Chapter 50

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"Oh my god Sarah, that was so good. And I could live off that mint lemonade!" I tell her as we leave the restaurant.

"Yeah Grace and I are hooked on it!" she giggles. "Hey, since we're here, do you mind if I stop in at the photo store real quick? I want to see what new lenses they've gotten in." Sarah and her photography. I have yet to see any of her pictures yet either.

"Of course not, let's go check it out!" I tell her. We walk down and enter the store that is way too small for all the things they have. The makeshift aisles are barely wide enough for a person to fit through, but luckily she knows exactly what she's looking for and where to find it. Thank god I'm not claustrophobic or I'd be dying right now. I follow her to a display case in the very back full of camera lenses.

The way her eyes light up when she looks at the lenses reminds me of Calum and I when we go to Guitar Center. This is her passion.

"Hi, what can I help you find today?" an older guy says from the other side of the case.

"I'm looking for a 50mm fixed 1.8 for Canon T3?" she asks. All gibberish to me, but the guy reaches into the case pulling out a small lens, setting it on the counter.

"It's been thoroughly cleaned and is guaranteed like new. $170." She inspects it carefully before nodding her head.

"Okay. Um, can you put a 24 hour hold on it for me?" The guy nods and gives her a sheet of paper that she writes her name and phone number on. "Thanks!" she says as her eyes drift across the other lenses. Her eyes start to gloss over as she walks quickly out the door.

"Sarah? What's wrong¿" I ask her.

"I couldn't afford a new lens even when Rob was working. I'm never going to be able to afford one now!"

"Why'd you put one on hold, then?" I'm so confused.

"That's for Grace. Her birthday is on Friday. She's dying for that lens but I've had to wait for them to get a used one in. I'm talking for myself. It's such an endless battle, why do I bother?" I don't think she's talking about camera lenses right now, but I'm clueless what she's talking about.

"What do you mean Sarah? What is?"

"Nothing. Never mind. I just... Never give up, right?"

"Sarah?" I take her hand and stop her. "What are you talking about?"

"I can't get a press pass to photograph what I want without a portfolio, but I can't get a portfolio without the chance to photograph. How do you ever get a chance?" Ahhh now I get it.

We get back in her car and drive home in silence.


We get home and I start cleaning up as soon as we walk inside. It's easier to keep myself busy than to think about the future. But I need to do it. Tomorrow I will start working on my nonexistent résumé and see what I can find. I really want to get Grace that lens, but I don't know if I can afford the $170 right now.

"Everything will work out, Sarah," Mikey says after watching me for a few minutes.

"I hope you're right." I wrap my arms around him, hugging him and wishing I could stay like this forever.

Michael helps me straighten up and then we curl up on the couch and turn on the TV. Casey comes home soon after and greets us before sitting down to do homework. He's definitely the easiest of the three and before I know it, his homework's done and he retreats to his room for Minecraft.

The other two get home shortly after and Michael and I still haven't moved from the couch.

When they get home, they start talking about school, until Grace starts to flip out.

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