Chapter 74 - Rewards

Start from the beginning

Ryuu already shared his [ Shundō ] and [ Koku Shundo ] meaning that her adding [ Shunpō ] would likely make her speed faster than ever before. 

Furthermore, her Zanpakuto might help in controlling her poison to be placed in a single area. 

"A "Shinigami"!! Wow!? Does that mean her reward is a lot better than yours, Ryuu?" Mitsuri commented 

"Potential wise yes, she is better. Shinobu, teach me Shunpō if you get the chance." Ryuu said.

"Sure, Ryuu but can you tell me what a Zanpakuto is?"

Ryuu happily explains what a Zanpakuto is and the benefits of having one. There are known three stages when unlocking the potential of the weapon. 

The first one is Asauchi which is the lowest and weakest as the Shinigami has yet to learn the name of their Zanpakuto and form a connection to it where they would meet their Zanpakutō Spirit. It is the spirit embodying a Shinigami's Zanpakutō that resides within their master's inner world.

Forming a connection is through intense training and meditation that gradually increases the connection of the Shinigami to their Zanpakuto. 

The Zanpakutō Spirit is a part of their Shinigami's soul, and their appearance and abilities are a reflection of this; as such, they also share their master's resolve. 

They exist in tandem with their master; they are born alongside their Shinigami, and die with them. 

A Zanpakutō Spirit's power is separate from that of their owner, and when a Shinigami draws on this power in addition to their own, their Zanpakutō will become even stronger. They dwell within the inner worlds of their Shinigami masters. 

After forming with their Zanpakuto Spirit would unlock the second stage that changes its form called Shikai ( Initial Release) is the second (or first upgraded) form available to a Zanpakutō. To activate it, the Shinigami needs to learn the name of their Zanpakutō. 

This is not as easy as simply picking a name, for the living spirit of the Zanpakutō already has its own name. The Shinigami must be able to communicate and harmonize with their Zanpakutō effectively, which requires being able to speak to the spirit within its world. Gaining access to one's Shikai and releasing it for the first time is known as Manifestation.

The blade changes shape and gains special abilities by chanting a Kaigo ( Release Call), or release incantation. Using the Kaigo, followed by the name of the Zanpakutō, activates Shikai. It is crucial to memorize each phrase, as every Zanpakutō has a different incantation. 

Bankai ( Final Release) is the second and final upgraded form of a Zanpakutō.

To achieve Bankai, one must be able to materialize and subjugate their Zanpakutō spirit. Materialization means the opposite of getting dragged into the Zanpakutō's inner world: the wielder needs to summon the Zanpakutō's spirit into the physical world. It usually takes 10 years or more to achieve, plus the experience needed to master it.

Despite the Zanpakutō spirit being subjugated for their Shinigami to learn Bankai, the Zanpakutō also becomes stronger and learns Bankai at precisely the moment their Shinigami learns it.

Even though Bankai is the final stage of a Zanpakutō, it does not mean the Shinigami's growth ends there. A Bankai, especially one recently obtained, can evolve even further as its Shinigami gets stronger.

Furthermore, obtaining Bankai allows a Shinigami to release their Shikai without calling its name, although some Shinigami still choose to release their Shikai by calling its name.

"That's why I said in terms of potential she has a lot more than me." Ryuu said. 

"10 years of training seem a bit too long."s Shinobu said.

"Don't worry about that, focus on getting used to your power first before thinking about Bankai." Ryuu said.

"Yeah, Shinobu. We have the Dimensional room and Ryuu by our side! We can use Plot to our advantage!" Mitsuri reminded her of their biggest advantage.

"....I think you're reading too much manga, Mitsuri." Ryuu said. 

"Hey I've only read black clover!" Mitsuri said. 

"That doesn't make it better." Shinobu said.

"Anyway, why don't we celebrate!?"

They nodded as Ryuu checked his status that he hadn't seen ever since he arrived in the demon slayer world. 

[ Status ]

[ Name: Ryuu Cinco ]

[ Title: Administrator ]

[ Race: Human, Oni ]

[ Physique: Absolute Pathogen Physiology ( Blacklight, Muzan Demon Physique) ]

[ Overall Power: Low Tier 8-C

Physical Strength: High Tier 9-A

Durability: High Tier 9-A

Stamina: High Tier 9-A

Intelligence: High Tier 9-A ]


[ Extra Stats:

HP: 600/600 (Average adult man 150)

MP: 400/400 ] 


[ Skills ] 

Innate skills: Intuition (High Tier 9-A), Drawing (High Tier 10-A), Gluttony(???), Scar Dead(???), Cooking ( High Tier 6-A), Surgeon ( High Tier 7-A ), Biochemistry ( Mid Tier 7-B ),  Toy Maker(Mid Tier 7-B) and Businessman (Mid Tier 7-B).


Passive: Lv. 3 Pain Resistance, Lv.4 Status Effect Resistance, Lv.2 Total Concentration Breathing, Lv. 1 Eidetic Memory, LV.1 Rapid Regeneration, Lv.1 Poison Secretion, Lv. 1 Automatic Mana Recovery, Lv. 1 Status Effect Resistances


Active: Lv. 7 Eskrima, Lv. 10 Cooking, Lv.2 Housework, lv.4 Blood magic, Lv. 3 Gun Mastery, Lv.4 Intimidation, Lv.3 Parallel Thought Processing, Lv.3 High Speed thought Processing

Lv.1 Petrification Gaze, Lv.2 Ravenous Breathing, Lv.2 Aura(Rwby) lv.1 Requip Magic, lv.1 Shundō, Lv.2 Kokū Shundō, Lv.1 Mind Palace, lv.1 Hypnosis. 


Inventory: 10,000,890$, 50x 2nd Grade Healing, 2x Mid Holy Dagger, Yamato(DMC), Dimensional Training Room, Rebellion (DMC) ]

[ Points : 14,840 ]

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