chapter 91

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After being drug all the way back to the hotel, I'm tossed onto the floor. I curl up into fetal position to try to protect my stomach, whether there's a life in there or not. He continues to try to kick me, but I tune out the fear and pain. I have to survive this. For Grace, Mason, and Casey. And for Michael. The image of the four people that mean the most to me is the last thing I see before blackness takes over.


Where do we even start looking? How the fuck do the fans find us in big cities like this? We've had no luck, no signs of her whatsoever. It's now 3am and we're in Brighton, checking in at the hotel. I don't know why we're getting a hotel, it's out of the ordinary for us. But this hasn't been an ordinary week. As we're walking in towards the elevator, I spot a piece of paper on the floor. It's just a normal piece of hotel stationary, but there's something about it that draws me to pick it up.

"What's that?" Dave asks.

"A sheet of paper." As I open it up, my heart stops. It has to be.

"Oh my god! Sarah! I think I found her!" Dave looks at it confused.

"Milkshake 236? How is this Sarah?"

"Milkshake. It's her nickname for me. Don't ask. But I just, I know it's her Dave. Look at the hotel. Could this be a room number?"

"It's worth looking into. Let's go." All five of us climb into the SUV.

"You guys should get some sleep," I tell my band mates. "Dave and I got this."

"You're kidding me, right Mike?" Ashton says. "This is Sarah we're talking about!"

"Sarah isn't just your girlfriend, man. Or just Ness' friend! She's one of us. She's family."

"There's no way we can sleep knowing that Sarah's out there somewhere. We're in this together."

"Thank you. All of you. I have to find her. Whether she's pregnant or not, I love her. I can't live without her. I just need to find her."

"Pregnant? What?" Luke asks. Before I can say anything, we're at the hotel on the paper I found. I jump out before the car's even stopped completely, and I hear them calling to me, but nothing is going to stand in my way.


Except Calum. Damnit, he's by far the fastest of us and he stands still in front of me, not letting me through.

"Move Cal."

"No. Mike, what are you going to do? Knock the door down? What if it's not her? We need a plan."

"At 3am? What else can we do?"

"You have a picture of her on your phone, right?" Luke asks. Duh!


"Then how about you start by asking at the front desk if they've seen her? If she's in room 236? Maybe they'll tell you something." When did Luke become the smart one?

"Yeah, okay."

I walk up to the counter and see a college aged girl, studying, looking bored out of her mind. This calls for the whole band. I signal them over and once they see her, they know what I'm thinking.

"Hey beautiful!" Luke says, making her look up.

"What? Oh my god! No way! What are you guys doing at this dump?! Holy crap!" Oh this is going to be easier than I thought! She's a fan!

"So, lovey, I've got a little problem here. You know my girlfriend, Sarah, yeah?" I ask her, showing her my lock screen.

"Wait! That's Sarah? But she was - "

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