Chapter 21

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I know I'm just making things harder on myself, no pun intended, but I can't control myself. She's intoxicating. I should be walking away. Should is the key word. The problem is, I can't. No one has ever made me feel as alive as Sarah. The strange part is, even with all her stories of her past, I get the feeling that she feels the same way. But I really should not be going there. That thought will just fuck me up even worse. I need to think that she's happy and content where she's at and leave it at that. As long as she's happy, I can deal with my own shit.

"Mikey?" she asks, pulling away. "I don't think this is a good idea in public, whether anyone's here or not. We don't need to make this situation worse, ya know?" As much as I hate to admit it, she's right.

"Yeah, the last thing you need is any hate. I love our fans, but some of them can be brutal."

"That's for sure," she mumbles quietly. I continue standing there, getting sucked further into her gray, blue, green eyes. 

"So what do you want to do for the next two and a half days?" I ask, since half of today is already gone. The sparkle in her eyes fade and I see a sadness that I hadn't noticed prior to today, just before she looks away.

"I honestly don't know, Mikey," she says, looking everywhere but at me. I'm not sure what's causing it, but it's bothering me.

"Are you happy?" I blurt out without thinking. She looks up at me in surprise before looking back down at the ground then sits back down on the swing. I mimic her actions and wait quietly. She starts swinging higher, totally avoiding my question, which is all the answer I need. This just made things a bit more complicated! It was stupid of me to ask, but I do care about her, and that took priority over my own heart.

"Sarah, you still haven't answered me," I speak up after ten minutes of silence.

"No I haven't, and I'm not going to. It's irrelevant! I want some cheesecake, where can we go for cheesecake?" Switching the topic with food? If she thinks that talking about food is going to make me forget... "or ice cream?"'s working.

"Cheesecake ice cream?" I ask her.

"You said the magic words! Let's go!" she answers excitedly and jumps off the swing mid air. When she lands, one of her feet slips forward and she lands flat on her bum.

"Ow!" she starts laughing hysterically and I start laughing with her. That's usually something that I'd do! I hop off my swing and walk over to her, reaching out a hand to help her stand up, but once she's on her feet, I don't let her hand go. She just looks at me quizzically until I ask her again, "" She groans as she pulls me to the SUV, opening the door and climbing in.

"Where to?" Dave asks. I tell him my favorite ice cream place and he nods as he puts it in drive.

"Sarah?" I ask her.

"Oh my god Mikey, would you just stop please? Even if I answered you, it wouldn't change anything. I'm going home in two and a half days and I do not want to think about home right now. Okay? Can we just enjoy these next few days?"

"Long way there Dave!" I tell him as I put up the dark tinted privacy glass separating us from him. Sarah looks at me gaping.

"Why haven't we done that before?" she asks as she grabs my shirt, pulling me towards her and forcefully connecting our lips. I reach under her shirt and grab her breast, squeezing with just enough pressure to elicit a moan from her mouth. Her moans have an immediate and direct connection to my now throbbing cock.

I pull her into the back row and she lands on top of me, allowing my hand easy access to inside her shorts, which I take advantage of and immediately insert a finger inside her. "Fuck you're so wet!" I moan. She fumbles with the button on my jeans but manages to get them undone and pulls the down past my hips. I remove my hand and she works on removing her shorts and panties as I put on a condom, then she straddles over me and lowers herself until I am fully inside her. We both moan at the same time and she starts to ride me hard and fast. It doesn't take long before she is moaning her release and the feel of it takes me over the edge shortly after. Now I understand the meaning of the term quickie better than ever before. Holy hell!

The car comes to a stop and she climbs off of me then somehow manages to get her shorts back on. I remove the condom, knotting it and put my jeans back where they belong. Shit, what do I do with this?

Sarah must see my question in my face and she opens the window separating us from Dave. "Do you have a plastic bag up there by chance?" she asks him. He snickers as he hands her an empty pharmacy bag. "Thanks!" she says, handing it to me.

"I told you anything with a backseat!" she whispers in my ear with a smile as we climb out and walk into the ice cream parlor. I can't fight the grin that spreads across my face. Another first with her. Damn, I've had quite a few of those lately!

We order our ice cream and find a booth in a corner, out of view of windows and the door and sit across from each other in the booth.

"So what would you like to do for your last few days here? Any thoughts?" I ask her. Damn I don't want her to go. This bites.

She shrugs and won't look at me, so I kick her foot under the table. She finally looks up at me and starts to run her foot up and down my leg, moving further up my leg each time. Well fuck! Does she ever stop? Not that I'm complaining, because I'm definitely not! She slides down in the booth slightly, allowing her the added distance for her foot to reach my revived bulge. She gets a devilish grin when she sees the effect she has on me, then suddenly sits up straight, placing her feet on the floor and starts at her ice cream some more.

What the hell? I watch her curiously as she eats. I never thought someone could eat a damn ice cream cone seductively, but she has managed to find a way. Oh, so she wants to play this game again. Shit, wait, I failed horribly last time! She has my head spinning! I can only watch her as we finish up.

When she gets up to go to the restroom, I finally adjust myself because, damn, I'm uncomfortable right now! Just as I'm about to get up to go join her in the bathroom to fix this, I hear it. The words I've been afraid of.

"Oh my god, did you see her? She's old enough to be his mum!"

"I know! He wouldn't do that though, would he?"

"I sure hope not. That's just gross. She's so OLD!"

"What a skank!"

Before Sarah has a chance to return and possibly hear the shit these girls are saying, I want to find her and get her out of here. I climb out of the booth and turn around, and that's when I see Sarah standing there staring at the girls. I'm too late. They don't see her because of the fake tree between her and the girls but I can see the hurt in her eyes. Shit!


"Don't talk shit about things you know nothing about," Michael tells the girls as he walks past their table, grabbing my hand and leading me out to the SUV. Shit, he shouldn't have done that. Sure it hurt to hear, but he's right, they don't know shit about "us".

"I'm sorry Sarah," he says once we climb inside.

"It was inevitable," I tell him quietly. "And they're mostly right. What are we doing Michael?"

"No, they are not right. They have no business in something that doesn't concern them. What happens between us is between us, not them. It's MY life, YOUR life, not theirs!" He's turning red with anger, and while quite touching, it's unnecessary.

"Mikey, everything you say and do affects your fans in some way. Some people are going to talk shit, some are going to support you. That's life. You gotta take the good with the bad. It's just the way it goes."

"But it's not fair to you, you shouldn't be scrutinized because of me."

"I knew from Day 1 what the risks were. Isn't that what you said to me?" I know how mixed people are about my age. I've been blocked by fans on twitter just because I'm a mom. Sure, it stings, but that just shows how closed-minded some people are.

He smiles at me and pulls me in to his side as Dave takes us back to Ness'.

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