'm clear that I am only with Michael and that Luke and I are just friends. I answer one question about if Luke is really why I'm here and tell her I'm here for work, but that wouldn't have been as fun to hear onstage.

Michael comes up behind me and kisses my head, making me jump. I didn't hear him come out.

"How's twitter treatin ya?" he asks, genuinely concerned.

"Pretty good, actually. A lot of people loved it. There were a few questions about Luke and I but I cleared that up. Overall, I'm happy with it!" I answer him as he comes around the couch to sit next to me.

"Good, now let's put this away," he puts my phone on the coffee table in front of me, "and have a proper greeting!" He presses his lips to mine and my insides come alive. Even after five months, he still has the same effect on me, and I love it. My arms wrap around his neck and he pulls me in closer, deepening our kiss. God I can't wait to get back to the hotel.

"How long til we can go?" I mumble into his lips.

"Midnight, unless you're going to lose your glass slipper."

"If it means getting you alone, then that's past my curfew. I think I need to go back now," I tell him. God I just want to be alone with him. No parents, no kids, just us.

"Not here, you two. You can wait another hour!" Luke says as he comes out of the shower. I groan and pull away from Michael reluctantly.

I end up sitting in his lap as the others join us on the couch, freshly showered and smelling freaking amazing.

"So when did you actually get here? You weren't there for the entire show!" Calum asks.

"Right before you saw me and winked. The girl next to me was certain you were winking at her, by the way!" I laugh. "Boy was she pissed when Mikey pulled me up on stage! If looks could kill, even a cat would be dead!" We all laugh and then I spend time catching up with the other three, my fingers playing with Michael's the entire time. It's so awesome to get to hang out with all four of them again.

The door opens and a familiar face walk in, earning me a big smile.

"Sarah! It's so good to see you! Now Michael here won't be so mopey!"

"I'm not mopey," he whines.

"You're definitely mopey!" Calum retorts.

"Hi Dave. It's good to see you, too!" I laugh. Has it really been two months since I've seen any of them, outside of Michael of course?

"It's time to go," Dave says. "Sarah, do you have a hotel you need us to take you to?" I let him know that James got me in the same hotel and my bags are already in my room, in which he just nods and ushers us out to the waiting SUV.

"There were a few fans outside the hotel when I got in," I let him know. He nods and radios ahead to the hotel as we make the short drive over.

"There's about 25 or 30 of them outside. Do you guys want to go in front or back?" Dave asks. Michael looks at me to answer, and I tell him that I can handle it, but it's their fans, they need to decide.

They tell Dave to pull up front and a minute later, we're pulling up. The crowd's grown a little, but they are all really calm when we step out. It's a bit loud, with 30 or so teenage girls, but they stay reasonably calm. All four of the guys greet everyone and take pictures with them, a few even get pictures with me or with Michael and I. All in all it takes about 20 minutes and then they say goodbye and we walk inside.

"That's how I like our fans to be." Ashton says with a smile. His love for the band and the fans is something I've never seen from a band member before. He truly loves the fans.

I'm on a different floor than the rest of them, so when the elevator doors open, I pull Mikey out with me and wave goodnight to the guys. As soon as the elevator doors close, we're literally running down the hall to my room, laughing as we go because of how ridiculous we look. We get to my room and I open the door quickly, pulling him inside.

As soon as the door closes, our shirts are off and are lips are pressed together, moving in synch with each other. I feel like I'm in heaven and I don't want to leave, ever.

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