chapter 85

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By the time I finish up the Nottingham contract, James comes out with the new contract, that is already signed by everyone except 5sos and the arena. He hands me the contract, my plane ticket and my itinerary for the week.

"Now go home, pack, get your kids out of the house, and find somewhere to stay for tonight. You need to be at Regan at 4am. I'll email you if anything changes. See you Monday! Oh, and I haven't told the guys yet. I thought you could surprise them!" I give him a big hug and dart out the door. The kids aren't even home yet, so I quickly pack up my clothes, both business and fun casual clothes, then call up some of the kids' friends parents. When Casey walks in the door, he's surprised to see me.

"What are you doing home?"

"I have to fly out to England tonight for work, so I had to pack. I need you to pack stuff for a week. Everything you could need. You're spending the week at Jesse's. I already cleared it with Miss Monica.

"YES!" he says as he goes to his room to pack.

"Toothbrush and deodorant?"
"Check. Wait what?" We both burst into laughter.
"Yeah. Mom, I have everything. And if I forget something, I'm half a mile away." That's the part that bothers me.

"Okay okay. Let's get you over to Jesse's." I drive him the two minutes over and thank Monica immensely, give her Casey's soccer practice and game schedule for the week, then get back to the house as Grace and Mason are walking in the front door. I explain everything to them and they pack as well. I take Mason the few miles to his best friend's while I wait for Grace to pack half her bedroom.

"Okay, seriously! You don't need this much stuff for a week!! You're going to end up leaving half of it there, and bringing home half of her closet anyway."

"True," she laughs. "Okay, let's go."

I drive her the half hour to the other side of town to her other closest friend's house and then head off to a hotel by the airport. So far so good. I shot James an email that we're all out of the house and settled then I grab some dinner before texting Mikey. I can't Skype or he'll know I'm not at home, but I know he's waiting for me to get ahold of him. He's got the first of two shows in London tomorrow night, and James made my flight so I would be able to see them perform. I'll be coming in late, but it's better than not at all! He got me a ticket for front row on Mikey's side, and oh god he's going to shit himself when he sees me! I'm so excited!!!

As hard as I try, I can't sleep. I admit I'm a little jumpy after today's encounter, but I'm more excited than anything. Not only do I get to see Mikey, I get to go to another 5sos concert!


The sun shining in through the now open curtains is blinding. Why is Ashton up so damn early? I look at my phone to see its only 8am.

"What the fuck? Go back to bed Ash," I grumble.

"No way! It's a beautiful sunny day in a beautiful city! Get up and enjoy your day!"

"I will. At noon," I say, rolling over and covering my head with my pillow. I'm just about go doze back off when he starts talking again.

"How does Sarah do it? You wake up so happy for her. Am I not pretty enough for you Mikey?" I can't help but laugh at him. I know what he's trying to do, and unfortunately it's working. Just her name cheers me up. Maybe that's what she was talking about, what mum was saying about needing to be happy with me before I can be happy with her. That's it. I'm going to do that. I throw the blankets off and stumble into the shower. The hot water relaxes me and makes all my grumpiness melt away. Like how Sarah was at the maritime museum. Being around all the naval equipment and whatnot had the same effect on her. How do all my thoughts lead back to her? God I miss her. And it's only been a week.

Once I am out of the shower and dressed, Ashton and I go grab food and coffee then start exploring the city. We lived here for quite a while back in the day, and we've been here many times since, but I can honestly say I've never explored beyond the mall and the bars. Ashton starts ranting off historical facts about everything he sees, and I hate to admit it, but it's actually kind of interesting. I find myself smiling a lot more than I usually do, when I'm away from Sarah, at least.

At 10:45, I finally receive a short text from Sarah.

To milkshake1
Good morning baby! Overslept & running late. Will talk to u tonight. Give London a show they'll never forget!


I knew he was expecting my usual good morning text. So I sent him one real quick before the plane starts taxiing. That way he doesn't worry, but I don't give anything away.

To babydoll
Ily have a great day @ work!

I shut my phone off and close my eyes, finally getting sleep.

I wake up several hours later and the nice old man sitting next to me starts to ask me questions and tell me about his family he's going to visit. I tell him about the kids, about Rob, and of course about Michael. I can't help it. He makes me so giddy!

Talking to him really helps the flight go quicker and before I know it, we're landing at London Heathrow airport. The flight arrives about 20 minutes early and I'm ecstatic. I try my best to be patient but the bags just don't come quick enough. At this point, the guys will have just taken the stage. I still need to get to my hotel and to the arena. The second I see my bag, I grab it and find a taxi. We get to the hotel fairly quickly. James made sure to book me in the same hotel as the guys and this place is insane! It's so gorgeous! Since this is for business related purposes, everything is on Hi or Hey Records, aka 5sos. And right now I'm just in shock. Once I check in, I make my way to my room, and holy shit it's amazing. Definitely out of my own personal budget!

I walk outside the hotel and grab the first cab I can find and make my way to the arena. I've already missed 45 minutes of their 90 minute set. I sneak my way into my seat, and Calum's the first to spot me. A huge smile spreads across his face as he walks closer to Michael and they start dancing around together and being the idiots they are. He winks at me as he starts to walk back across the stage to his side.

"Oh my god, he winked at me! Did you see that?" The girl beside me tells her friend.

"Yes oh my god! But, uh, what's the old lady doing here by herself? It's just weird!" her friend says. Oh honey, if only you knew! It's kinda nice to know that not EVERYONE knows who I am, yet.

The song ends and Michael starts to talk to the crowd. He's looking all around the arena and when he spots me, she stops mid sentence, jaw hitting the floor, or stage is more like it.

"No fuckin way!" He yells out. I start to laugh and he comes to the edge of the stage. "Her," he points to me. "Bring her up here!" he tells the security. I laugh again as they help me up on stage and the second I am stable, he takes me into his arms and spins me around. I know I'm bright red, on stage, in front of 12,000 screaming teenagers, but I honestly don't care. When he sets me down, he turns me around to face the crowd and wraps his arm around me.

"In case you don't know by now London, this is my girlfriend Sarah. I had no idea she was going to be here!"

"Well that's obvious!" Ashton says from behind his drum kit. I turn slightly to look at him and he waves hello with a drumstick. I wave back at him and Mikey asks for everyone to hear, "What are you doing here?!"

"I came to see my favorite guitarist," I answer into his microphone. "Luke, where are you?" The entire arena starts laughing as Luke walks over to me and I give him a hug. Mikey playfully pouts and everyone laughs harder. He picks me up and carries me over to sit on a box half on stage, half backstage, then says, "Back to the music! Thank you for making this our first single off Sounds Good Feels Good!" and starts into She's Kinda Hot.

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