Chapter 313 - 314

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Chapter 313 Fourth Movement?

"Is something bad about Kirihara?"

"I suddenly feel very uneasy." There were trivial discussions among the majority of Rikkai's staff.

"Don't you understand?" Brazil Yuzu crossed her arms and looked at the field, "It's not Kirihara who should be uneasy, it's Fuji."

"ah." Narrowing his eyes, he responded, "If this continues, something terrible might happen to Fuji..."

On the coaching bench in front of them, the doorman pursed his lips tightly, and his eyes were calm and sharp under the shadow of the black hat brim.

In the middle of the court, Fujiya flipped around like a fish, raised his arms high, and then cut the racket from top to bottom, his posture and movements as smooth as a baby bird throwing into the forest. There was a "pop" sound, and the ball was heading into the blind spot headed by Hai.


"It's done!"

"It's almost as flexible as me!" Momojo Kikumaru swooped over. So, I was suddenly hugged tightly by two heavyweight octopuses falling from the sky, and they pulled me excitedly.

I tried my best to maintain a serious and cool look while swaying from side to side. I closed my eyes and hummed, "You two have gone too far!"

"You are such an incredible guy." Gan commented with a flat expression.

'ah." Oshi sighed, "Although we have been together since the first grade, we still can't really understand him."

"Just now..." Yuta's voice came from the audience, "Sister, ask my brother if what happened to Kirihara. Why do you ask that?"

"Shusuke’s character is not one that aims at defeating his opponent. However, today’s feeling is a little different." Sister Fuji looked at the field and whispered.

"It's true~" Beside Yuta, Kanyue proudly twisted her hair with her fingers, "When I competed with me in the past, it was because of some small things I did that I ended up irritating him~"

"Little things?" Yuta clenched his fists angrily, "You almost hurt me so much that I almost ended up in the hospital!"

Fuji now is very similar to then~ But, sister~" Guanyue held up his chin and blinked his innocent and cute big eyes at Sister Fuji (I sweat), "You know a lot about tennis~"

"I don't know much about tennis," Sister Fuji grabbed Yuta's arm and smiled sweetly, "I know Shusuke very well, and of course Yuta does the same~"

"Don't stick to me!" Yuta blushed and clenched his fists in protest.

"I see, that's it..." Looking at the two siblings, Guan Yue looked envious.

"Fuji is trapped at the bottom line." From the stands, looking at the head of Hai datou who was attacking the net, Kawamura was a little anxious.

"Although close combat is disadvantageous, the smash will be strengthened due to the chain reaction." Qian saw through the intention of Hai Datou at a glance.

"Kirihara really has a way of changing tactics according to the situation." Oishi agreed.

"But," I wasn't worried about the demon fox at all, "Fuji-senpai has that, right?"

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