103: The News.

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Lavender stares down at her tablet as she notices the countless new photos Evette had posted since the day she's left.

She's still been active just as always.

Lavender bites her lower lip as she taps on her most recent photo of her standing underneath a makeshift waterfall in a room painted entirely cream white.

She's wearing an entirely revealing swimsuits with only the important parts hidden by the straps.

Something Lavender wouldn't wear entirely.

But like always... She's beautiful.

.... Inside and out.

Lavender sighs as she scrolls down to the next, accidentally liking the photo in the process, but she barely even notices it as she is entirely drawn into the next photo of Evette in a silk gown, holding a bottle of luxury perfume that could cost an arm and a leg.

If I was this pretty... Things would have been easier for Domen.

She glances over to Domen who has been sitting in front of the tv, watching the news since they had arrived home for over an hour ago.

His eyes are barely blinking, anticipating something as he stares into the soul of the news reporter talking about random local news.

Nothing too alarming.

Her phone beeps, getting her to glance down at it and notices a message from Evette.

Sitting up, her heart jolts into her chest as she taps the message popup. Her eyes glue down to the only text in the entire chat since they parted.


Unsure of what to type, she sends the same exact 'Hi' back to Evette who is already actively reading the newly send text.

The typing next to her name catches Lavender's eyes as her heart thuds against her chest, unsure of what Evette will say next.

The typing goes on for a little longer, up until the message finally reveals itself.

Not cool how you just took off and ran into the sunset with your prince charming. You could have at least told me.

I thought I was your best friend?

Lavender sighs slightly as she eases her shoulders and tucks her knees closer to her chest while typing away.

I'm so so sorry... Domen just kind of just snatched me... I didn't have the chance to tell you. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you after... I thought you'd be mad.

Lavender, we've known each other for longer than Domen. Nothing, and I mean nothing will take you from me. I'd noticed Domen's feelings for you, he's always had that look in his eyes when he saw you.

I knew he loved you. But he was childish to admit it everytime he was asked.

But that doesn't change my love for you.

So don't feel guilty. Don't leave me behind.

Lavender clenches her jaw as tears blur her eyes while clenching tightly onto the tablet. Feeling even worse but glad Evette hadn't left her.

She was still her friend.

Sorry, I should have called you and told you everything.

Domen wanted to keep a low profile for now... So I couldn't meet up with you.

Is he treating you right? I hope it's not a childish thing that will get both of you in trouble.

Would you believe if I told you he cried because of me? He thought I'd leave him for Raven.

Raven? He's miles away, why would he worry.

He's sort of helping Domen, I'll explain everything in person.

She smiles only to pause as another popup fills the screen.

She taps the notification and her eyes instantly grow wide as she notices a photo of herself  next to a photo of Domen on the thumbnail of the news page..


Lavender sits up and shifts her feet from the couch, sitting up as she plasters her feet onto the ground which her hand shakily tapping the news page.

A photo of Domen split by a white line and side by side with one taken of Lavender at the party is the first thing she sees just right underneath the heading.

Her shaky hand trembles as she continues to scroll to the first paragraph.

Is this all a stunt to gain some attention or is it a secret Domen had been keeping?

That's the question many people are eager to find out and we have all the answers.

Recently, as we all know, Domen's wedding to the beautiful and stunning model Evette, also known as the 'Goddess Empress', had been put on hold with no real reason attached to the sudden change of plans which was strange because of the fact it was shifted to earlier that month than initially planned.

Everyone was excited to witness the two hot celebrities get cozy at the altar which didn't happen when the day arrived. His parents did not mention the reason or even broadcast of the shift in the wedding date and now we know why.

Domen Southren had fled the pre-party with a woman dressed in an elegant gown who was escorted to the event by another man. This woman has been reported to have been acquainted with the famous and young CEO for more than two months prior to the event. More evidence points out to the possibility that this woman is in fact Domen's love interest and has been since he met her.

Domen's love life had only centred on Evette as far as we all knew, and rarely had any other relationships which took an unexpected turn of events now that we know there was a woman in the shadows.

Believe it or not, but this mystery woman had in fact caught Domen's eyes from the moment they met only five months ago and his feelings for her grow bigger every day they spent together.

Another twist to stir the pot is that this woman was allegedly just an employee at a company he recently bought shares from AND in fact the best friend of Evette. Crazy, right? Wait, there's more.

Lavender frowns as she clenches her jaw, knowing too well this will all sound horrible and wrong.

The internet will chew her out and swallow her whole for this.

And she knows it.

And who is this woman, you ask? This woman is just a simple woman with no real fame attached to her, Lavender Carter, a young mid-twenty year old woman that led a simple life. Well, up until she met Domen.

We are not sure of what Domen's preference of women are considering how different his ex-fiancee and his current girlfriend are. But one thing is for sure, Domen is not going to let go of this catch. At least not anytime soon.

Currently, the Romeo and his Juliet are no where to be seen after they decided to run away together during the event.

Is this all we had?

Certainly not. There is more spice to this story as we have come to find out that Lavender Carter, Domen's hidden girlfriend, is in fact two months pregnant with their first child together.

Lavender widens her eyes even though it shouldn't be a surprise to her. She knew it was bound to be released... But then it scares her more now that the reality is kicking in.

What will his grandmother think? She thinks to herself as her eyes blur, unable to see the screen as she tries to read on.

This isn't all of the story though, we are going to have an interview with an unexpected guest who brought this news right on our channel at exactly 5:00pm.

Don't miss it and stay alert, things are only getting more interesting.

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