Chapter 52 - Kamado Family 1

Start from the beginning

Ryuu could see their confusion since they were country bumpkins that hardly contacted outside their village. He recalled that Tanjiro doesn't even know a train is.

"Where is that place, Onii-chan?" The younger girl asked.

"Hahaha how about I ask a question? Can you tell me your names? I already know Nezuko-san." Ryuu asked, trying to recall their names.

"Ah sorry, My name is Hanako Kamado." She introduced herself.

"I'm the eldest, Tanjiro Kamado." The famous cinnamon roll.

"I'm Takeo Kamado." The younger brother.

"I'm Shigeru Kamado." Another younger brother.

"Onii-san, My name is Rokuta Kamado." And finally the youngest brother. Making a total of six children.

They've introduced themselves finding the children were like those kids that were on the streets that he always talks to and give a good beating to discipline them.

Ryuu made a mental note to support an orphanage to help those children since he had so much money that it was practically useless.

"Nice to meet all of you! Now, about where I came from, let me explain a few things. Beside my home country there are many more that have different clothes and ways of living.  For example, in my hometown you would see people having drawings in their body which were meant to show the story of their battle."

The children were listening intently for the first time since someone had visited them and we're excited to learn new things.

"Whoa!? Then how come you don't have one, Onii-san?" Shigeru asked.

"Ah well, it's only for warriors of the village. The world is vast and there are many wonders you could only imagine." Ryuu said.

"I want to go to those places too!" Rokuto said.

"Me too!!” Takeo said.

"Tell us more! More!!" Shigeru excitedly said.

"Come on now, don't bother, Ryuu-dono too much."

Kie scolded his children who became too excited hearing stories about different cultures. Ryuu only gives a burst of laughter and always finds enjoyment when children listen to his stories. He once dreamt of being a storyteller when he was younger.

"Hahaha it's alright! I always enjoy it when young children listen to my story!"

Ryuu had changed quite a bit over the course of being with Hashira becoming more carefree and doing what he wanted. He is now determined to talk with Justine and see how things go.

Kie only smiled looking at her children's face that was more likely than before ever since her husband died two years ago. She felt gratitude for Ryuu who made her children more happy than before.

She especially likes seeing Nezuko in a daze looking at him. Kie couldn't deny that he was a handsome young man that would likely have a lover or two.

"Now where were we? Ah right, my home country! First of all, the reason why I'm in Japan is because it is the home country of my grandparents. In my travels, many things were found, especially this!"

Ryuu took out a flute that he had been using everytime he got the chance. It always gives comfort and tranquility when he uses the flute.

"A flute?" Hanako exclaimed.

"Yup, my father taught me how to use it. Let me play it and tell me what you think."

He placed his lips into the flute before playing a simple music that made children amaze by the soothing sound even Kie was drawn by his performances.

Ryuu glanced toward the children whose eyes were sparkling while Nezuko couldn't help but blush under his gaze. She felt her heart beating by the sound while looking at him.

'This girl seems to have a crush on me….that troublesome.'

He inwardly clicked his tongue knowing that it was bound to happen if he planned on staying to protect them. Ryuu doesn't dislike Nezuko and just finds it troublesome to involve them with him but unfortunately when the mission started his fate was already with them.

Ryuu just hoped that her mother wasn't affected by his dumb luck with women as he felt wrong for stealing a woman from another man. Few minutes later, He ended his music and the children excitedly spoke.

"Amazing, Ryuu-Nii!" Hanako said.

"Onii-san, can you teach me how to play the flute!?" Takeo said.

"Nii-san, can you tell us more stories?" Shigeru said.

"Hahaha sure sure! What story do you like to hear, Shigeru-kun?" Ryuu said.

"Are you a Ronin!? Do you fight other people?"

She pointed to his obvious weapon on his waist and took it, making the children gasp in surprise as the Nichirin dagger had the color of bright red blade that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight.

"That looks amazing!? Where do you get that Onii-san?"

Takeo asked, looking at the blade awe as it was the first time he saw such a high quality blade.

"It was given to me by the place I'm working on. This weapon is only for us and no one else." Ryuu answered.

"What's your job, Onii-san?"

Hanako received a pat from Ryuu who gave a warm smile. Kie was watching them while she was cooking amazed how well he treated the children as if he was the eldest sibling among them.

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