Chapter 26

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My phone rings and I see Grace's contact come up, making me smile.

"Hi Grace!"

"Hi mom! How's Australia?" I'm taking a shower Mikey mouths at me and I nod.

"It's amazing! You'd love it here!" I talk to her about the sightseeing I've done and somehow Mikey's managed to keep quiet, until the food is ready.

"Calum you fat pig, give me some of those!"

"You have some! Save some for Sarah!"

"Um mom? Was that Michael and Calum?" There's no hiding it now.

"Yes. One sec. MIKEY! CAL! You better leave me some friggin pancakes! Sorry Grace. They're pigs I swear."

"Just how much have you been hanging out with them Mom? And where's Ash and Luke?"

"Um, almost every day and I made Ash and Luke go spend time with their families. I tried to make Mikey and Cal go too, but they're too STUBBORN!"

"You're introducing me before Jingle Ball, you know that, right?" Shit. Not the idea I had in mind for that day.

"Says who?"

"MMMMOOOOOMMMMM!" Yikes! I take the phone away from my ear and both guys look at me wide eyed.

"I'll see what I can do. How about I do this? Ness has an iPhone. What if I use her phone to face time with you and you can say hi to them?"

"Can't you use one of their phones?"

"So you can have their number? How stupid do you think I am? Nice try!"

"Darn. Okay. Call me right back. Mom, I mean it!"

"Okay okay!" We hang up and I look at Mikey and Calum.

"Sorry guys. I almost got away with it, but Mikey couldn't keep his mouth shut!" Ness hands me her phone and I dial Grace's number. "Just do me one favor? Remember she's 16. You two go home at night and come by in the morning, ok?" They nod and I connect to face time.

"Now give me my pancakes! Hi Grace! Here, say hi to Michael and Calum so I can get some pancakes before they eat them all!" I hand the phone to Calum and start eating. After they both talk to her for a few minutes, Mikey hands the phone back to me.

"Happy now?" I ask her. She nods because she's in too much shock to speak. "Okay, well I'm going to hang up now. I'll see you in a few days, ok?" She nods again. "Bye! Love you!" After disconnecting, I hand Ness her phone back.

"Well that was interesting!" Calum says.

"Welcome to my world." And of course now Rob would be calling. "Fuck." Mikey looks at the contact and gives me a sad smile.

"I'll be back guys." I take my phone out to the balcony and talk to Rob, and as usual lately, I end up in tears. After we hang up, I hang my head in my hands and cry. I force myself to stop and tell myself I'm not letting him ruin my last two days. I wipe the tears and go inside.


"I'm taking a shower," she says as she walks past quickly. I can tell she's been crying and I look to Ness and Calum.

"She okay?" Calum asks.

"I hope so. Things aren't going so good at home." There's a sad silence between us that is soon filled with a very familiar tune.

They would yell, they would scream, they were fighting it out
She would hope, she would pray, she was waiting it out
Holding onto a dream
While she watches these walls fall down

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