Chapter 124 - 125

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Chapter 124 The best prey

The author has something to say:

The narrator of this chapter is Akutsu.

"It's so annoying..."

"It's just a boring kid's thing..."

"The so-called tennis..." The dark and gloomy consciousness suddenly stopped, and an enlarged tennis ball hit my chin instantly, dragging me back. Sunny pitch. Flying flat on your back, before looking into the clear blue sky, what remains clearly from the perspective is the blazing golden flame in the black hair dancing in the wind under the brim of the young man's hat.

Landed with a thud. In shock, a long, childish voice sounded, "Oh~ I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

I sat up and stared at the other side.

"But - I advise you not to despise tennis!" He raised his racket and pointed it at me. The corners of his mouth were slightly curved, and his sullen eyes showed an arrogance that was not commensurate with his young and handsome appearance.

"Humph, ha, ha ha ha -" Staring at him, I laughed wildly. The bloodthirsty craze can no longer be suppressed - it's really the best prey that can't be bought with a lot of money. You must be careful and torture it slowly and taste it!

"I said, how long do you want to sit down?" Unaffected by the laughter at all, the young man raised his racket and pointed straight at it as steady as a mountain.

"The goal that was not a big deal just now was for the winner." Shenglang? That Jarhead who is scurrying around with his head in his arms?

"Ryoma-kun..." As expected, the boy's grateful voice came from outside the venue.

Such a powerful blow, just for a coward? I stopped laughing and looked up at him.

"Kawamura-senpai's share is still reserved for you." His calm voice was completely opposite to his eyes.

"Ah——" Kawamura exclaimed for the second time.

"Oh, let's avenge Arai-senpai." The boy, who was not afraid of tigers as a newborn, was still lecturing in a lazy voice.

Arai's teeth grinding sound was heard among the snickers, "For now?"

The moment when the arrogant tone turned into a weak pleading, was it the highest feeling?

Picking up the racket next to me, I stood upright.

Walking to the net opposite the proud young man holding a racket with one hand on his hip and the other, I leaned over and whispered in his ear, "You... are dead! Kid~"

He didn't even move his eyebrows, "You must be the one who dies"

——Pure, top quality without impurities.

It's so safe to expose such a delicate neck to the fangs. It looks like it can't withstand a light bite... It would be too

boring to tear you into pieces and eat you right now. I have to do it slowly and completely...

Suppressing the bloody desire in my heart, I raised my head and turned around.

Walking back to my position, I put my hands on the ground, leaned over and took a lunge. I raised my eyes and stared at the delicious prey.

There were gasps from around the stadium, "What kind of posture is that?!"

"It's really like a beast..."

"This is the first time I've seen Akutsu-senpai in that posture." Tan put his hand on his chest.

"Akutsu..." Kawamura murmured, his pupils shaking in fear, "Seriously..."

Prince of Tennis - I am Echizen RyomaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ