chapter 92

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"I don't want to wake him, you wake him."

"Well I don't want to wake him either, you wake him up.

"Well someone has to wake him up, we have to get to soundcheck."

Fuck. I'm awake just from their arguing and I don't want to leave her. I just don't have it in me to play.

"I'm not leaving, guys" I tell them all, shutting them up.

"Mike, you have to. We can't do it without you." Ashton complains.

"Go Mikey, I'll be fine." Sarah says, obviously just waking up.

"Yeah, I've heard that one before." I mumble.

"There are two police posted outside her door, the four of us and Dave are the only ones allowed in here, she WILL be okay." Calum confirms.

"Guys? Give me a minute with Mikey, please?" she asks them. They nod their heads and walk out to the waiting room.

"Babe, listen to me. You need to do this. You impact so many peoples lives. They look to you for guidance, for inspiration, you can't let them down. They need you more than I do."

"This isn't about you," I tell her. "Okay that sounds wrong, but I just... I can't. I was so upset at the thought of you possibly being pregnant. We've only officially been together three months. I didn't want a kid, I didn't want that responsibility. But then, finding out you had a life inside you, a piece of you, of me, of us, and now it's gone? How am I supposed to be all cheerful and excited on stage?"

"Oh baby, I know. I was scared to death. The last thing I wanted was another kid. It's been 14 years. I didn't want to start all over again. But like you, finding out that I was, that I was carrying a piece of you inside me, but I lost it? Because of a stupid choice I made 23 years ago? I feel the loss too. But we can't let that stop us from living. We have to keep going, in his memory!"

"His?" I ask.

"I don't know, I just feel like it was. So go out there and play for him. Show him who his daddy is. Make him proud!" How does she do that? Even the worst of situations, she finds a way to turn it into something positive.

"I love you Sarah!"

"I love you too Michael! Now show Brighton what my man can do!" So with a smile on my face, I meet the guys in the waiting room and we go to soundcheck.


As soon as he is gone down the hall, the doctor comes into my room. "Mrs Jones? How are you feeling this morning?"

"Ms Jones, and do you mean emotionally or physically? I guess it doesn't matter though, because both ways I feel like shit."

"Did you know that you were pregnant before this?" he asks.

"I knew there was a chance. I accidentally skipped a pill when I was flying to Australia. But I didn't know for sure, until I woke up and asked the nurse."

"Those your boys?" he asks casually as he looks over my chart, then starts checking my bandage around my stomach.

"The red head is my boyfriend, actually. He was the father." It obviously stuns the doctor, but he doesn't say anything.

"My apologies," he says.

"It's fine. I'm used to it by now. Ow." I wince in pain.

"The police got their statements from your boyfriend and the others that found you. Are you feeling well enough to speak to them, too? The two posted by your door aren't leaving anytime soon, and the big bald guy that was with your friends in the waiting room said he's coming right back." I smile at that. Dave's a good guy.

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