Chapter 46

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After another 20 minutes, the six of us go upstairs. There's someone I haven't met and another teenager staring at me, wide eyed. This must be Annie.

Sarah greets them both with a hug and introduces me to her aunt's sister and niece. Annie is much calmer, but she's full of smiles and keeps looking at Sarah in shock.

"My fellow Mikey girl," Sarah giggles in my ear. I like fans like Annie that can carry on a normal conversation without freaking out. After a few minutes, Annie goes to find Mary and Grace. I've noticed that those two are like glue to each other, while Di hangs with Mason and Casey most.

Annie's mum asks us about how we met and all that so we tell our story, yet again.

We make up some breakfast and have our coffee while everyone else wakes up. Sarah's grandmother is hilarious. She's quite the feisty old lady! Although she's asked me the same questions about Sarah and I countless times, it doesn't bother me. She is almost 90.

After everyone has some breakfast of one soft or another, I join her brothers back downstairs while Sarah stays upstairs talking to all the ladies.

"You watch football?" Matt asks me.

"Some," I answer. "I'm still trying to figure it out."

"Well you're in for a treat today. The Steelers are playing at 1:00. This family gets a bit crazy! The true test if you can hang!" he laughs evilly.

"Um, okay." I'm not sure what to think.

"What are you doing to poor Michael?" Sarah interrupts.

"Just warning him about the Steelers games!" There's that evil laugh again.

"Oh Gosh, I didn't think about that!" she laughs.

"That bad?" I ask her.

"Calum playing FIFA? Times fifty!"

"Oh god."


Michael held his own quite well during the Steelers game. I'm quite impressed. I told him to sit by my uncle because if anyone can answer questions about the game, it's him. And it didn't take Mikey long to realize that he's better off in this house rooting for Pittsburgh!

"I need a nap after that game!" he whines quietly to me, causing me to laugh.

"We're getting ready to head up to my parents. You can sleep in the car," I tell him. He nods and starts collecting his stuff together while I go upstairs to get the kids going.

An hour later, we're finally saying goodbye to everyone and start the two hours to my parents. Within minutes, Michael's asleep.

"Mom? This isn't fair! I wanted the front to jam with you but Mikey gets it so he can sleep?" Grace complains.

"He's kinda a foot taller than you! He needs the leg room!"

"But Mommmmm! Shake tramp!!!" My boys groan and dig out their headphones. They've learned. Grace and I started this tradition of playing and dancing along to Shaketramp on every car trip.

"You know what I find ironic?" I ask her. "When did we start this?"

"On our way up here last summer for the 5sos concert!" she starts laughing. "Now one of them is sitting in our front seat! Crank it Mom!"

"You got it!" I connect my phone to the auxiliary jack and turn it on.

Did I let you down to get that sound
And break my knees to get release
And you needed some just to take you from
And I hit you more
Is your face still sore?

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