Chapter 47

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After an awkward car ride with Jamey and Ari, I reach the hotel in New York City. Back to the real world of screaming fans! I take a few pictures with fans outside the hotel before I make my way inside and up to the rooms. The guys got here a half hour ago, so I'm right on schedule.

They all ask about Sarah and I update them on everything that's been happening since I left Australia, then it's off to Times Square we go.


"The one with bright red hair," I whisper to Kristen when 5sos starts performing. We always watch the Rockin New Years and watch the ball drop, but Kristen is the only one here that knows anything about Michael or 5sos.

"Ooooo he's hot! And I love his voice! Keep that one! Who's the bassist?" I knew she'd go for Calum out of the four.

"Calum. He's got a girlfriend though."

"I don't care about that! I could make him forget about her for a night!" she jokes.

"Who's the other one you had?" she whispers quietly in my ear.

"The drummer, Ashton," I whisper back.

"Damn! You go girl! Holy shit look at how big his hands are!"

"Ohhh yeah." We are both thinking the same thing and I confirm it for her. We laugh then change the subject as other people join us.

After we ring in the new year, everyone starts to head home except me. I always stay the night because I just don't get to see them enough.

I stay up for a while chatting with Kristen and Derek before I finally head off to the guest room for bed. I'm exhausted and quite buzzed, but I made sure not to get drunk. I didn't want to accidentally say something I shouldn't, so I kept my drinking low key.

As exhausted as I am, though, I can't sleep. I was being honest with my dad about not being able to sleep alone. I miss Rob, I miss Mikey, and I get myself into a whirlwind of confusion about the entire situation.

I don't even realize that I'm crying until Kristen comes in and sits on the edge of the bed.

"You okay honey?" she asks.

"Yeah, er, I will be. I just haven't been able to sleep alone since the crash. At home, either Casey or Grace sleeps with me, and this vacation it's been Mikey. I just can't shut my mind off, replaying that day, all the petty fights he started, all the sweet things Mikey's said to me, the guilt, everything." Without saying a word, she lays down next to me and hugs me, letting me cry myself to sleep in her arms.

"Damn! I've been waiting for this day for years!" I'm woken up to hear Derek say. Kristen's arms are still wrapped around me and I groan at his words. Rob and Derek both would make comments all the time about wanting to see Kristen and I together. Yeah, not happening!

"Shut up Derek!" Kristen says, as we both sit up.

After having breakfast, I say goodbye and head back to my parents. Mikey made his own arrangements back this afternoon, so he should be getting there soon.

I talk to the kids about their night with their grandparents until Mikey knocks on the door.

"I wasn't sure if I should just walk in or not, so, yeah," he says when I open the door for him. He runs his bag back upstairs then joins everyone in the sun room.

"We were watching you guys on TV last night," dad tells Mikey. "You're pretty good. Impressive skills."

"Oh, thanks. I love what I do."

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