[10] Welcome to the Hawthorne Household

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[10] Welcome to the Hawthorne Houshold

Prim's Point  of View

I sat at my desk, waiting patiently for the bell to ring. My fingers drummed on the desktop, my feet swung back and forth, my eyes were glued to the clock. Okay, maybe not so patiently.

"Psst, Prim." I hear someone whisper from behind me. I turn to see Rory Hawthorne leaning across his desk to talk to me. I feel my heart skip a beat, Rory Hawthorne is talking to me? Rory smiles. "Hey, wanna come over after school? A few of my other friends are already coming over, and I heard one of them likes you." He seemed nervous asking this, as if there were more to tell than what he said.

"Um, yea, sure." I said, trying not to sound too desperate. Rory smiled, a huge overjoyed smile that made me smile. Gosh, why is he so perfect?

The bell then rung and I jumped slightly. Rory chuckled as he stood up, swinging his backpack over his shoulder. I stood and grabbed my bag as well. Rory and I began to head towards the buses, chatting about nothing in particular.

As we walked a couple people joined us, all people who I'm guessing would be coming as well. Only then did Rory's words hit me. 'And I heard one of them likes you.' Not him, but one of the others. I feel my heart sink slightly. I choose to forget that for now.

We all get onto the bus. Rory sits next to a guy who I vaguely remember as Jim. I sigh and sit next to one of Rory's friends. She smiles at me as I sit down.

"Hi!" She says, waving. She seems very hyper, and overly happy. "I'm Maddie." She introduces herself.

"Um, I'm Prim." I say. "Are you one of Rory's friends?" I ask. She nods, making her dull golden hair bounce around her face and her glasses wobble slightly on her face.

"What about you, you going to Rory's house too?" Maddie asks.

"Yea, Rory invited me like a minute before the bell rung." I say. Suddenly Maddie smiles really big.

"Ohhhhhh..." She says,as if realizing something. "You're Prim."

"Um, yea." I said, confused. "Why?"

Maddie smiles. "Rory talks about you a lot... Like, a LOT."

"What?" I ask, feeling a glimmer of hope swell in my chest. Maddie just nods. Just as I'm about to press her for more information, Rory leans over from across the isle.

"Hey Maddie," He said, a trace of amusement in his voice. "Jimmy has something to say to you." He leans out of the way to reveal a very embarrassed looking Jim.

"Um.. Um..." Jim stutters, giving Rory panicked looks. He sighs. "I call chicken! This dare is way to hard!!" Jim huffs. Rory cracks up laughing.

"What was the dare?" Maddie asks. Rory is laughing to hard to respond and Jim just sits there looking like a fool. "What. Was. The. Dare?" Maddie repeats.

"Jim was suppose to sing a Justin Beiber song to you." Rory manages through his laughter. I chuckle, so does Maddie. Jim just turns red.

The bus pulls up to Rory's stop and about six people get off the bus. It's Maddie, Rory, Jim, Caroline, me, and Joe. Caroline was Mr.Snow's granddaughter. We all went into Rory's house and dumped our bags near the door.

Half an hour later we were all sitting near the TV, watching Joe and Rory play Xbox. I sat next to Maddie, us chatting about various things. She's actually pretty nice. Caroline simply talks to Jim most of the time.

"Ha! I win again!" Joe declared. Rory sighed and dropped his controller next to him.

"I let you win." Rory mumbled. Joe laughed.

"Sure you did." Joe chuckled.

As Joe said this there was the sound of a door opening and closing. I turned to see Gale walk through the front door, closely followed by Darius and Montey.

"Gale!" Rory shouted over to his brother. Gale stopped and looked at Rory. "What are you doing? I thought you were going over to Katniss's."

"I thought it was just going to be Montey, Darius and I over there, not Madge." Gale growled, already climbing the stairs.

"Gale!" Montey shouted, following after him followed by a worried looking Darius.

Me and Maddie gave each other a confused look. Gale and his friends went upstairs, leaving all of us puzzled.

"Well. That was odd." Rory said. We all nodded. There was a small silence that settled over us.

"Um," Jim broke the silence. "I should probably be going soon."

Ten minutes later the only people left were Maddie, Rory, and me. Darius came down from the upstairs and began to pace back and forth in the entry hall.

"Um, Darius?" Rory got Darius's attention.

"W-What?" Darius turned to look at us.

"What happened?" Rory asked.

"Gale has romance problems." Darius sighed.

"Well, tell me what it is! I am the master of romance!" Rory said. Me and Maddie exchanged a look, Darius just smirked.

"Sure you are Rory," Darius rolled his eyes. "You've only been trying to make a move on the same girl for six months."


Rory shook his head. Only then did Darius seem to notice me and Maddie standing there.

"Hello!" Maddie waved at him. Darius waved back slightly and shot Rory a glance.

"Fair enough, but you still aren't the master of romance." Darius sighed. Montey came down the stairs then, looking unsatisfied.

"Your brother is very stubborn, do you know that?" Montey huffed at me. I smirked and nodded.

"Well, uh, I should be going I guess." I said.

"You two need a ride home?" Darius asked, looking at me and Maddie. Both of us nodded. "Then let's head out."

"Uh, okay." I said. I turned to Rory quickly. "Bye Rory, thanks for inviting me over." I said. Rory smiled slightly.

"No problem." Rory said. "You should come over again sometime." I smiled as well.

"Okay, later." I said happily.

"Bye Rory!" Maddie said. Rory smiled at her and waved.

We all went out to Darius's pickup truck, which I didn't think would be able to fit us all. Montey sat in the middle, Darius at the drivers seat, then me and Maddie were squished together towards the window.

As we began driving down the road I noticed Darius kept giving me these weird glances.

"What?" I asked him. He shrugged. "Whaaaaatttt?" I whined.

"Just trying to figure out what happened." Darius said, which completely puzzled me. He must've saw my confusion, as he asked "To Rory, he's never really invited over his crush before."

"Crush?" Confusion pulsed through me. Darius made a 'Oh crap' face. "Tell me. Now." I ordered.

"Are you blind?" Montey spoke up. I blinked at her. She sighed. "He likes you, Prim." Montey explained.

"What?!" I managed. It couldn't be true, it would be too good to be true. Rory likes me?

"I think you're the only one who didn't see that coming, Prim." Maddie said, smiling. A sense of happiness swept through me.

Darius dropped off Maddie then dropped me at my house. I waved to Montey and Darius then practically skipped inside. Katniss and Madge sat in the kitchen talking intently, so I quickly went into my room and laid back on my bed. I closed my eyes.

Rory Hawthorne likes me..

A/N: Thanks maddog417 for volunteering for tribute in Welcome to Reality!
This is just mostly a filler, but I decided I should probably write something this week. Um, Late Merry Christmas! or Late Happy Hanukkah! and happy Kwanzaa! Hope you all enjoy your holiday (or did) and I also hoped you liked the chapter!

Welcome to Reality [A Hunger Games fan fic]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang