Chapter 13.

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"When you two were little!" God I feel old now. Ugh. They both look really curious.

"I was in Singapore with them! Oh my god - they were snorting tequila! Literally! That was a crazy day and even crazier night, let me tell ya!" I can't but help but laugh. They were such idiots! Is it an Aussie thing? This thought makes me laugh harder and they really look confused.

"I'm a military vet," I explain. "Ex-Navy." I don't know how they feel about that, but I don't care. I keep walking, checking out the museum.

The ocean, even just a bay or harbor, is so relaxing. I miss being out on the water sometimes. There's something calming and serene about it. It's like no matter what problems you may be going through disappear into the waves. Being able to watch the sunrise and sunset on the same day, and see the milky way at night is just amazing.


"Yeah?" They looking to me for answer to a question I never heard. I was too lost in thought. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I was asking if you were hungry," Mikey answers first. Oops.

"Oh, sorry. I was zoning out. But yeah, I am hungry, actually."

We leave the museum and walk over to the Hard Rock Cafe. Of course! We get a private table in the corner, and order our food.

"So what were you zoning off about?" Mikey asks. He always wants to know what I'm thinking.

"Just about the ocean. How I miss being out there. The calm serenity. It's the most peaceful relaxing place on the planet. All your troubles just disappear."

After dinner, we walk around the harbor, looking at the street art until the sun sets. They drive me back to Ness' apartment, and come upstairs where we watch movies until 3am when I fall asleep with my head in Michael's lap.


It was a really peaceful day today. I learned a lot about her that I never would've imagined. Like she was military. That's quite surprising really, but it definitely makes her love of the water and the ships makes sense.

I look up at Ashton when she falls asleep in my lap. Why does he look so uncomfortable? He didn't realize I saw him staring at her just now. What's his deal? It's probably the fact that I'm getting so close to her, a fan.


What is it about Sarah that's peaked my interest? I try to remind myself that she's a fan. And around my mums age. When she told us about Grace, that's what started my intrigue. She started listening to us strictly to connect with her daughter. I just thought that was really cool. Like something I would do for Lauren.

The other night at the club, though. Dang. I can't deny that she turned me on. I have to give Mike credit. He didn't allow the same prejudices that I had to get in his head. There's something about her that makes her different. She's obviously a fan, and quite obsessed at that, but she doesn't let that interfere with her reality. She actually sees us as people, not just as 5SOS. Michael's smarter than I give him credit for. He's quite lucky to have her in his lap right now. Oh shit. What is this? Ash? No.

"Hey Ash?" Mikey interrupts my train of thought, thankfully. "Yeah?"

"Can you help me get her into bed? I can't really pick her up like this."

"Oh yeah, sure." I get up off the chair and carefully pick her up. Damn she's light. Does this girl eat? Not much, from what I recall of the last few days. I carry her into her room and Michael pulls the sheets back for me to lie her down. After I do, he climbs in next to her. I feel like such a fifth wheel. I'll just call Dave to come get me. But when I pull out my phone, Mike asks me what I'm doing.

"Dude, leave Dave alone. It's 3 in the morning. Just climb in. She's asleep, she's not going to care." I'm definitely not going to complain. I take off my shirt and jeans and climb in behind Michael against the wall. I'm asleep in no time.


When I wake up in the morning, I am quite amused. I can't resist the urge to take a picture. Michael is curled up with Ashton and it reminds me of the fetus days. It's so cute! I snap a couple pictures, and I guess the sound wakes up Ashton.

"Awwww look at Mashton!" I say laughing.

"He's mine, hands off!" Ashton jokes, hugging Michael tighter. I get another picture and he asks me to send it to him. He wants to post it on twitter. I don't want the attention, so I have him put his number in my phone and I send him the pics I took. He gets out of the bed and my eyes wander across his near naked body. I quickly look away before he notices and he gets his phone from his jeans on the floor. He pulls up the picture then posts it to twitter and I laugh when I look at it.

"Hey Ash?" he looks up with a smile. "Thank you for not mentioning me. That would get me a lot of hate."

"I know. That's why I didn't. I love our fans, but they have a tendency to read into everything we do and overreact." I start laughing at that. It causes Michael to stir, waking him up.

"That's an understatement! Overreact is a nice way to put it! Drives me insane!"

"What are you two talking about?" Michael asks.

"Proof that Mashton is real!" I start laughing again, especially when he looks at me confused. "Check your twitter!" He grabs his phone from his jeans and starts laughing too.

"You...are sneaky!" he says, pulling me in for a quick kiss. I can hear Ashton shifting uncomfortably behind Michael and I glance over at him. Damn could he please put his pants back on! This isn't fair.

"So any plans for today?" I ask as I get a text from Grace.

-To Mom
Did u see Ash's picture? Omg I'm crying!
-To Grace
Who do you think took it?
-To Mom
-To Mom
Wait what?
-To Grace

I send her the ones Ashton didn't post

-To Mom
I hate you so much!

I laugh as I close my phone, then look back up. Ashton and Michael look amused. "Grace likes the picture!" I tell them."So, what are we doing today?"

"Beach?" Michael suggests. "You really enjoyed the harbor, so why not go to the beach today?" Awwww that's so sweet.

"You'll never hear me turn that down!" Ashton starts typing on his phone.

"Luke and Cal will be here in about 45 minutes. I'll go tell Ness." he says, shutting the door behind him. Thankfully, they both put their jeans back on while I was texting with Grace.

"I had ulterior motives though," Michael whispers in my ear. I swear he knows what that does to me! "I love to see you in a bikini!" Oh shit fuck damn. He keeps this up, we aren't going anywhere!

I change into my bikini, throwing my sundress over top again, and we go out to the kitchen, making myself my morning coffee.

After Luke and Calum arrive, Ashton and Michael get changed and we all leave for the beach.

"I need a car," Calum says as we walk across the parking lot to the beach.

"What kind would you get?" I ask. I'm used to this conversation with Mason. Cars is the only thing he ever talks about!

"I don't know, something cool! Oooo like this!" he says as we pass a Mazda MX5.

"They hug the road on turns, but it's really uncomfortable to have sex in!" Oh shit. I slap my hand across my mouth. Did I really just say that? All four guys start laughing and I feel myself blushing.

"Speaking from experience?!" Ashton asks. He has a look on his face that I can't quite place.

"Uh, yeah. Back then it was the Miata but same car. And he's wasn't even as tall as you." I shrug. I need to stop embarrassing myself around these guys.

"What cars are good for sex?" Michael asks quietly, a smug look on his face.

"Any with a backseat? Pickups aren't the most comfortable, but better than the Miata!" Why am I blabbering so much, goodness gracious!


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