chapter 64

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My eyes about pop out of my head. Five round trip tickets from DC to Sydney? Holy shit! I am absolutely speechless. I want to scold him and kiss him at the same time, so I just hug him instead. All three kids join in the hug, causing Mikey to lose balance and topple to the ground.

"Now we know you really are a part of this family," Casey laughs. "You're as much as a klutz as my mom and my sister!" I like the sounds of that. Possibly too much.

We start talking about everything we need to do in the next few days to get ready, the first being passports for the kids.

Before we know it, it's time for bed and it's really easy to get the kids to bed. None of them got much sleep last night.

Mikey and I climb into bed, me curled up into him as always and we lay there talking for quite awhile.

"I thought we could stay at my mums if that's okay with you. The boys could have my room, Grace can have the spare bedroom, and we'll take the man cave."

"I don't know Mikey. That's a lot to put on your mom. Does she even know where things stand with us?" I ask him. He gives me a stupid look. Okay, that was a stupid question. Of course he's told them.

"Okay, dumb question. But I just, I don't know. Won't it be weird for them? It's sorta like taking on a grandparent role to kids their sons age." Crap, why I'd say that? That's a bit presumptuous.

"Mum is excited, she insisted. She isn't really giving me much of a choice, to be honest." Oh.

"You know the boys are going to try to take over the man cave, right?" I tease him.

"Oh hell no. Fuck that! That's my space!" I laugh at his outburst. The fan in me knew he'd react that way.

We talk for a bit longer before we fall asleep.

Sunday rolls around and I make the kids get their homework done and then Mikey takes us shopping for our trip. His treat. I've learned not to argue. He'd just find another to pay for it anyway.

"You know it's likely that this is going to come out in the open now, right?" he asks as we're sitting in a restaurant for dinner.

"Yeah. It's inevitable. The only way to avoid it is if your mum goes everywhere with us. Then we could say I'm a family friend."

"I'm not going to lie, Sarah. I love you, I'm proud to be with you. Let people say what they want. All that matters to me is what you and our kids think of us. Nobody else." Our kids? Did he really just say that? It's funny how those two words is all it takes to convince me, and he doesn't even realize he said it.


"Okay." That one single word that is drastically going to change things for all five of us.

"Really? You're okay with it?" I shouldn't give her the chance to change her mind, but I need to be sure.

"I'm scared, terrified really, but yeah. I'm sick of hiding it. I love you, Mikey. We can get through the backlash, together." Together. I like the way that sounds.

After we discuss with the kids what to expect as far as backlash goes, we talk about the things the kids want to go and see while we're in Sydney and all of our excitement builds.

When we're in bed, Sarah brings it back up. "We need to let Ashton know. The thing I'm most worried about is backlash that Grace could get. She's in a much better place than she used to be, but I'm still scared. Ashton saved her life when he didn't even know her. I'd feel much better knowing he's there for her now."

"You know he'll be there for her babydoll. He doesn't just give his number out to people. Very few people have both of his phone numbers. She's strong like her mum. And with Ashton's support, she'll be fine." She worries so much about Grace. Those kids are her world. "What is your tattoo symbolizing? Her problems or her recovery? Babydoll, I understand that you worry about her. I do, too. But you can't keep focusing on the past. You have to have faith in her. She's strong. She's fought hard to get where she is. She doesn't want to go back to that place any more than you do."

She squeezes me tight. "Thank you," she says. We lay in silence until we fall asleep.

Monday morning, we get the kids off to school and I go into the label with Sarah. We are hoping to open the office next month, so I need to check in and see how it's coming along.

When we get in, Sarah immediately starts to work. She's verifying the contracts for the UK and Ireland shows today. There's 12 different venues with 17 shows. I don't know the legal aspect of it all, but I guess it's a lot of work.

The office is coming along great. All the spaces and offices are divided and they're finishing up putting up the rest of the drywall this week. I'm really pleased with the design.

Over our lunch, we drop off the paperwork for the kids' passports, which takes forever anyways, but it's taking even longer today since it's a rush order.

We end up having to grab takeout and eat at the office as she read through the contracts. I love watching her work. She bites the inside of her lip and she makes these cute funny faces when she's concentrating hard. Every so often, she'll look up, catching me looking at her and she smiles at me before going back to her reading.

I'm getting bored, though. As fun as she is to watch, I don't have anything to do the rest of the afternoon.

"Wanna go have sex?" I ask her out of nowhere. The shocked look on her face is amusing.

"What?!" she asks.

"I said..."

"I heard what you said!"

"Then why'd you ask?"

"I was making sure i heard you right, because you read my mind!" Oh. Damn. Really? I grab her by the hand and take her down the hallway to one of the finished storage rooms. I pull us inside, locking the door behind me, and unbutton her slacks, while pressing my lips to hers. Sarah's working on my jeans at the same time, and as soon as her slacks fall to her ankles, I slip my hand inside her panties, rubbing her gently. She starts squirming and moaning, finally getting my jeans and boxers to my knees, then pushes me towards the door, swapping our places when we reach it so her back is against it. I quickly thrust inside her, pounding her hard and fast. The feeling of her orgasm around me, brings me to my own and we stand there for a minute, just smiling at each other. She groans slightly as I pull out of her then we get dressed and walk out of the room. She goes straight to the bathroom to clean up while I go wait in her office. As she's walking back in the office, I get two texts. I look at the one from Sarah first, then the group text from Sarah to Ashton and I.

To milkshake 2
storage room - another first! ;)

To milkshake 2, giggles 2
Storage rooms could use some noise insulation.

I burst out laughing and she's trying to hold her own laughter inside.

To Mrs All American, Mike
Nooooo... again guys?

To Mrs All American, Mike
I'm going to have to start coming out instead of Mike!

Say what? I don't fucking think so!

To milkshake 2, giggles 2
That's ok. Mikey's perfect for the job! ;)

We're both laughing now as she goes back to her reading. Well that took up a whopping ten minutes, now what do I do?

To babydoll, Ash
We need an Xbox or ps4 in here!

Sarah rolls her eyes as she glances at it.

To Mrs All American, Mike
YES! Then you'll quit fucking ur gf in every place u can find!

"Would you two stop now?" she laughs. "I know I started it, but I need to finish these so we can go home and finish what we started." I shut my phone off completely and shut my mouth, causing her to laugh before getting back to work.

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