116: Is it really a good idea?

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"Are... Are you being serious?" Domen asks as he grabs his brothers shoulder and shakes him slightly. "You can't... How would you know?"

"Does it matter how I know?" Felix asks as he fully turns his body to face him. "Did you forget part of my success comes in sniffing out any kind of information? Do you even need to ask how I found out? Is that important right now!?"

"Look I'm confused!" Domen sighs as he runs a shaky hand through his hair as his eyes look around the room in panic. "Sh*t... T-Then why hasn't she... Come here? It doesn't make sense-."

"-Of course it doesn't. I don't know either but I think I might know why." Felix explains as he leans onto the counter. "She wanted me to know she knew, first of all. Because she's made it so obvious now... But I wouldn't have known. I should have known from a start when that stalker incident happened. I found it strange the person never found a way to contact you in anyway after you drowned Lavender's phone, but it's clear now."

Domen clenches his jaw as he brings his hands to his tighs, gently running them along his shorts as he drops his gaze to the counter.

"So... The stalker..." Domen trails off as he tries to connect the dots and how that links to his grandmother.

"There was a woman that had been following you since long, correct? That wasn't just a woman, she worked for your grandmother for long and kept tags on your life for her to read like an open book." Felix says as he laces his fingers together. "It may not have been honest, what she said, probably it was all just lies and an act. What she was actually trying to tell us is that they are aware we are here and that they have the power to decide what to do with us."

Domen drops his gaze to the counter as his mind starts to spin endlessly. The endless thoughts of all the possible scenarios that could have happened if the grandmother decided on it.

The number of times only him and Felix went grocery shopping...

Or the number of times Lavender and Autumn went out to have her checked at the hospital every once in a while.

There were just plentiful ways she could have gotten rid of Lavender without them knowing until it's too late.

"We should go and talk to her." Felix says as he gets up from the stool and glances down at Domen who shoots a worried glance up to him. "There's no other way-."

"-She'll take Lavender from me, Felix. You don't understand!" Domen grits his teeth as he gets up and walks to the sink. "I don't want that. I want Lavender and no one else. I won't accept anything she says if it has to do with Lavender leaving me. I want to be a father too... I'm already thinking of names and... The baby's room design... You can't just expect her to just talk right? She won't listen! She's never listened to a single thing in her entire life."

Felix watches as Domen opens the tap and splashes water on his face, trying to cool himself down when he really can't.

Not after what Felix just proposed.

"Domen, don't overthink it." Felix explains as he grips the edge of the counter. "We will just be here thinking we can hide forever when in reality she's going to be control until the day your child is born. Then when your child is being taken away by doctors, she'd just snatch it up and you'd notice too late that it's been stolen. Is that what you want? Let's go hear what she has to say."

Domen curses under his breath just as  Lavender walks in, yawning as she fixes her hair, loosening up that tangled hair as the sleep slowly leaves her eyes.

"Good morning." She yawns once more as she waddles towards Domen who glances towards her and gets up from his seat.

"Morning." He smiles as she reaches up to place a small kiss on his cheek, getting his stress to tune down a bit. "Did you sleep enough?"

"Kind of." She nods slightly glances towards Felix who crosses his arms to his chest, staring at her. "Something wrong?"

Felix sighs as he shifts his gaze to something else, unsure if Domen wants to her to hear it coming from him or not.

"Lav, we're in a bind, right now." Domen clears his throat and reaches his hand down to her hair, gently caressing it. "It's not so good. Turns out grandmother had known we've been here the entire time."

Lavender's eyes widen shock as her heart leaps into her chest while Felix stares back at them, glad that Domen isn't cutting around the bush to keep her from knowing like last time.

"So... Why have I not disappeared yet?" Lavender chuckles with evident fear written in her eyes, getting Domen to shrugs his shoulders and bite his lower lip.

"I don't know yet... Felix suggested we go talk to her, since that could be the reason she's not doing a thing." He explains as Lavender glances to the ground and clenches her fists as an unsettling feeling crawls into her stomach.

Six months and some weeks.

Less than three months to go...

She bites her lip as her eyes fill with a blurring pitch as she thinks to herself of all the possible scenario's his Grandmother would have in store for her.

"Don't worry though, I won't let you go anywhere near her. You'll be with Autumn, somewhere close to where I have to meet up with her." Domen explains as he reaches his hand down to her chin and lifts it up to face him. "I won't let any harm come your way, you know that, right?"

"I trust you." Lavender smiles as she nods her head slightly, getting Domen to nod back before glancing towards Felix who raises his brow with he meets Domen's gaze.

"As much as I don't want to say it-" Domen sighs out shakily as Lavender walks over to the fridge, feeling her body weigh a tone from the realization she could have been dead at any moment without Domen noticing she was killed.

Penelope could have killed me in plain sight.

"- tell my grandmother that it'd be nice seeing her again." Domen says in a sarcastic tone, getting Felix to nod before leaning from the counter and walking out of the kitchen, leaving a paranoid Lavender and Domen.

I hope I'm not wrong. Felix thinks to himself as he grabs his laptop from the stool and begins to type. I don't know what her motives are at this point. It's better to try to get info on why she's holding back. Especially with me being the bigger threat here, whether I die or not will be up to faith.

A slim one.

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