chapter 90

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"Where the fuck is she?" I'm freaking out now. We have searched every inch of backstage with no sign of her, or Damien. The gates opened a half hour ago, so there's too many people out there. We can't spot her anywhere. Damn I wish I knew what Damien looked like.

"What's he look like Dave?" I ask as we search everywhere, for a third time.

"Like a crack head Sheldon Cooper, but Luke's height." I laugh at the image, but when Dave raises his eyebrow at me, I know he's serious. Oh God Sarah! You weren't kidding you had bad taste in guys.

Dave and I go to talk to security and we flip through all the footage they have over the past few hours looking for something, anything.


"Mikey?" I grumble as I try to wake up. The music gets turned up and as soon as I recognize Steelheart playing, my eyes pop wide open. There's literally only one person I know that ever listened to Steelheart.

"Damien? What are you doing? Where are you taking me?"

"I told you I have my ways of getting what I want. You belong to me Sarah. I've never stopped searching for you. I heard that you got married and had kids. Those were supposed to be our kids Sarah!" Delusional fuck!

"Then all of a sudden, I'm in a coffee shop, and some 15 year old girl was on her phone, watching some video, and I hear your voice! 'Leave me alone, leave Michael alone, leave all of 5sos and our families alone!' It was pretty easy after that to track you down. You're all over twitter! My babe is a twitter star!" He is so much worse than how he used to be. What the hell happened to him?

"I'm not yours Damien! Don't you want to see me happy? Isn't that what matters to you? That's what you always told me."

"Of course I do. And I made you happy once. I will make you happy again."

"By kidnapping me? Do you really think that is going to make me happy? By taking me away from my kids, my life, my job?" I'm not going to mention Michael to him, that would make it worse.

"No, but it makes me very happy." Oh fuck. He's fucked up in the head. There's only one way to get out of this. Gain his trust and make him think he's getting what he wants.

I try to gather sights around me without moving, so that he doesn't know what I'm doing. Soon, he starts singing along to Steelheart and I can't help but cringe. After another 15 minutes, I start to see a lot of airplanes flying closer to the ground. An airport! I keep watching for a sign and eventually catch a quick glimpse of an exit for Gatwick airport. We keep going past, thankfully, and I'm glad to have something. Anything. I very slowly grab my phone out of my back pocket that he stupidly didn't take from me. Thankful it's on silent, I open my texts and type into the first one I see, which of course is Mikey.

To milkshake 1
Passed Gatwick airport

I press send and slowly put my phone away. Thank god he's an idiot.


I can't fucking do this! How am I supposed to perform when Sarah's missing? I have to find a way. This is my job, put on a fake front and just do it. We're about two songs in when my phone buzzes in my back pocket. My eyes go wide as I look to Luke. We were in the middle of a riff together, and I know he heard the vibrations. He gives me a quick nod and I run off towards back stage as quick as I can. I throw my phone to Dave and tell him "Sarah texted" then run back out. Dave comes to the edge where I can see him as he reads it. He smiles then nods at me quickly then gets on his phone as he heads backstage. I do the same to Luke, Calum and Ashton to let them know we got something. I wish I knew what, but I'm not complaining. Something is better than nothing.


We stop at a shithole hotel along the water. I must admit, it is beautiful, but I was supposed to be seeing this with Mikey.

"Where are we?" I ask him as I stand next to him. I have to play this right if I'm going to get out of this sane and alive.

"The English Channel. In Brighton, to be exact." Brighton? The next concert is tomorrow night here in Brighton. Why would he take me where they are going to to be at? Not that I'm complaining. I just don't understand what he's doing.

"Why Brighton?" I ask.

"They'll never think to look where you're supposed to be, sweetcheeks." Ew that nickname makes me cringe. Where I'm supposed to be? He knows there's another show tomorrow. Is he taking me? Or does he just mean Brighton? If he's taking me to the 5sos concert, I need to find a way to let them know. My phone died about fifteen minutes before we stopped, so that's out of the question. He checks us in to the hotel and I sit down on the bed looking around. God this is a shithole. But I catch sight of a pad of paper and pen. As soon as he's in the bathroom, I tear a piece off and write "Milkshake" and the room number then stuff it in my pocket. Now to figure out what to do. When he comes out of the bathroom naked, I feel like throwing up. There is no fucking way I'm doing that with him ever again!! I jump up off the bed and run into the bathroom and lock myself inside. Fuck! Think, Sarah, think. You can do this.

"Damien? I need to run to the store," I tell him, coming out of the bathroom. "Girl stuff." Now I doubly wish it would just start already!

"Oh, okay," he says disappointed, and puts on some clothes. Relief floods through my body but I know it's just the first of many. Fear is setting in, but I can't allow it. I have to get through this. I don't have any other choice.

We find a drug store, or whatever it is they call them over here, and I pick up some tampons, just to keep up the hope of getting out of this. And if I'm lucky, it will urge it to come quicker.

I convince him to "sightsee" under the terms that they're still on stage, so they won't know we're here. I keep up the facade that I am happy to be with him, forcing myself to smile and laugh when I really want to run as far away as I can. While we're walking, I spot the hotel the guys will be staying at, where I am supposed to stay tonight. Normally, they wouldn't stay at a hotel tonight, but James made sure they were reserved one, since I was staying the week. I just hope the driver got the memo.

"Hey babe, I'm getting really hungry. Can we stop in here for dinner?" God I hate this.

"Oh, uh, sure sweet cheeks, anything for you." He wraps his arms around me and leads me inside the hotel and I try not to cringe in disgust, but fail. Shit. Of course he noticed. Fuck. He is getting angry now.

"Are you trying to play me Sarah? Trying to pull a fast one on me? Over my dead body!" When he punches me in the stomach, I double over in absolute pain, physical and mental. I am praying to god that I'm not pregnant, but if I am, I don't want it hurt. That is the only thought that gives me the strength to go on. I pull the paper out of my back pocket, letting it fall to the floor before drawing from memory as I punch him square in the nose and run. I'm not a fast runner and unfortunately, he catches up with me too quickly, dragging me back to the hotel. I am so fucked now.


The show feels like it takes forever, and we even cut some of our commentary short, but finally it ends.

"What did she say?" I ask Dave. We have to go back out in a minute for encore, but I have to know.

"It is Damien. She gave us a landmark. We've got people out looking already. Now go, so we can get out of here!" We run out, do our two songs and dart off stage. We all run to the SUV, our crew will get everything, luggage included and take it to Brighton, the the venue tomorrow night, and we get out before the traffic hits.

"Has there been anything since that text?" I ask. I just wish we could drive faster.

"Nothing. We'll find her Michael."

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