Chapter 18

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Holy shit that was intense and absolutely phenomenal! The things this woman does to me are more than I ever could've imagined. I don't know what I'm going to do when she leaves in a few days. The thought of her leaving gives me this new pain and I don't know where it's coming from. What the fuck Mike? What is wrong with you? Knock it off. She's a married woman for Christ's sake! Not to mention she is twice your age! Literally, in just a couple weeks! No no no. I can't be falling for her. That's not possible. Or rational! Get a grip Mike!

I didn't notice Sarah collecting all of our clothes sprawled out everywhere until she bent over right near me. Somehow I'm already hard again just at the sight. Damn! Just before she tosses our clothes into the room, she throws on my shirt and nothing else. My stomach is doing flip flops at the sight and I swear my stomach is connected to my heart... not good. But it's also connected to my cock and I am only allowing myself to focus on that. As she comes back out, she heads to the kitchen, trying to reach a bag of chips just out of her reach.

"Hey Mikey? Could you grab these for me babe?" Babe? For some reason, I really like the sound of that!


Oh fuck! I did NOT just call him babe! Shit shit shit. Not cool Sarah! Not cool at all. It was just a slip of the tongue, but one that proved to me that I really care about this dork.

Mikey comes up behind me, still naked and reaches up, grabbing the chips. I can feel that he's already prepared, condom and all, for another round. How the hell am I still walking?! The feel of his erection against my lower back is definitely turning me on, and as I turn around, squashed between his body and the counter, he holds the chips above his head, keeping them from me.

"Hey!" I whine, hoping to get my way and get my chips back from him. "Pleeeease may I have my chips?" I ask, trying to pout in a cute way, although I probably look more like a sick duck.

"Nu uh. You have to work for them babe!" he teases. Fuck. Okay, time to pull out the stops now. I use my arms to pull myself up so I'm now sitting on the counter I was just pressed against. I quickly grab for the chips and grab them when he's distracted by looking at me and my legs that I intentionally spread open. "Ha! Got 'em!" I exclaim, but just as I'm about to hop off the counter, he closes the gap so there's nowhere for me to jump down to. He pulls on my legs, pulling me to the edge, so only half of my butt is on the counter, the other half in mid air, and he quickly thrusts himself into me. Oh damn! This is the perfect height so he can stand up straight for once and he definitely takes advantage of it as he fucks me harder than ever before. This is not like before. There's no foreplay, unless you count the sex we had less than an hour ago, no making out, just pure raw fucking and I love it! Because of the intensity, it doesn't take either of us very long to cum.

And before I know it, he's grabbed the bag of chips and walks away. I'm still trying to catch my breath and that little shit pulled a fast one on me! Oh, he's gonna pay!

Michael struts over to the couch victoriously and opens my chips, popping a handful in his mouth. I hop off the counter, quickly wiping it down with a clorox wipe and then get an idea.

I creep up quietly behind him, then quickly reach over the back of the couch and start tickling his sides, making him yelp in surprise, sending chips flying everywhere. I start giggling hysterically, until he grabs my arms and pulls me partway over the back of the couch. He turns himself so he can pull me the rest of the way and I end up laying on top of him. Once I am, he looks me in the eyes, making me lose all train of thought. I can seriously get lost in his beautiful green eyes.

Before I know what's happening, he places his hand on my cheek and slowly pulls my lips to his. This kiss feels so different than the others, though. There's passion in his kiss, and something that I really hope is just my head playing tricks on me.

"Fuck," he says when he pulls away. No kidding Michael! "We need to take this to the room before Ness gets back," he whispers breathlessly. I nod my head and climb off of him, then offer him a hand to help him stand up. Just as he does, we hear the lock starting to turn and I swear I've never seen Michael run so fast in my life! I'm cracking up laughing as I quickly follow him into the room, closing the bedroom door just as Ness and Calum walk through the front door.

Dammit, my chips are still out there! I groan as I plop on the bed next to a still naked Michael. He curls up next to me, whispering in my ear, "What's wrong babe?" Shit. Now he's calling me babe? This is not good. Not good at all. What have I done?

"My chips are still out there!" I pout. This just causes him to start laughing.

"They were yummy!" he teases. I smack his arm that's now wrapped around my waist.

"Brat!" I laugh, and he places his head on my chest, holding me tightly. Within minutes, he's snoring. It warms my heart to see and I know I'm seriously screwed. I can't be developing real feelings for him. It's not fair to anyone involved! Michael, me, Rob, my kids... Fuck!

As I'm lying there running my fingers through his hair, contemplating the mess I've gotten myself into, Mikey's guitar solo in WILAY starts. Shit! My phone! I quickly grab it from the table next to my bed and see it's Rob calling. I look down at Michael, still asleep on my chest and I sigh as I answer it quietly.


"Hi honey! How's your trip so far? Sorry I haven't called lately, I've been nonstop down here."

"Oh, that's cool. I've been keeping really busy, too." Yeah, busy with Michael and Ashton!

"Well that's good. You wouldn't believe the shit I've had to deal with..." He starts talking about 'this' software and 'that' system and I've never been so grateful for his selfish ramblings as I am right now. I am not really paying much attention, mainly because I have absolutely no clue what he's talking about, but also because I'm too busy thinking about how I don't want to leave here. I only have three days left with Michael and I know I'm getting too attached.

"But I won't bore you anymore with my work stuff," Rob finally is finishing his monologue when Michael decides to start talking in his sleep. "Who's with you there, Sarah?" Shit.

"Uh, Michael?"

"Michael? Oh, from 5SOS?" He is chuckling, which is a relief.

"Yeah. He's, uh, mumbling in his sleep." I'm so nervous about this conversation and I don't know why. Yes you do Sarah, because this is becoming more than just sex to you.

"Asleep, hu? So you actually got to use your list? Which one was Michael again? The one that was sitting behind me or behind you on the plane?"

"Behind me," I answer quietly. I'd rather Mikey not wake up during this conversation. That would get awkward.

Michael still is mumbling but I can't understand what he's saying. His accent is much thicker in his sleep, and he's talking into my boob, which muffles it, and is actually starting to tickle. I need to end this phone call soon!

"Alright, well you're obviously quite busy tonight," he laughs. "So I'm going to let you get back to him. And I need to get some sleep anyways. I'll see you in a few days honey." Thank you Rob!

"Alright, yeah I need some sleep too. I love you," I tell my husband.

"I love you, too. Goodnight," and Rob disconnects the call.

"Love you too." I freeze as those muffled words are literally vibrating in my chest.

a/n so sorry I haven't been updating/writing. I've been on vacation. I head back in a few days and hope to be able to write more then. It just probably won't be as often as it had been before my trip.

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