Chapter 122 - 123

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Chapter 122 Before the Wind Blows

"Master Ban, I lost...I'm sorry." Qianshi, who was carrying the racket, closed his eyes and raised a palm in front of his face.

"Maybe I was lucky to meet him before the Kanto Competition." Old man Bantian smiled. He never seemed to be angry.

"Well, he is indeed very strong."

Sengoku's voice was interrupted by Horio, "Atao-senpai, are you okay?"

He turned around and saw that Momojo was being helped off the field by the trio, "No problem. Thanks for the good work. Ah~"

"Lucky Sengoku-kun~" Bantian's voice made Sengoku's whole body tremble.

"He is indeed the ace of our school~ But~ Yes~ That guy is only a second grader, and his left foot is cramping~ Is that so~ It's cramping~" Sengoku, whose face was flushed and sweating profusely, begged with shame, "So I'm not sorry~ Banye~"

"Let's look forward to the next game..." Banda finally let Sengoku go, "It's so nostalgic and curious~ Nanjiro's son!"

(...) "It's a coincidence. Or is it destiny?" Bantian turned around and looked at Ryuzaki with his arms folded across his chest on the coach's bench opposite with a smile.

"This is not fate. Nanjiro is Nanjiro, and Ryoma is Ryoma." Mrs. Ryuzaki said this well.

Suddenly, I remembered that the smelly old man once got drunk and talked about the only stain in his tennis career.

By the way, that happened when he was in Qingxue. The youth tennis team, which was the favorite to win the championship, was defeated by an unknown team led by a "despicable guy". Everyone except the old man was wiped out and lost the team competition. The old man insisted that it was because his opponent used tricks. The old man's coach at that time must have been Mrs. Ryuzaki - that's it.

An announcement came from the stadium, "The competition venue will be tidied up next. Please wait a moment before the next game."

"It hurts, it hurts..." He fell to the ground with his back on the bench, and the hero on the field said In Taocheng, he became a bear when he got off the field.

While squatting, Gan Qian squeezed his calf mercilessly, "It's amazing that you can still walk."

"That's amazing, Senior A Tao!"

"It was a good fight."

"Now it's two If you win once and lose, just win one more and that's it!" Horio and the others looked adoring.

"The Capital Domination Competition..." Taocheng raised his bright black eyes and looked at me, "It depends on your wonderful performance!"


I raised the corner of my mouth. You don’t need to say it.

"Echizen's opponent is that Akutsu..." While waiting for the game to start, for some reason, everyone gathered around me, and Miki spoke solemnly.

"Katsuro, is he that extremely dangerous person?" Horio asked.

"Yes." Katsuro nodded with lingering fear. He suddenly turned around and rushed over to grab my hand tightly. His eyes widened with a sincere look on his face, "Ryoma-kun, you must be careful!"

"If anything happens, we will help!" Kikumaru put his hands on the pillow and said irresponsibly, "I've wanted to fight with that guy for a long time!"

"Kikumaru!" the minister shouted with his arms folded across his chest, his face serious and his eyes closed.

Kikumaru immediately started to sweat on his face, "It's a joke, it's a joke, ha."

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