[24] I Hope You Enjoyed Your Stay

Start from the beginning

What? I'm sorry, but what the hell? Was I a Victor? Did I lead a rebellion? Was I the Mockingjay? I read the final paragraph.

This book is to honor those who died in the Rebellion. In these pages you will find pictures and memories of people closest to Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. (And Haymitch Abernathy)

Haymitch's name seemed to be added as a afterthought.  I took a deep breath and opened to the next page.


There was a picture of a small dark skinned girl, the picture was a head shot that was like those shown in the Hunger Games. She was a tribute. Large words next to the photo said "The girl who could fly like a bird." and another paragraph was written on her.

I flipped the page and my heart stopped.

Primrose Everdeen

My sister... Is in this book? Why? She couldn't have been in the Rebellion, right? She isn't dead, right? Right? My sister's quote was "A kindhearted girl who loved every living creature."

"Katniss?" Peeta's voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked up to see him standing there holding a tray with a bowl of soup on it.

"How did she die?" I asked, not even pretending to know what was going on. My sister died, and I didn't even know it.

Peeta looked at me, pity in his eyes. He set down the tray on the nightstand and sat on the edge of the bed. "The day when the Rebellion ended, so did your sister's life." He began. "All the children of the Capitol were in a pen, like livestock or something. Nobody knows if it was a Capitol ship or one of ours, but it dropped bombs. Bombs that attacked victims and burned them."

He looks at his hands as he finishes explaining. "She was sent in as a nurse to help the children, but nobody knows why. You're mom wasn't even told to go. The second wave of bombs exploded, and she was... Gone." He sighed. "Apparently Prim asked to come as help, and Coin let her. It's rumored that she wanted Prim to die 'cause then you would be crushed and deemed unfit to become president instead of her, which is what she feared."

Tears slid down my face. "Why didn't I save her?" I asked. Peeta didn't answer. "Why? Peeta, tell me! Why?"

"You tried, Katniss." Peeta's voice was monotone, as if he didn't like talking about it. "You really did. But in the end there was really nothing anyone could've done."

I buried my face in the covers, but moments later I felt Peeta move closer and attempt to soothe me.

"You aren't the Katniss from the rebellion, are you?" Peeta asked softly. I shook my head. "My Katniss told me about that, the odd switch in realities. I figured that one day she would go back to where she's from. You know me, right?" I nod. "That's a good thing, right?" I nod again. "I'm sorry that you had to learn about your sister like this." Peeta sighed.

I slowly looked up at him. "I'm sorry that you just had the other Katniss stolen away from you."

Peeta smiled sadly. "If you're anything like her, I'll love you all the same."

I smiled. Maybe this is the reality I belong in. A reality with Peeta, one where I'm safe, one where I have a entire nation behind me.

"I'm tired." I said simply, laying back down. Peeta didn't question it, though I could tell he wanted to mention  that I'd apparently been asleep for hours. He stood up, tucking me in. I closed my eyes.

"Welcome back, Katniss." Peeta gently kissed my forehead. I was asleep before he could leave the room.

My dreams were full of people welcoming me, both from this dimension and the other one. A chorus of welcomes filled my head.
Welcome to a new world.
Welcome to a alternate universe.
Welcome back.
Welcome home.
Welcome to a place that loves you.
Welcome to friendship.
Welcome to love....

 Welcome to reality...

 I hope you enjoy your stay...

A/N: Stay tuned for a epilouge.
This is the final actual chapter, and I know it's not exactly a happy ending, but is there really such thing? I'll be posting a epilouge by next week, if it isn't up by thursday then I give you all permission to pester me. I'm sorry for the long gaps without chapters, that's just me being distracted by the internet. I love you all! <3
P.S. Song on the side is best one ever, and I think in some odd way it describes the Hunger Games... am I the only one who thinks that? o.O 

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