Chapter 68

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Okay, I never meant to take it that far tonight. I really was just going to help her change into her pajamas. I'm trying to not have our relationship be just about sex, and it's not. I love everything about her, but sexually, I just can't resist her. She's a siren, a drug. And then, oh my god, when she said those words, begging me, I was done for. I almost came unglued right then and there. Hearing those words from her mouth, I couldn't have stop even if I wanted to.

We curl up in the bed, with her tucked away under my arm, her head resting on my chest as I'm playing with her hair. Her beautiful soft brown curls, that wrap around my finger perfectly. Everything about her is perfect.

"I love you," she says sleepily, breaking me away from my thoughts.

"I love you too babydoll. And I hope you know that I love everything about you, not just the sex, right?" I really want to make sure that she knows that.

"I know. You know I'm the same way, right?" she asks. "While the sex is phenomenal, that's just the icing on the cake. I love everything about you, I love you for who you are. And if I could never have sex with you again, while it would suck ass big time, I'd still be madly in love with you." Same.

"My thoughts exactly. You're my world, Sarah. My everything."

She squeezes her arms tighter around me and we drift off to a deep, peaceful sleep.


"Oh you cocksucker!"
"Eat this asshole!"

What the fuck? The bed beside me is empty, and as I sit up, I see Mason and Casey playing video games 10 feet away from me.

"Fuck you jackass!"

"MASON! CASEY!" I yell, "WATCH THE LANGUAGE!" Okay seriously? I can't go a single sentence without a swear word, but I'm yelling at them for swearing? Oh man, what's happening to me?

"Says you!" Mason snickers.

"Okay, where's your mum?" Does Sarah know they cuss like this?

"Upstairs. With your mom," he answers, his focus staying on the game.

I climb out of bed, throwing on a pair of sweatpants and go upstairs to the kitchen. I come up quietly behind her and sneak my arms around her waist, making her jump slightly.

"Good morning babydoll," I say into her hair as I kiss the top of her head. "Did you realize how much your boys swear when playing video games?" I ask her.

"Yes, unfortunately. It drives me crazy, but I'd be a hippocrit if I scolded them for it. I have a sailor's mouth."

"Especially in bed," I say so only she can hear me, making her smile and nod a very slight nod.

"Smells good mum," I say. She's making a huge production for breakfast, but with 7 people, two of which could probably eat for 5 in one sitting, I guess she needs to.

"Thanks Mike. Sarah tells me Mason eats as much as you." I nod at her because I'm kissing Sarah's hair again. "I'd hate to see your grocery bill each month!" she says to Sarah.

"I can't keep food in the house. Especially when Mikey's home!" Mum glances at me quickly when Sarah refers to my visits at her house as me being home. I smile big, I like the sound of that. When we got here yesterday, I found myself referring to it at my parents house. Sarah's house has become my home.

"I know the feeling!" Mum laughs. I can't stop smiling while I watch Sarah and Mum carry on their conversation. They get on well, which is heartwarming to see. Once the food's ready, I call the boys upstairs and go wake up Grace. Two things that usually can bribe her out of her room are Ashton and food. What a combo I think to myself, laughing.

Sarah looks at me weird when I come back in the kitchen and asks me what's so funny.

"Ashton and food. Quite the combo!" I answer, knowing she'll have no idea what I'm talking about.


"The only two things I've found to get Gracey out of bed!" Shit. I said it again. I immediately tense up but Grace wraps her arms around me from behind and says, "It's fine Mikey. I kinda like it."

Mum looks at me puzzled as we sit down, but when she sees we aren't going to explain, she changes the subject. "Do you guys have any plans for today?"

"42 Wallaby Way Sydney" Casey says in his best Dory voice.

"Just like your mum!" I say through my laughter.

"What? Nemo's a great movie! I know Mom said there's no such place, but I had to make sure," he replies with a playful sass. "Come on. Gimme a break here man!" he fake whines the last bit, causing everyone to laugh.

"Is anyone afraid of heights?" I ask. Sarah's already present smile just gets bigger as she knows what I'm thinking, the excitement evident in her bright blue eyes. All three kids say no before Sarah asks if we can do it at sunset. Such a hopeless romantic! I nod at her before setting out the plan.

"I thought we could do all the touristy stuff today. The Opera House, Cathedral... All the places we took your mum the first full day she was here. That sound good?"

After breakfast, we all got ready to go and started off to tour Sydney.


It feels really weird being back. Almost nostalgic, even though it was only four months ago. As we're driving around, Michael and I tell the kids SOME of the stories about last time, laughing at Michael's blunders, Ashton's derp moments, Calum's sass and Luke's constant smart ass comments. When it gets close to sunset, Michael takes us to the Harbor Bridge and and pays for the five of us. We get into our groups, and like last time, they go through all the safety precautions, then start the climb. Again, I don't look down until we reach the top, but once we do, it's even more breathtaking than last time, since we get to watch the sunset on the water. Grace takes a billion pictures, while Mikey and I take a few selfies, both serious and stupid. Then Mason takes a few for us, and we have someone in our group take some of the five of us. As the sun disappears over the horizon, Michael pulls me into him, and after staring into each others eyes for a minute, kisses me gently on the lips, hands around my waist, mine around his neck. It's a picture perfect moment, as time stands still and everyone, my kids included, disappear from the world around me. In this minute, only Michael and I exist.

"Mom!" All three kids call to me at once, snapping us back into reality.

"What?" I look at them and they start busting up laughing.

"Earth to Mom and Michael! We've been trying to get you guys' attention for 3 minutes, literally! It's time to go!" Mason laughs.

"She was like this with anything Mikey even before she met him! You know that!" Grace tells him as they walk in front of us. Oh my god! Shoot me now! Michael's snickering beside me and I know I'm bright red. Thank god the sky has a reddish tint to help hide the color in my face!


She's so embarrassed by Grace's comment, probably because it stresses even more how much of a fan she is, and has been. I used to find it funny how obsessed she was, now I absolutely love it. But I love it when she blushes, so I don't want Grace to stop messing with her! That's so mean of me, but hey, it's true!

I drive us back to my mum's where she has dinner waiting for the kids. I talked to her this morning while Sarah was in the bathroom to see if they could hang at the house so I could take Sarah out. Of course she said yes. I knew she would.

We take the kids back and just as Sarah's about to sit down at the table, I take her by the hand. She looks really confused, but I smile at her and tell her, "Go change into some pants, it's getting cool at night here. And I'm taking you on that date you promised me!" She quickly runs downstairs to the man cave and mum says, "Its all together in the garage for you. Everything you asked for." I hug her tight and thank her then run out and put the stuff in the boot. I get back inside just as Sarah's coming back upstairs. She even has some makeup on, which she doesn't need, but it really makes those gorgeous baby blues stand out. How the hell did she do all that so fast? Again, she's definitely not like most women!

I grab her hand, we say our goodbyes and walk out to door.

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