Chapter 11.

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"Damn dude! Now I understand why you tapped into that!" Luke says once Sarah and Ness head off to the bathroom. "I don't care how old she is, she can move! You're gonna have some fun tonight!"

"I may have to rethink everything I said earlier about the whole threesome thing!" Ashton says.

"Again, I was never suggesting that!" I tell him. "Besides, I'm being selfish with her tonight!"

"Well shit! It's not like I can take Ness to my place tonight! Mum would kill me!" Calum complains.

"Shut up Calum, its not like I didn't hear you two last night, and you obviously heard me... Who gives a shit?" I snap.

They come back from the bathroom so our seriously chopped up conversation dies then and there.

The DJ announces that he's going to take it back in time for a bit, and I realize just how fucked I am. This is the stuff she used to club to, she's definitely going to be able to move to these!

After Tootsee Roll, they play Do Me, Freak Me, I Wanna Sex You Up and Push it, then they finally get off the obvious sex songs and play O.P.P., Whoop There it Is, and Baby Got Back, before they get back into recent songs. Seeing Sarah dance to these songs just makes me even more horny than before.

Ashton seems to have been affected by her dancing, too; he went on the dance floor with her, both of them grinding on each other. I'm not sure if I like that, only because I want her to myself.


Holy shit! I'm grinding with Ashton! Ashton Irwin, one of the hottest guys alive right now. How did this happen to me? Oh my god I'm in heaven! I'm obviously turning him on, too. He's not even bothering to hide it. This is unreal! Ashton motherfuckin' Irwin has a hard on from ME?! I seriously cannot believe this!

"You can really move!" he whispers in my ear. There go the butterflies again! I'm not going to bother trying to hide anything, not after the plane!

"Oh, Ashton, you have no idea!" I say smugly. That's all it takes for him to crash his lips onto mine. My head is spinning. Mikey AND Ash? I'm living the fangirl's dream right now! This is the best day ever!

When he pulls away, he winks at me, then walks back to our table, leaving me flustered and breathless on the dance floor. What the fuck just happened? I've died and gone to 5SOS heaven!

I walk back to the table, trying to regain my composure on my way back. Breathe Sarah. Once I reach the table, I find a new Corona, I push the lime down in it and take a big drink. Ok, now is not the time to act like a fan. Michael comes up behind me, pressing himself into me and kisses my neck right below my ear. Okay, that definitely doesn't help! That just sends me soaring higher! His touch sends electricity through my body. Or maybe it's the beers. Either way, I am so flustered right now!

"Having fun?" he asks into my ear. I shudder and nod my head. "A blast!" Back to my mission. Mikey is the only one I want right now. And while I know without a doubt that it's working wonderfully on him, it's also working on myself.

"Are you ready to get out of here?" he whispers, putting his hands on my hips. His deep raspy voice is making this very challenging for me. I make sure to keep the moan internal before I lean back into his chest, tilting my head backwards to look up at him. I want to just say yes, but instead I tell him "I don't know, I'm really having fun here!" He groans and I smile internally.

After one more beer each, Calum says that we should get going before the paparazzi shows up. Ashton pays our tab and then Ness and I are instructed by Dave to go out first, to go past the SUV until they come out and the few photographers that are out there are focused on the guys. That's when we're supposed to quickly climb in and wait.

Once the guys are in and Dave starts to drive away, Michael pulls me in for a deep kiss, his hands roaming up the hem of my dress.

When we pull apart, I can feel Ashton's eyes on me, but I only have one thought on my mind right now. Dave pulls up to Ness' apartment building a few minutes later and I say goodbye to Luke and Ashton, then am almost dragged inside by Michael.

Calum and Ness go straight to Ness' room, while Mikey and I beeline for the guest room. As soon as the door is locked, his hands and lips are all over me. I'm done teasing. I'm more than ready to reap the benefits!

I push him backwards so that he's sitting on the edge of the bed and straddle his legs, hiking my dress up just enough to comfortably sit on his legs. As soon as I do, his hands are on my legs and hiking the dress up further, as his lips make their way down my neck, flooding my body with heat. I stand up, idea in mind, and whisper to stay there as I turn on some music and take this opportunity to give Michael a strip tease and lap dance.

The gleam in his eyes tells me when it's time to stop the tease, and I'm absolutely right. Any more, and he'd explode in his pants! As soon as I start to take his shirt off, he picks me up, putting me on the bed and is naked and sheathed in a condom quicker than I've ever seen. As soon as he's hovering over me, I flip us over.

"I'm the one showing you things you didn't know were possible!" I whisper in his ear, sending a shiver through his body. I guide him through countless positions, none of which are standard, switching between them every time he's close. I lost track of how many times I climaxed, and when I couldn't take anymore, I let him reach his own. We both collapse on the bed and he wraps his arm around me, bringing me in to lay my head on his chest. We're both out of breath and sweaty as hell and I love every minute of it.

"You are incredible, Sarah." These four words ignite major pride within me.

"That's only half of what I'm capable of, Mikey!" I tell him honestly. He grins the happiest smile I've ever seen from him, even in pictures.

"I'm hungry" I can't help but to laugh.

"You're always hungry!"

"Fine, then I'm starving! There's a little 24 hour diner down the street, you wanna go?"

"Sure, pie sounds really good right now!" We really did work up quite an appetite!

We get dressed and this time I intentionally steal one of his tee shirts to wear. We walk about 5 minutes in the direction I haven't ventured in yet and reach the diner. He really is hungry, considering how much food he orders, while I just order a slice of chocolate cream pie.

We sit in the diner for at least two hours, talking and laughing before we head back to the apartment. We climb into bed and I curl up into his chest, both of us drifting off to sleep.


I wake up and see her pink streak covering her face. Asleep she doesn't look capable of the things that happened last night. Damn.

I quietly crawl out of the bed, stretching. Damn, I'm actually sore? I wander out to the kitchen and meet up with Calum.

"Coffee?" I ask. He pours me a cup and turns to hand it to me. "Milk's in the fridge."

"Really? I thought it was in the oven!"

"Smartass. Have a good night?" he asks with a smirk.

"I didn't know half that shit was possible," I say, more to myself that to Calum, but I know he hears me.

I pour a cup of coffee and take it back in to Sarah. "Good morning!" I say as she opens her eyes.

"I thought I smelled coffee. Good morning."

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