Chapter 12.

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I'm sore and exhausted. Both from the club and from last night, but I definitely am not complaining.

"Cal and I are headed home for the day. Give you and Ness some time together. I need to spend some time with my mum.

"Oh yeah, absolutely! I understand that totally." I do, he's spent two full days with me instead of his family.

"We all definitely want to hang out more, we just need to spend time with our families."

"Mikey, I understand, really! These past two days have been... more than I ever could've imagined!"

"I'll be seeing you again soon, okay?" Are you serious? Wow! "Okay."

After Calum and Michael leave, Ness and I plop down on the couch and just look at each other, smiling. Finally, I squeal. "Oh my god!" The past two days are finally sinking in and I'm freaking out!

"Okay girl, we're going to take today and you're going to give me a crash course in 5SOS!" Ness tells me. No arguments there! They're my life, seriously!

I connect my phone to her Bluetooth speakers in the living room and start with Sounds Good Feels Good. Of course she can pick out Calum's voice, and I point out Luke's and the abundance of Michael's, as well as Ashton's. After we listen to it, I bring up videos and twitcams from fetus days and we laugh together at their idiocy.

"Some things haven't changed, have they?" she asks.


I show her the videos they've made, tell her about Michael's antics, show her Ashton's drumming faces, anything I could think of, including Calum's leaked Snapchat photo. As we made dinner, I played their first album. I showed her clips from their concerts while we ate, and she was impressed with their talent and stage presence.

"So summarize" she knows me too well, "Why Michael and Ashton?" she asks.

"Have you SEEN Ashton?!"

"Okay, I gotcha there."

"But it's more than just his looks. Like I explained about Grace, his tweets are so inspirational, so positive. And I swear they always seem to be just at the right time!. And his laugh, oh my god. That alone puts a smile on my face, regardless of how shitty of a day I've had."

"Okay, so why Michael?"

"They're all hot, that's a given. But my biggest turn on with guys is their sense of humor."

"That explains everything right there!" she laughs.

"His singing voice is what first hooked me though." I melted the first time I heard him sing solo, and I still do! "He makes me smile. He makes me laugh..." I could go on for an hour if I wanted to!

I miss them. How sad is this?


Instead of calling Rob, I just text with him briefly, avoiding the topic of Michael. Not because of guilt or anything like that. Mikey and Ash are freebies, but because I don't want him to say no more! I'm enjoying myself way too much! And I still have a week and a half!

Around 9:00 Ness and I both decide to call it a night. We both have been up really late the past two nights.

I'm woken up the next day in a way I haven't had to deal with in ten years - by two guys bouncing on my bed. Seriously? How old are they?

"Mikey? Ash? What are you doing?"

"What's it look like we're doing? We're trying to wake you up! Sleepyhead! It's noon! Wake up already!" Seriously, Michael reminds me of Mason on a Christmas morning when he was like five!

Fan MomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora