chapter 96

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"Which one are you laughing at?" Ashton asks.

"Is Marah getting married?"

"Do you remember why that one started?" he asks me.

"I may have been seriously fucked up, but I still remember it all. I knew that'd get shit fired up!" I start laughing. "How did this actually spread though?"

"Cami said you told her you are getting married next year," he says. This makes both of us laugh. Oh my god, some people.

"Was this before or after I supposedly pushed her because she reminded me about my supposed fiancé?" I can't help but laugh. It's just too funny!

"You need to respond Mike, I let Sarah know last night what happened while you were passed out."

"Why do I feel like I'm always doing damage control?" I ask as I start typing.

Michael5sos: don't believe everything you read

Michael5sos: women are precious gifts. even drunk I know & respect that

Michael5sos: lmao no marriage plans in my future.

I look through twitter some more and see Sarah's response to the hashtags.

5sos_moms: jealousy breeds hate and lies. Only believe what you know to be true.

Oh damn! Nice shading! That was awesome!

5sos_moms: The future of Marah is unknown. No marriage plans have been spoken, but he sure does love to get y'all fired up! Lmao

Grace replied to her tweet with Gj5sos: @5sos_moms TRUTH!

I have to keep this conversation up. Just to prove Sarah's point.

Michael5sos: @Gj5sos @5sos_moms Grace knows that all too well! ;)

I include the ice cream cone emoji to remind Grace of the diner and shortly after, she tweets back.

Gj5sos: @Michael5sos @5sos_moms EW EW EW SSSSSSTTTTOOOOOOPPPPP!

Michael5sos: @Gj5sos @5sos_moms lmao case and point!

Gj5sos: @Michael5sos @5sos_moms at my expense? Thanks. Ily too.

"Nice job on that one!" Ashton laughs. "I don't think I wanna know!"


Oh my gosh! Grace and Michael tweeting back and forth is cracking me up, but I really need to be working. I put my phone in my top drawer and get back to work. Only a few more hours until my lunch break, but he'll be in Soundcheck, so I have to wait until I get home tonight to talk to him. This time difference is brutal. IF he's awake early enough, as in before noon, then I can talk to him in the mornings. Otherwise it's only after I get home from work.

Over my lunch break, I get a text from one of my few friends to go out to the bar tonight, and I gladly accept.

Once my work day finally ends, I bring home dinner and get Casey out to soccer practice and make arrangements for him to get a ride home, then meet up with my friend.

We spend several hours out at the bar, catching up and just having fun. When Mikey calls, we both look at my phone for a second, then I flip it over and ignore it. It's difficult to do, but I cannot let my world revolve him.

A couple more hours later, I make my way back home. After I check on my now sleeping kids, I decide not to even try to call Mikey back, it's only 6am in England, so I climb into bed and go to sleep.

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