Chapter 23

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How did this happen? Mike wasn't supposed to fall for her! This just got messy. Really messy. At least he's owning up to it and is dealing with it in a logical way. Logic and emotions definitely don't always agree, but he's not letting his heart run his thoughts.

"This is fucked up," Luke says, plopping down in the armchair. I nod my head. "It's mutual Ash, but they can't do anything about it." Oh fuck. This just got more complicated.

"Does he know that?" He didn't say anything about that part to me.

"He does now," he says, pointing to the balcony. Oh shit. "For now, at least, it's not our problem." Luke is right. I just want to enjoy our last few days at home before we head back to LA. "True."


This makes things even harder, but I'm really glad I know. At least I know that it's fate that has intervened and not that she just doesn't see me the same way I see her.

"What happened with you and Ash?" she asks. Shit, she realizes how her little quickie with Ash bothered me.

"Oh, Ash and I are good. I just needed to clear some things up. You and Ash can do whatever whenever, no worries."

"Um, that's not what I meant, but okay. I just wanted to make sure there's no tension between you. The last thing I want to do is cause any of you any problems. The band comes first. Always." She melts my heart when she says things like that. Very few people feel that way.

"I told you earlier not to worry about me. I'll survive!" I wink at her. "Can we just have some fun these last few days?" She nods as she stands on her tiptoes and wraps her arms around my neck. I lean into her, connecting our lips once again. When we pull apart, I rest my forehead against hers before separating and heading back inside.

"God you're hot," I whisper from behind her. She turns towards me with a red face.

"Uh, thanks. That actually feels really good coming from someone as gorgeous as you!" then turns back around and grabs another beer from the fridge.


"So did you find a movie Luke?" I just want to put the past 24 hours behind us.

"Not sure what it's like, but yeah."

"Cool, turn it on." I tell him. "Cal! Ness! Movie time if you're interested!" I hear moans from back the hall. "I guess not. Looks like it's just us four!" I tell them as I curl up next to Michael. Luke likes the horror movies, which I don't like, but I'll gladly curl up with Mikey during one.

Halfway through this poorly done B rated movie, Ness comes out. "I'm heading to the liquor store, want anything?" Ness asks me.

"Fireball and Horchata?" I ask. She nods and heads out the door.

"What's Horchata?" Luke asks.

"A premade rum drink. If you like rice pudding, you'll like horchata." He nods.

"Fireball?" Ashton asks amused.

"Absolutely. Why?"

"Planning on getting fucked up tonight?"

"No. Not on fireball and horchata! Well, maybe.." I chuckle. It takes a lot of those two drinks to get me drunk, and I mean a lot. That's why I chose those. I don't want to deal with a hangover for my last two days here. One thing that sucks about getting older is that the hangovers take a lot longer to get over!

Ness returns shortly after and I help her with pouring out six shots of fireball and wait for Calum to come out of the bedroom.Once he finally comes out, I call everyone to the kitchen island.

Raising our shot glasses, I begin the toast, "To friendships, old and new. Cheers" God, I really hope I'm not assuming too much! We clink our glasses together, everyone repeating me, tap them on the island, then I put it to my lips. The sweet, familiar, cinnamony burn down my throat feels so good.

I pour myself a tumbler of the Horchata and find my spot on the couch against Mikey.

"May I try some of that?" Luke asks quietly.

"Absolutely! All of you should try it at least!" I end up passing my glass around to each of the guys and Ness, who's now found a spot curled up on the floor with Calum, and get back an empty glass. Well okay then! Ashton and Calum seemed to like it, but Michael made a weird face at it and Luke appeared indifferent about it. Oh well, more for me!

"I can't believe I've never heard of it before!" Calum states.

"It's not easy to find. I don't think you can get it at a bar, and there's never many in stock at liquor stores." I explain, "At least that's what I'm told." Ashton gives me a confused look to please explain. "I rarely drink anymore, and it wasn't that long ago since my brother introduced me to it. The night I first tried it was one of the most peaceful nights I had in awhile. Now I can't drink it unless I'm in a happy place." Okay so I'm a nostalgic and sentimental person, ok?


I am not even sure what movie we've been watching for the past hour, all I have been doing is staring at the beautiful woman in my arms and thinking. That's always been my biggest downfall - I think too much. That's something most people don't realize about me. Most people only see the goofball who doesn't take anything seriously. But I do, I take a lot of things very seriously. Like Sarah. I never intended to fall for her, but what kills me the most is that she's not happy. Obviously I don't know how she is at home, but here in Australia, I see a very happy but self-conscious lady who does everything she can for her kids. What could be making her so unhappy? I'd really like to talk to her, but I don't want to overstep my boundaries she has.

I've been so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even hear her phone ring, until she stands up to take it in another room. She's never left the room during a phone call before. You know the saying, curiosity killed the cat? Yup, that's me. I follow her back towards the room I've become so familiar with and she shuts the door behind her, leaving me in the hallway. Okay then, fuck. I can't help but think it's Rob, but those thoughts may just be popping in my head because I was just thinking about it.

"What?!" she yells out in a painful cry. Or not. I should not eavesdrop, but I'm really worried about her. Suddenly a hand is placed on my shoulder.

"Enough spying and torturing yourself for one day, Mate" the giant blondie says.

"You're right, Luke, but..." my words trail off as I try to put together a valid argument.

"But, nothing Mike, let's go," he says, guiding me back to the living room. I return to my spot on the couch, and try as hard as I can to try and hear anything she may be saying, but Luke notices and turn the tv volume up a bit louder. Dick! Frustrated, I turn my eyes to the tv and pretend to be watching.

Twenty minutes later, Sarah comes out of the room and goes into the kitchen, pouring herself a single shot of fireball. That can't be good! I may not know her well, but she doesn't strike me as one to drink alone. I look to Luke, then Ashton, and they are both shaking their head at me, telling me to leave her be. Why is that so hard? Oh, right, because I genuinely care about her. After I hear her pour another shot, she walks out the front door without a word, slamming it shut behind her. This time I look at Ness. She's Sarah's friend, she's known her much longer than I have. She nods at me, and that's all it takes before I stand up.

"Give her space, but keep an eye on her Michael," Ness advises me. "Make sure she's okay, but don't bug her, let her open up to you on her own terms." I dart out the front door and run down the stairs to try to find where she went. I look up and down both sidewalks before finally spotting her heading in the direction of the diner. I take advantage of my long legs to catch up to her just as she's about to reach the diner. I open the door for her, startling her with my presence.

"Two, in the most private booth you have, please," I tell the waitress and she leads us to the back corner away from windows and other customers. We sit down and I look at my menu, remaining completely silent.

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