Chapter 230 - 231

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Chapter 230 Seal Kikumaru

On the court, Kikumaru rushed forward to hit the net, and Saeki swung the racket at the same time. As if by chance, the ball hit the opposite direction of Kikumaru's movement, catching the fast-moving Kikumaru off guard and throwing him into the air.

"0-15!" the referee announced loudly. Saeki smiled slightly, revealing two shining tiger teeth.

"Hey, I'm sorry, Fuji, the direction was reversed~" Kikumaru put one hand on his hips and hit his shoulder with the racket frame with the other.

"It's okay, don't worry about it." Fuji comforted.

I'm afraid it's not a matter of going in the wrong direction, Kikumaru-senpai. The progress of the game confirmed my thoughts. Saeki once again accurately hit the ball in the opposite direction of Kikumaru's displacement.


"He seems to know Kikumaru's next move completely, and keeps aiming attacks in the opposite direction." Qian suddenly said.

"Understand the next move?" Taocheng was suspicious.

"Does that guy have super powers?" Haitang didn't believe it.

"Maybe." I said.

"Huh?!" Everyone looked at me in surprise.


"Asshole!" Kikumaru was angry when he missed again, "Why do you always attack my openings!" But as Shido said, just losing your temper is of no use.

"Rokukaku wins, game number 1-3!"

Behind Kikumaru, Fuji quietly opened his blue eyes.

"Okay! We've won the next round!"

"That's how we turned defeat into victory!" the little kids in Rokkaku cheered.

Hitting the ball behind Kikumaru again, Saeki said coldly, "Your dance-style hitting has no effect on me..." Before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly widened. Fuji appeared at the landing point of the ball as if changing his position, swinging the racket and hitting it directly.

"Fuer, leave this to me~" Kikumaru shouted in dissatisfaction.

"No. Eiji, your opponent already knows everything about your actions." Fuji flatly refused, "Leave this to me."

"But..." Before Kikumaru finished speaking, Fuji quickly took action and hit the ball towards Saeki.

Raising his arms to wave, Saeki clearly only had Kikumaru in his eyes at this time. I and Saeki on the court both said one word at the same time, "right!"

Kikumaru moved to the right as expected, and Saeki's ball to Kikumaru's left was caught by Fuji in time.

"Echizen! How did you know?!" Horio and the others looked at me in shock.

"I always feel like that's it." I stared at Kikumaru's movements. The disadvantage of the narcissistic type is that there are too many small actions and habits. Could it be that this Saeki has also learned fighting skills such as judo, kendo, and taekwondo, so he has such keen observation skills?

"Let's be clear, Echizen~" Horio and the others were dissatisfied.

"Roughly, I first observe Kikumaru-senpai's exercise habits, read muscle movements instantly, and then predict the next move." I explained as best I could.

"Is this possible?" Horio stammered.

"But Ryoma-kun just expected it..." Katsuro looked at me with wide eyes.

Prince of Tennis - I am Echizen RyomaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang