chapter 81

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"So who all is going to be here today?" I ask Sarah as we pull into her parents driveway.

"Everyone that was at my uncle's for Christmas. Plus my cousin Kim and her family. Her little boys are adorable!"

I just nod. At least we don't have to explain our story again. But now that things have changed... "Are we going to tell them? About us?" I ask her.

"Absolutely!" she says excitedly. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Thank fuck. I'm so glad she wants to tell everyone about me, as much as I want the world to know about her!

"Sarah!" her uncle says as we walk in the door, giving her a hug and a kiss hello. The two of them are really close, and it's really cool to see. "And Michael! I didn't know you were coming too! Good to see you again man! How's the band?"

"Going really well. We actually are leaving next week for the second leg of our tour in the UK and Ireland." I can feel the sadness in Sarah's grip on my hand and it's painful, emotionally, but we both know it's good for us right now.

"Dude, that's awesome! Congrats! How's this going to work?" he asks, motioning to our joined hands. Here it begins.

"He's going to be gone for three weeks, well four really because he leaves for LA tomorrow, but then he'll be back for a few weeks before hitting the rest of Europe." Sarah answers for me. She knows my schedule better than I do!

"You know a lot about his schedule, don't you?" he smirks at her.

"Well, yeah. He's my boyfriend after all! Plus it's part of my job!" She goes on to tell her about her job at the label and I just listen to the excitement in her voice. I love that I can make her this happy.

We end up having the same conversation over and over with different family members and before I know it, it's time to say goodbye.

The day went surprisingly well, and everyone seemed genuinely happy for us. Matt and Jamey both warned me not to hurt their sister, which I expected to hear. After what I saw at Christmas, I don't have a doubt in my mind that they would do anything to protect her. And Matt's the same size as me, so yeah. Kinda intimidating. But I know it's because they love her, and I have no intentions of hurting her.

"Oh Sarah! Guess who looked me up at work this week?" her mum asks.

"Do I want to know?"

"Probably not. The ghosts of your past are coming out of the woodwork now that you're apparently all over social media."

Sarah groans and asks, "Psycho?" Her mum nods. "Ugh. Don't tell him anything. Just let me know if he harasses you. I'll give James a heads up in case he starts shit again."

"Just be careful Sarah," she says, hugging her goodbye. I wait until we're in the car and out of the driveway to ask her about "Psycho". I don't like the sounds if this, and I'm going to be in the UK next week? Shit. She has me worried.

"Who's psycho?" I ask her finally. She stiffens up momentarily before replying.

"A big mistake. An ex that I thought I'd never hear from again. It was over 20 years ago for Christ's sake! He must be more psychotic than I thought!" Okay, now I'm getting worried.

"You're scaring me," I tell her truthfully.

"Oh! No! Mikey, oh my god. I'm sorry. I'll be fine, I promise. God I wish Mom hadn't said anything." She's trying to placate me but it's not working. She wouldn't have mentioned James if it was nothing. I can tell she doesn't want to talk about it right now, likely because of the kids, but I can't stop thinking about it the entire way home.

Once we get home, the kids shower and go straight to bed, which I'm grateful for. Now's my time to talk to Sarah about this "psycho".


"Please tell me more about this psycho," Mikey says as we're climbing into bed. Dammit mom, why'd you have to bring him up the day before Mikey leaves? I don't want to think about this shit right now!

"Ugh, really? Your last night here and you want to talk about that nutcase?" I ask, climbing on top of him and straddling his waist.

"Your safety is more important, babydoll. Please?"

"He won't hurt me. Or the kids. It's you he'd go after. And Dave is no match for his scrawny ass. Now can we please move on?" I ask, placing kisses on his neck. I don't know if what I said is still true, or he's gotten worse over the years, but I just want to enjoy my last night with Mikey, is that too much to ask?

Luckily, he responds to my touch, and before I know it, we're in a full on heated passionate kiss. I give him my full attention for the next two hours and we fall asleep in each others arms.

Morning comes too soon and we get all of Michael's things together and packed, the kids off to school and we go in to the label together. He's going to catch a cab in a couple hours to the airport from here.

Once Michael goes to check out how the drywall turned out, I go into James' office, shutting the door behind me. The last thing Michael needs is to worry about us while he's gone, so I need to keep this quiet. I had emailed him from Australia about all the bs with Jayden, but this is a bit more serious than a paparazzi stalker. Or at least it could be. I don't even know. It's been so long since I even thought about his crazy ass. I have no idea if it's gotten worse or better.

"Does Michael know about this?" he asks after I give him the entire story on Damien.

"Uh, sorta?" I answer.


"He knows Damien is asking about me. He knows Damien's psycho. Just not the extent of how bad it can get."

"Sarah...." James says again.

"I know James!" I sigh. "The thing is, Michael's going to be gone for the next month. This isn't his problem. It's mine. He's not going to go after the band, he's not stupid."

"Exactly. Sarah, he's going to be looking for YOU. And Michael isn't going to be here."

"What good will it do to tell him? There's nothing he can do from England but worry. He doesn't need to worry about me when he's on a world tour. He needs to focus on making this their best tour yet, like they want. I'm not blowing this off. I'm going to the appropriate people to try to prevent anything from happening. Please James. I need to be able to take care of this myself, without Michael worrying or getting involved." I can see my words sinking in and it pleases me when he agrees.

"You know he's going to get pissed if something happens, right?" he asks.

"Let's just make sure it doesn't then." I know I should let Michael know what's going on, but I meant what I said. There's nothing Mikey can do but worry, and I can't let that happen.


When Sarah comes out of James' office, I scoop her up immediately into a tight hug. I have to leave for the airport soon and I hate it. An entire month without seeing her, holding her, touching her... It's going to be torture.

"My office is drywalled," I whisper to her. By the gleam in her eyes, I can tell she gets my hint. She follows me into my new office, and within seconds of shutting the door, we're lip locked, pants being undone. I take her pants off completely, telling her to jump. Once her legs are wrapped around me, I press her into the door, and thrust inside her. We are both moaning, and I don't give a shit. This is my office, my girlfriend, and nobody can say shit about it. Twenty minutes later, after making her cum twice, I reach my own orgasm, but unfortunately have to get out the door.

"I love you babydoll," I tell her as we're walking to the elevator.

"I love you too milkshake!" she says with a smile, pressing her lips to mine one last time. "You better behave yourself!" she says with a wink. You can count on it!

"I'll try!" I say sarcastically, making her giggle. "Love you!" The elevator door closes, separating her from me for the next four weeks.

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