[11] Welcome to the Magical World of Dating (*sigh*)

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[11] Welcome to the Magical World of Dating (*sigh*)

Katniss's Point of View

It was the end of the day, and I was SO ready to go home. Gale Darius Madge and Montey were coming over after school, and I was hoping it would be a normal day of just hanging out. But then again it's Madge and Gale, they never make it 'Just a day of hanging out.'

It was history class, my table group was just chilling. It was ten minutes until the bell rung and Ms.Trinket had let us do our homework, though we all secretly knew she just wanted to apply even more makeup then she was already wearing in that time.

My table group was just Peeta (Why is he in so many of my classes?!), Cato (yippee..), and a girl named Soraya. Soraya was pessimistic sometimes, but was pretty funny with some of the sarcastic things she says. She had dark brown hair that was really long and tanned skin, her brown eyes always held a hint of sarcasm.

I stared at the history books, reading about the Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. I couldn't help but compare it to the Hunger Games back home, youths thrown into a deadly place to make up for past deeds. It was truly odd.

"Peeta! Give me a freaking history book!" Soraya snapped at Peeta, who was hoarding the books and stroking them whispering "My precious..."

"Peeta, book. Now." Cato ordered, but Peeta still didn't budge. I sighed and took my history book and whacked Peeta lightly on the head, snapping him out of whatever stupor he was in.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, going back to reading. I felt someone poking my shoulder and tried to ignore it, but eventually I turned to glare at whoever it was to see Peeta smile like a toddler on Christmas morning.

"What?" I asked bluntly.

"You didn't sit next to me at lunch!" Peeta whined. I rolled my eyes.

"Peeta, stop flirting with Katniss." Soraya said bluntly, just as Avery had before. Cato chuckled, making Soraya blush slightly.

"I am not flirting with Katniss!" Peeta defended himself. I swear everyone at the table rolled their eyes in sync.

We all did our homework quickly, then the bell rung and everyone jumped up. I grabbed my bag and started walking towards the bus, but as I got out of the school I heard someone calling my name. I turned to see Soraya walking towards me.

"Oh, hi." I said, slightly surprised. Soraya smiled.

"Hi, just wanted to ask you something real fast." Soraya said, walking next to me. She hesitated slightly before blurting out "Do you think Cato likes me?" I blinked.

"Hm." I thought about it for a second. I know Clove had asked him to homecoming but he said no because he had someone else on his mind. I nodded. "Yea, he likes you."

Her face lit up. "Really?" I nodded. She beamed brighter than the sun. "Yay! Now let's just hope that Clove doesn't kill me in my sleep!" She joked. I laughed.

"Oh, this is my bus," I said, walking up to the massive yellow beast. "Here,give me your number." I said, pulling out my phone and typing in the number. I waved bye to her and got on the bus.

I sighed and sat down next to Darius, who smiled at me as I sat down.

"Oh hey there." Darius said in his weird way again. "Did you talk to Peeta today?" He randomly asked. I gave him a weird look.

"Um, yea. Why?"

"Did he... Ask you any questions?" Darius raised his eyebrow. I shook my head, making him seem to deflate. "Okay, never mind then." Darius sighed. I decided better than to question it.

Welcome to Reality [A Hunger Games fan fic]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin