chapter 52

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Holy shit! I can't believe that on Wednesday I will officially be part of Hi or Hey Records! This seriously is a dream come true! It doesn't bother me that I'll be junior personnel! They have me working hand in hand with their lawyer, learning everything I need to know about the music industry and assisting him in all the paperwork end of it. I'm actually going to be using my degree, in the music industry at that!

We get back into the car and I can't sit still. "Where to?" I ask excitedly. "And why did I need my camera gear?"

"Part two," Luke says with a smile. What? Seriously? There's more? "DC please. To the mall." Um okay. It's a bit cold out, but whatever. I'm dressed a lot warmer than they are! I drive us downtown DC and eventually find a parking spot. As we are getting out, Ashton tells me to bring my camera.

"Just take random candid shots of us. Lots of them. We'll explain the rest later," he tells me.

"That I can do!" I answer. After crossing the street to the mall, I adjust all my settings to the lighting and follow behind them, alongside them, walking backwards in front of them... For two hours, walking all around Washington DC, I fill up all three of my memory cards with random pictures of them. When they get too cold to continue, we go back to the car and I'm told we're getting those pizzas again for dinner and taking them home.

We walk in with three humongous pizzas and I call the kids to eat. While we're eating, I download all the pictures to Rob's old macbook that his office let me keep, and tell the kids about my new job. The chatter among the eight of us continues all through lunch, then the kids go back to their bedrooms.

Once the photos are downloaded, I hook up the laptop to the TV so it's easier for everyone to see them at once. Ashton brings me paper and a pen to write down the file names of the ones he tells me. I let them go through, listing off specific ones as I write them down. Once the list is complete, we move all the ones listed into a separate file titled HoHR. They then go through this file, having me make a new list out of these files of the ones they like most. I still have no idea what this is for, but seeing them in work mode is a nice switch, and it's impressive to see how mature and business-like they can actually be.

Once the list is complete, we make one more folder of these files that Ashton proceeds to upload to his box account. They never explained what the pictures are for, but I can assume for some promotional thing or another. I trust them completely and I know that I'll find out when the time is right. 

Ashton, Calum and Luke stay for the rest of the weekend before flying back to Australia for their last month of vacation before tour. I'm sad to see them go, but I know I'll be seeing them again. They're my bosses now, after all!

Monday and Tuesday I spend almost the entire day in bed with Michael. I'm getting as much alone time in with him as I can now, before I start work on Wednesday.

When Wednesday morning rolls around, I'm extremely nervous. I am stressing out really bad as I try to get the kids off to school, and somehow, with Michael's help, they all make the bus. I'm now left with my nerves to deal with as I check myself in the mirror yet again, checking to make sure I have everything I need, again.

"Sarah, stop for a minute. Look at me," Mikey says, pulling me in close. His touch and his scent calm me instantly. I look up into his eyes.

"You're going to do great. I promise. They don't expect you to know everything, they're going to teach you. And I'm going to be there the entire time. I have things to take care of with the construction designs and whatnot, so I'll be around the entire day, okay?" I nod my head and take a deep breath. I can do this. I really can.

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