chapter 32

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Rob and I find our seats. This plane is set up different than the last one. It's much bigger and there are three seats per row in first class instead of two. Once again, Rob is by the window, which is fine, as long as I'm not next to someone smelly. I hear the guys getting on and they're directly in front of me this time. Well, Ashton, Luke and Calum are. Where's Mikey? As I start to look around, he sits in the empty seat next to me.

"Well would ya look at that?" he says. "Fancy meeting you here!" What a dork! God I'm going to miss his idiocy.  Suddenly my phone buzzes. I pull it out and see a text from Calum

To Sarah
Being famous has it's advantages. You're welcome.

Oh my god! He made sure to have Mikey be seated next to me?

To Pain In The Ass 2

To Sarah
Don't tell Ness that! Lol

To Pain in the Ass 2
Y do I feel awkward?

To Sarah
Idk maybe cuz ur stuck between ur hubby & the guy u been fucking for 2 wks? ;)

Calum's in the seat directly in front of me so I kick his seat. Hard enough to jolt him. Rob looks at me funny and I start laughing.

"Did you do him too?" Rob asks me quietly. I burst out laughing, causing Michael to look at me confused.

"No! He's just... a pain," I kick Calum's seat, "In," again, "The," again, "Ass," again. I am still laughing.

"And you're becoming one, literally. That hurts!" Ashton, Luke, Michael and I are laughing but Rob just shakes his head.

"How old are you?" and looks out the window. And so it begins. Again. Michael stops laughing and takes my hand, giving me a gentle squeeze before letting it go. The look on his face is silently saying "I'm sorry." I just close my eyes and take a deep breath. Not on the plane Sarah. You can do this. Ignore it.

I change Calum's contact to PITA to abbreviate Pain in the ass

R all of u on ur US phones now?

To Sarah

Then text mgc to text me

To Sarah
He's sitting right next to u! Wtf

Says the one who face times Luke next to him.

To Sarah
Fine :p

After Michael's phone buzzes, he takes my phone from me, apparently adding his US number and texts himself, then hands the phone to Luke.

"American number" he says. Luke passes it to Calum then Ashton. Ashton hands it back to me with a smile. Okay then! Fangirl in me is threatening to resurface, but I force myself to keep it at bay. Rob just smirks at me.

"What? I told you I became really good friends with them!" I smile, then lean my head onto Mikey's arm. He instinctively rested his head on top of mine.

We finally start to taxi down the runway and are instructed to turn off our cell phones. I turn mine to airplane mode and fix the contacts for the guys so I don't get them confused.

Giggles 1 & 2
Lukey 1 & 2
Milkshake 1 & 2
PITA 1 & 2

Mikey's watching me and chuckles as I change his from M to Milkshake. We have a wide variety of memories over milkshakes in the past few days, so I like that for him. I didn't want to make the contact names obvious on who they are. So I still need to figure one out for Luke. One that Grace won't know if she sees the contact name pop up. Shit. I should probably change Ashton's in that case. I'll come up with one.

I put my phone away when the stewardess gives me dirty looks, and Mikey pushes my shoulder with his.

"Troublemaker!" he says with a smirk. I stick my tongue out at him and we laugh.

I lean my head on his arm again, and he yawns. Last night is definitely catching up with us. Hell, the past two weeks is catching up with us!

"Late night last night?" Rob asks with a smirk.

"Yeah. Calum and Ness wouldn't shut up!" I say giggling.

"Oh, like you two did?" Calum retorts. Okay, really Calum? Yes Rob knew I had been with both Michael and Ashton, but he didn't need to know specifics, especially that I was having sex with Michael a few hours ago! I smack Calum on the back of the head.

"Oi! What was that - oh. Shit. Sorry man," he directs his apology at Rob. "Guess you didn't really need to know that much." Oh my god! I've never seen Calum blush before! Or at least not that I've noticed. Rob's laughing, thank god.

"It's all good. I know how she can get, although it's been quite a while since I've experienced it. But with as much as she talks about YOU," he says, looking at Michael, "I'm sure its going to take you a while to recover!" Oh dear god. All the guys, as in all the 5sos guys and Rob, start laughing, while I scrunch as low as I can get in my seat. The seat belt is literally just under my boobs, that's how low I scooted down.

"Can we please not talk about this right now? I squeak out.

"Excuse me, miss. I need you sitting upright in your seat. We're about to take off," the same stewardess asks me. Life hates me right now! I force myself to sit up, and lean my head backwards in my seat, closing my eyes again. If I'm lucky, they won't open again til we reach LA.  But then again, I think my luck has run out.

"Bow chicka wow wow," Rob says in my ear. He winks to let me know it's okay, thankfully. "If you want one last go round and want to join the mile high club with him, go for it. It's honestly okay with me." He wasn't loud at all, but apparently it was loud enough for Ashton to hear in the seat in front of him, because Ashton's entire upper body is shaking, like he's holding in his laughter. My jaw, however, hits the floor. Rob may be a total dick sometimes, okay a lot of the time, but he's always been open to anything sexual. As long as he knows about it, and there's no feelings involved, he's cool with whatever. It's always been weird to me, but right now? I love it! He doesn't, and won't, know about the feelings Mikey and I have, though. The thing is, he's said this so many times, but I've never put it to the test! I can tell by the look on his face that he means it, too. Damn! Okay then!

"BUT," he says, "only one of the two!" I nod quickly. Duh! He smiles at me, then put a his ear buds in and closes his eyes to try to sleep. Knowing him, he didn't sleep last night either so he wouldn't risk missing his flight. I think he was at the airport in Melbourne at like 3am. Once his eyes have stayed shut for a few minutes, I grab onto Mikey's arm with both hands, rest my cheek on his arm. He looks at me curiously and I shake my head. I'll bring it up later. In more ways than one!


I swear I have seen more emotions cross Sarah's face in the 20 minutes we've been on this plane than I have in the past two weeks combined. It must be exhausting!

Another 10 minutes and I can't bear the silence between us. Rob's asleep I think.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask her.

"Everything I mentioned to your mum," she says.

"Me too." I tell her. I'm scared to death of what's going to happen now. So far, he's been okay with her, except for the whole immaturity comment he made, but I'm pretty sure it's all an act. I've witnessed first hand the horrible things he can say to her. Within a few minutes, we're both drifting off to sleep.

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