Chapter 6.

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We have been at the pool for a couple hours now and I'm starting to get a bit bored. The only thing keeping me from going inside is watching these four idiots act like 10 year olds in the pool. They're playing with one of those squishy water bombs that soak up the water and you throw it, except they're trying to nail each other with it. Suddenly, I'm hit right in the chest with it. I look up to see Calum raising his arms in defense. "Sorry Sarah! My bad!" I'm sorry, but that was a direct shot. This means war! I jump in, soaking the waterbomb, and chuck it at his head. I got really lucky and got a really good shot. Calum started laughing and chasing after me, so I hide behind Michael, who is directly to my left. He ducks underwater as Calum nears. Great. Thanks Mikey. Suddenly, I'm being lifted out of the water on Michael's shoulders. Calum and Ashton's eyes light up and Ashton hops onto Calum's shoulders. Oh yeah! Chicken fight! I latch my ankles together behind Michael's back and start wrestling with Ashton, trying to knock him off Calum's shoulders. I know it's a worthless attempt, but it's a blast trying. After about 10 minutes, Michael and I are toppling over into the water. We surface, laughing hysterically. Ashton starts doing the Tarzan chest beating thing and I start laughing even harder. I make my way back out of the pool with Michael behind me. Once he's out, he dries off and says that he's going to run out for some food, and asks if I want to go along. Duh! What kind of question is that?!

"I have to change first, but yeah." I answer him.

"You think I'm going in my underwear?" he asks.

"Ya never know with you! You did pull your pants down on the red carpet of the People's Choice Awards!" Ness cracks up laughing and Michael smiles, "That was fun! But no, I'm not going out in my underwear. Let's change and get some food."

I follow behind him back down to Ness' apartment and I feel the air changing. Once we're in the apartment, he pushes me against the door and connects our lips together, more forceful and desperate than before and I accidentally let a light moan escape. Holy fuck! I have butterflies in my stomach for the first time in nearly 20 years! He has my arms pinned against the door as our lips work together before he pulls away. He looks into my eyes, smiling, then grabs his jeans and goes into the bathroom to change. Wait a minute! That means he'll be going commando. Oh shit, turn off the brain and go change! I quickly lock myself in the guest bedroom and change my clothes into workout shorts and a tank top.

I am seriously flustered right now. The first time was spur-of-the-moment, just a quick I-had-to-do-it kind of thing. But this? This was definitely not the same. Okay, first of all Sarah, you're reading way too far into this! Secondly, how long has it been since you've tried to evaluate a guys mind? Way too long. Quit overthinking and daydreaming!

We end up walking down to the shops since the SUV isn't around, and I don't have a car here, not that I could drive it anyways. I could in Japan, but I don't know how that works.

"What are you thinking about?" Michael asks.

"Uh, Japanese drivers licenses?"

He starts to laugh. "That's random!"

I shrug. "Welcome to my crazy brain!"

"So, Sarah, are you ever going to tell me what you're holding back? I know it has to do with Grace, and I'm actually a little worried. Why did she quit field hockey?"

I take a deep breath. "I kinda want to tell all four of you together. After we eat? Ness already knows. It's just kinda depressing, and I've been really enjoying hanging out with you guys. I didn't want to spoil it."

"We're not done with our tour of Sydney, you know that, right? Today was just the touristy stuff! Tomorrow is the local insiders tour!" Are you serious? How? Why? Damn this is the best vacation I've ever been on!

"I still don't get it, but I'm definitely not complaining!" I tell him.

We get our pizzas, which I desperately try to pay for, unsuccessfully, and head back to the apartment. We talk the entire way back, about whatever pops into our heads. He makes me laugh so much my stomach hurts.

"This is why I am a Mikey girl!" I wink at him.

"So not for my charming good looks?"

"That's just a bonus!" I wink at him. The butterflies in my stomach have decided to wake up, and part of me really wants to confront him about that kiss, but I don't want to jinx it, or hear something that would make me regret asking, so I keep my mouth shut. Just accept it for what it is.

"Whatcha thinking about now?" he asks. Shit. I just told myself I didn't want to bring it up!

"Um, earlier?" Fuck. I'm going to regret this. Why do I have to be so damn honest?


"Yeah" awkward!

"I'm not quite sure -"

"Michael, I'm a 40 year old married mother of three teenagers. You don't have to say anything."

"At least you're not a 40 year old virgin!" Typical Mikey! He can always make me laugh!

"Far from it!" I laugh, then realize what I just said. How much further is Ness' apartment?! I am so awkward! For some reason we're both blushing, but finally we reach the apartment building. We take the pizzas inside and I text Ness that pizzas are here. It takes less than two minutes before the rest of 5sos come barreling through the door, soaking wet, but at least their not dripping everywhere.

After everyone's busy eating, I look to Michael, take a deep breath and set my resolve.

"Hey guys? I know that you've heard this before, but I really want to thank you guys."

"Aww we've had fun today! More than we've had in a while!" Calum says.

"Well good, I have, too, but that's not what I was talking about." Ness grabs my hand, giving me extra strength. "I needed to thank you... for helping my family in so many ways." Ashton sits up and watches me carefully as I continue.

"All of you have such a huge impact on your fans. They take everything you say to heart. Ashton, your tweets..." I know I'm tearing up now. "encouraged Grace to reach out for help. I got my daughter back because of you. Michael, your one tweet - Real bands save fans, real fans save bands - is iconic. She has it on her headboard." I continue on, in detail about how they have helped her, and all the struggles we've had, and explain how they have helped me through it all. "That's why Grace and I are so close. We have a common bond that's seen us through hell - you."

The tears have broken through and I don't even care. I have wanted the opportunity to tell them this, to thank them personally for a long time now! I'm so grateful I've finally gotten the chance. Ashton's the first one to stand up and give me a hug. I get a hug from each of them, which is something I've dreamed about.

"I finally get my Mikey hug!" I tell him as he engulfs me in his arms. I'm so tiny compared to him and I feel swallowed up by him. It's the most peaceful and reassuring feeling in the world.

a/n due to privacy concerns, details are not and will not be published. Thank you for understanding.

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