chapter 25

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"So when do you guys head back to LA?" Sarah asks once we're back on the couch.

"Friday," Ashton answers. I didn't even know. I can never keep up with our schedule. I just wait until I'm told what we're doing.

"WHAT? The day I fly home? What the fuck are you guys doing here then? Go home! Spend time with your families. Oh my God, I can't believe I've taken you guys away from your families for your entire break! Get the fuck out of here!" Ashton just laughs.

"Relax Sarah! It's fine! We're coming back in a month for Christmas. We just have the release then Jingle Ball, then we're back here. Our families are fine with it, or else we wouldn't be here!" Jingle Ball! I forgot about that.

"Are you going to any Jingle Ball shows, Sarah?" I ask her. Any chance to see her after she leaves, I'll take.

"No, unfortunately. You guys are the only ones I care to see, and Rob finds it stupid to pay that much money for three or four songs, when I've seen you guys perform three times already. Plus I have no one to go with. He won't let me go by myself, especially downtown DC." DC. After all this time, I never found out where she actually lived.

"But I was planning on stalking you guys at the airport beforehand!" she chuckles. You have the day off before the DC show, so I was originally planning on trying to find your hotel!" She knows my schedule better than I do! She sounds like such a fan right now. I keep forgetting that she is!

"You don't need to stalk us anymore Sarah! You can just shoot us a text!" Ashton giggles in response. That makes Sarah laugh.

"It still seems surreal. I mean, I've gotten used to it here, but the thought of going home and still having this connection with you guys... It doesn't seem possible!"

"Even in the states, we're still just us. Just busier." Luke adds.

"I know. It's just hard to explain. Real life doesn't usually merge with situations like this. But seriously, you guys go home and I'll see you at the airport on Friday. Okay? I'm taking advantage of my mom status here and ordering you to go home and see your families. Got it?"

"Yes mum," Luke says with a snicker. Smartass.

Ashton and Luke get up to leave but Calum and I stay where we're seated. "You too!" she says to us both.

"I'm here with Ness, I'm staying." Calum snaps back at her. Always the defiant one!

"What about you, Mikey? You've hardly seen your folks since we've been here!" I shrug my shoulders.

"It's all good. They know I'm here with you."

"You.. you've told them about me? You realize how horrible I probably sound to them? I'm like, their age. They probably think I'm some child molester or something. Oh my God." She's freaking out now. I probably shouldn't have told her that, but I'm trying to be totally open and honest with her.

"Relax, Sarah. They may not understand, but they don't judge. It's fine. Now can we get back to Jingle Ball? When exactly is that show and when do we fly in? Since you seem to know our schedule better than I do?"

"I really do sound pathetic, don't I?" she laughs. "Jingle Ball is December 14th. You're off December 13th."

"So I can see you again in a month?" I like that idea!

"I guess so!" she says with a smile.

Ashton and Luke say goodbye as soon as Dave arrives and leave just the four of us.

"Another round of shots?" Calum asks.

"I'll never turn down Fireball! Let's go!" Sarah says, jumping off the couch. We follow her to the kitchen and wind up doing several rounds, finishing off the bottle.

"I'm really going to regret this tomorrow!" she says laughing. She's starting to get giggly, which is really cute. It's definitely starting to kick in.

"We need music!" Ness says loudly. It's kicking in for all of us now. Calum's getting very touchy feely and doesn't care who sees it. Ness goes and turns on some rock radio, and Sarah and her start dancing in the living room.

"Mikey, come dance with me!" Sarah pouts. Damn I have no power over my actions when she looks at me that way. I make Calum come with me as I join Sarah in the living room. I can't dance, and I would be perfectly fine just watching her sway her hips, but she doesn't let me. She pulls us close together as she starts to move to the music, rubbing her body against my own. I can't control myself when she's like this, but nobody seems to mind. Calum and Ness are in their own world, as his hands are out of sight under her clothing. Fuck it.

I pull Sarah in closer to me and pull her/my shirt up to her waist and slide both of my hands in her shorts onto her ass and I squeeze it. She seems to enjoy it because she starts moving more, rubbing against my now growing bulge. I glance over and see Calum hovering over Ness on the couch with his shirt off. They're preoccupied for awhile. I connect my lips to her neck, growling as she keeps rubbing on me. Her hands start to rub my arms, down, down, to my hips, under my shirt, across my stomach. Her touch gives me goosebumps despite the growing heat between us. I yank her shorts down, and she steps out of them as I'm on my knees in front of her. I put my head under her shirt and place my lips to her sheer lace panties. Her moan let's me know that she can feel it through them. I put my hands back onto her ass and pull her into me further before bringing those beautiful panties to her knees. I reconnect my lips to her and begin to lick her slowly and gently. I want to watch her squirm under my touch. It's the most beautiful sight in the world. I insert my finger as I continue to lick and tease her. Her fingers are running through my hair and she gasps quietly when I begin to suck on the most sensitive area. Her fingers tighten their grasp on my hair and I move my fingers a little faster. Not by much, just enough to keep it going. Finally she begins to squirm and I let my tongue take over, faster and harder than before. Within minutes she releases and somehow managed to keep quiet while doing so. I help her to step out of her panties before standing back up in front of her.

"Mike!" Calum says, and I wearily turn towards him, careful to only look at his face. He tosses me a condom, then turns his attention back to the half naked Ness underneath him.

I turn back to Sarah and she grabs a handful of my shirt in each hand, pulling me towards her, connecting her perfect lips to mine. She turns us and walks me backwards to the oversized chair in the corner until the back of my legs hit it. She reaches between us and unbuttons my jeans, never once losing contact with my lips. I finally have to pull back to remove my jeans and she quickly removes my boxers before pushing me backwards onto the chair. As soon as I have the condom on, she is straddling me and lowering herself onto me.

My hands roam up her shirt as she rides my cock and once I unclasp her bra, her breasts are in my hands. She rides herself through her release, and then continues, bringing me to my own. She stands up, allowing me to remove the condom, then sits back down on my stomach, just above where she was just at and leans forward, placing her head on my chest. My eyes get heavy as I rub her back through her shirt and I drift off to sleep.


The next thing I know, the sun is shining into my eyes through the patio door and my head's about to explode. I'm curled up on Michael in the chair with his stuff hanging out everywhere. I glance over to the couch and see Calum hanging everywhere, too, with Ness naked on her lower half as well. Yeah, I've seen the Snapchat, but up close and in person? Okay, I find it odd, and cool, to say I've now seen 3/4 of 5sos' dicks personally.

I turn back to Michael and he has a smirk on his face. Shit. Busted! I know I'm turning red, especially when he asks, "Better than digital?" God damn smartass!

"The real thing is always better than an image." I chuckle then bury my face into the crook of his neck.

"Why thank you Sarah! Now we just need Luke and you'll have seen us all!" Calum says while laughing. Now I know I'm going to die of embarrassment. I bury my face deeper into Michael and he starts to laugh.

"This is why you feel like a groupie?" he asks. I nod my head and Calum laughs harder.

"Sarah, you are no where close to being a groupie. So don't even go there," he tells me. I guess it just depends on your definition of groupie.

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