Chapter 25 - Masterpiece!

Start from the beginning

The quota of these events are extremely long and you need to be lucky or patience enough to eat in some restaurant.

They quickly went inside being greeted by countless winter decorations and Christmas theme promo. The two walk around the mall trying to find a Pizza joint that didn't have many people. They were fortunate enough to find one.

"Hey what's the plan for our final project?"

After they had paid for their food which was all Ryuu but unbothered knowing his money is numerous.

The two placed their meal on their table and had two large pizzas for each other. Ryuu ordered a simple all meat style while Justine had pepperoni with two medium size coke.

Ryuu was about to devour his meal when Justine mentioned about their school project which needed to make a report of certain events in their History class.

He gave his thoughts on the matter even though school became nothing more than a hobby after getting the Chat group. Ryuu would have dropped out if not for his parents.

Furthermore, he couldn't be optimistic as the possibility of losing the chat group is not zero.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" Justine stopped for moment to listen to him

"Yeah shoot." She was curious what he was going to ask her.

"What's your think of Anime harem?"

Ryuu leaned back witnessing Justine choke after being taken aback by his questions. She knows that he is someone who fantasizes harem like an Idiot. 

"This again? It's stupid! How do you expect to pay everyone the attention they need when you have multiple women to take care of?"

Justine gave her honest opinion in the matter since even though she's a tomboy didn't mean her womanly nature is gone. She dislikes the idea of sharing her man with another woman that it disgusts her. 

Ryuu already expected it due his intuition and knew that though his life turning like some wish fulfillment fiction didn't mean it would always go how he wanted it.

'How the hell do I convince her then!? It's not like fanfic where the woman would just say 'I know you would treat us equally' which is bullshit.'

He gave his own opinion in the matter even if his dream to have harem doesn't mean he'd disregard the logical thought that comes with it.

They lived in the modern world where polygamous relationships were far from the norm. Furthermore, he didn't want to hurt their relationship for being selfish but the system seems to be forcing him to do it.

‘I don't know what the penalty is but I don't think want to Fuck around and find out.’ Ryuu inwardly sighs seeing how the chat group was forcing him to expand his relationship and have multiple women.

"But I can't confirm what I said is true since there are probably people out there who are fine in such a relationship."

Justine thought about her own uncle who had polygamous relationship with two women from a foreign country. She did ponder how they are doing as it was only a recent thing.

"Right, you're uncle. I'm quite jealous that he's bold enough to do that. " Ryuu recalled the relative of her childhood friend.

"Why did you suddenly ask that anyway?" Justine looked at him suspiciously as if he was hiding something.

"Nothing much. Anyway, how about we watch some movie next then stroll around the market."

She squinted her eyes looking at Ryuu who was sweating bullets under her gaze. Justine felt something in her heart that she didn't want to be true and quickly shook it off.

The feeling made her uncomfortable, especially looking at Ryuu with the thought passing through her mind.

"Yeah, that sounds great. I heard that the new marvel movie just came out but too bad I wasn't able to buy tickets."

She was disappointed that her chances of watching it were now zero due the ticket getting sold out faster than the flash.

"Great thing I've pre-ordered these bad boys! Bam!"

Ryuu took out two tickets that were difficult to find without extensive patience and luck due to people doing the same thing as him. It was just in the blink of an eye that the ticket immediately sold out even in pre-order.

Justine was shocked to see the ticket that made her eyes shine before giving a smirk as she was an extreme marvel fan, a polar opposite of Ryuu who was more in the anime industry than the comic industry.

"Oh my god! Holy shit men! How did you get it!?"

"Let's just say god's gave it to me."

The truth is, Ryuu bought them in the system that sold for 1 point each. They finished their meal and went to buy their snack for the movie before arriving in the theaters. Ryuu was chuckling seeing her excited like a child that made Justine blush when he kept staring at him.

He chuckled a bit before turning his attention to the movie and silently watched everything unfold. It was full of unexpected turns of events that led to a tragic ending.

Ryuu can't forget how Justine screamed along with the people when a certain scene happened in the movie. It was an enjoyable movie but had some issues, namely the character screen time.

"God! What an ending! I can't believe that happened." Justine excitedly said as they exited the theater.

"Careful now, we don't want people getting spoiled are we?" Ryuu finds her reaction quite adorable.

"True that but come on! The movie was simply a masterpiece!” After the movie, they strolled around the mall. Their unofficial date was far from over.

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