Chapter 16.

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"You know these were ready, like, three hours ago right?" Ness smirks when I come out to the kitchen.

I shrug and smile at her, "I know." I know I'm turning red, because we weren't exactly quiet in there. When I yell out both their names at different points, it's a bit obvious!

Ness just shakes her head at me and places a tray of pancakes in the microwave. Michael and Ashton come out shortly after and it's now that I start to feel awkward. I need to quit feeling this way!

As soon as the pancakes are heated up, I quickly grab several for myself before Michael and Ashton get a chance.

"Work up an appetite Sarah?" Ness asks.

"Watch!" I whisper as I take the plate from her and put it in front of the guys. Within 3 seconds, the plate's empty.

Ness is laughing as says, "Now I understand! Guess it's a good thing you're a fan, or else you'd starve to death!" Michael stops eating, looks at his plate, Ashton's plate and the empty one in front of them, then punches Ashton on the arm.

"You dipshit! What about Sarah?" I can't stop laughing, especially considering that Michael has twice as many pancakes on his plate as Ashton does! I show them my plate that I already stashed and Michael only replies, "Smart!" as he starts shoveling the food in his mouth. I can only shake my head at them and I quickly eat my breakfast.

After everyone finishes eating, I quickly wash up the few dishes and plop myself on the couch between the two. I really am exhausted, but I don't want them to know that. We turn on the TV and I introduce them to my favorite show, which will be starting again soon, Orphan Black. After the first few episodes of season one, I end up leaning against Michael's shoulder. He shifts slightly so that I can lay my head on his chest, with his arm around me, and rest my legs on Ashton's lap. I love both of these guys so much, but Mikey's always been my favorite and always will be. I can't help it!

"So wait!" Ashton asks me, "How many clones are there?" He's confused by my show.

"So far you've seen 10, but there's been 20 so far in the show. I'm sure there will be more as the series progresses. But 5 characters that she plays regularly."

"One actress plays all of them?" I nod. "Now that's talent!"

"One of the biggest reasons I love this show! Her talent is endless! You forget its not 5 different actresses, but just one!"

"You're really into talent aren't you?" he asks.

"It's what made me like you guys!" To me, talent means so much more than looks. If they have both, I love them even more! He grins wide and goes back to the show. I look up at Michael and see a similar grin.

"You think I'm talented? I'm not just a hot sexy dude?" he asks jokingly.

"Your voice makes me melt, Mikey. That's what got my attention before anything or anyone else. But yeah, you're all super talented. Your guitar, your lyrics, Ash's drumming, all of you guys are hella talented!"

"What's you're absolute favorite song so far?" he asks.

"Honestly? Jet Black Heart." Of course he smiles at that. It's his song! "It just... speaks to me. It's helped me, given me hope. And your voice, damn! Just makes it ten times better!" He kisses the top of my head and we go back to watching the show.

A while later, out of nowhere, Ashton starts rubbing my feet. I can't help but moan in pleasure. It feels so good!

"NOT IN MY LIVING ROOM!" Ness calls from her bedroom. Ashton and I start laughing.

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