chapter 93

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I'm finally being released into Dave's care. Michael argues relentlessly, wanting to be the one I'm released to, but finally gives in when he's told it's either Dave or I stay in the hospital.

What should only take five hours to Leeds, ends up taking eight because I am so uncomfortable in the SUV. The bus already is in Leeds as a decoy, so I had no other choice.

As soon as we get into the city, I remind Dave that I have to go to the arena to finish the contract. Otherwise they can't perform tomorrow night. Reluctantly, he takes me to the administration office and with the help of Michael and him, I get inside and speak to the Event Coordinator.

Michael and Dave wait in the lobby for me while I finish up, and James has made it too easy. I get the required signature, she photocopies the contract, returning the original to me, and we say our goodbyes. Easy peasy.

Michael can see the pain in my face as I walk out of the office. My pain medication is wearing off and I cannot get comfortable, so he picks me up bridal style and carries me to the car.

When we check in to the hotel, Michael gets me everything I need and comfortable in the bed, then lays down with me. This is so much better than the hospital.


So many thoughts run through my head as I lay here holding her. From tour, to the kids, to Sarah and her past, me and my own past, the band, our careers, our future... I honestly can't see this ever ending, but it's been far too short, time wise to think about that. But when you think of all we've been through, that's a totally different story. But neither one of us is in a position to think that far ahead. I need to stop. All that matters is right here, right now.

Dave checks in on her every couple hours, but the pain seems to be lessening - she's only taken one pain pill today. I order us room service and we stay in bed all day, literally. The guys come to our room while she's asleep, but otherwise we just lay in bed talking. Our childhoods, high school, work, stories of the kids, our extended families, music, fears, dreams, goals, American history, Australian history, even politics and religion. We have talked more today than we have in the three months we've been "official" put together. And to be completely honest, today has been one of my favorite days we've had. I've learned more about her today than most people learn in years!


When Mikey gets ready to go to soundcheck/rehearsal, I make my plan. I am still in pain, but the more I stay in bed, the stiffer I get. Dave comes back to check on me and I go over it with him. He's not happy with it, but I just can't sit in this bed any longer. I'm going stir crazy. I loved getting to spend all that time with Mikey, I'm definitely not complaining there, but I can only handle a hotel room for so long!

"Are you sure you can handle this, Sarah? If anything happens to you, Michael's going to have my ass!"

"I'm sure, Dave! I leave tomorrow to head home, I need this."

"Okay, just don't get my ass fired!"

"Not a chance!"

He runs out to the store to get me what I need, bringing it back 20 minutes later, then leaving to go pick up Michael and bring him back to the hotel. I really hope they pay him well. The things the poor guy has to put up with! I hide everything and climb back into bed, just as Mikey's opening the door.

We spend the next two hours in bed, kissing and touching every part of our bodies, fingers and hands working magic because anything else is too painful still. When he finally has to leave, I wish him luck and the second he's gone, I start the hair dye. I've been needing to redo it and the few grays popping through need covered.

An hour later, the bleach is rinsed out and the new dye is in. Michael texts me that he can't come back over until after the show because Dave has something else to take care of. It worked! Thank you Dave! I text him back that it's okay, that I'm about to take a nap, and then 15 minutes later, I rinse out the dye.

Holy hell! It comes as quite a shock, it looks so different, but I have to admit, it looks really good! I get dressed into my new outfit that I brought specifically for tonight. I refuse to let Damien get the better of me, and it starts now! Bruises or no bruises, he's not stopping me.

Five minutes later, Dave knocks on the door.

"You ready?" He asks as I open the door. "Woah! What the hell? Damn! You're gonna fuck Michael up on stage! I can't wait to see this!" I can't help but laugh. This will be great!


I hate that I couldn't go see Sarah after soundcheck, but I know she understands. She's always been so supportive and understanding of everything band related. One of the perks of dating a fan, right? I'd like to say that's the only reason, but I can't. That's just Sarah. She would be like that even if she wasn't a fan.

I text Sarah that I'm about to be going on stage but I get no response. She must still be napping. Seeing her so broken breaks me apart. But I have to shut that out for now.

"Countdown's begun!" the stagehand announces and we go line up in the dark just offstage.

I shut everything out of my mind, jumping up and down with Ash to get pumped up. Here goes! Ash runs out in the dark to the drum kit and the second he bangs on it, the screaming begins. That's all I need to hear, and I'm ready to go. We rush out to our spots and I'm zoned out of reality into my stage world.

During the first song, I catch glimpses of the crowd, but I'm too busy getting in "the zone" to pay any close attention. During the second song I'll have to check out the red head in the front. Something about her seems familiar, she reminds me of Sarah, but I haven't really paid attention to anyone yet. We end the song, and I start talking into the microphone as I scan the crowd.

"Wow, that was awesome! Was that awesome?" The crowd screams and I smile as I look at everyone. "So how's -" I finally look at the redhead " - Sarah? Uh, How's everyone doing tonight?!" I look to Luke to take over and I go to the edge of the stage in front of Sarah. I can't believe she's here! That must've been Dave's plans he had going on!

"What are you doing here?" I mouth to her. Damn she looks hot with red hair! It's not a fiery red like mine, it's a dark red, and sexy as hell! She smiles at me evily and I fan myself to let her know what she's doing to me, making her strike a pose and laugh.

"Michael!" Calum says through the microphone to get my attention. "Quit flirting with the hottie and pay attention!" he says it jokingly, to get a laugh from the fans, but he scowls at me. No one else can tell from the stage that it's Sarah because of the hair.

"I'm allowed to flirt with my girlfriend!" I jab back, and motion for security to bring her up on stage. I don't like the idea of her being in the crowd, she's bound to get jarred around and hurt even worse.

Luke and Calum turn to look at me funny, eyes popping open when recognition finally hits them. "Day-um girl!" Calum says with a smile. Sarah starts to laugh, along with Luke and Ashton.

"Sorry about the interruption guys!" I say into the microphone. "She just got out of the hospital and really shouldn't" I look at her scoldingly "be out in the crowd like that. You - sit there." I tell her, pointing to a box on the side of the stage. She pouts exaggeratedly and walks to the box like a three year old being put in time out. Everyone laughs as I shake my head. One would never know how much stage fright she gets! Afraid or not, she knows how to make it work!

Sarah sits on the edge of the box, dancing and singing along throughout the rest of the show, the smile I love all over her face. She truly is amazing!

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