Chapter 244 -245

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Chapter 244: School Festival filled with resentment (1)

The author has something to say:

I am back! I have been afraid to look at Jinjiang outside for fear of being scolded, but unexpectedly I only received encouragement! Readers are so cute!

I’ve read all the messages, thank you all!

The anime recommended by ANNIE made me sigh that "the heroes all see the same thing"~~~

I spent an entire afternoon just writing an article, so slow, haha.

At my current pace, it may take two days to write an article, or I may revise it as I write. However, I will try my best!

Thank you all again!



"Huh?" I put my hand on my chin, barely holding up my eyelids, and squinted at the guy in front of me who was disturbing my sleep.

In the first class, I couldn't sleep as comfortably as before. Because the glasses monitor standing in front of me now got the support of the teacher and turned this class into a class meeting, and it seemed that he was discussing something important.

"Please also pay attention to class affairs, Echizen-kun!" He put his arms on the table and raised his voice, Yazawa's shiny thick bottle-bottom lenses almost stuck to my face, "The whole class unanimously approved, You will be the waiter in the coffee shop!"

"Huh?" Coffee shop? waiter? It does not make sense? I looked around blankly and looked at the expectant eyes of the classmates gathered in the class with confusion. Do they look happy?

"You don't even know about the school festival that's going to be held recently, right?" Shaking his head helplessly, Yazawa raised his hand to hold his glasses and explained patiently, "Our class's event is scheduled to open a coffee shop. We were there just now. We vote on who will be the waiter. You have been chosen to be one of them."

"That's right! If Ryoma-kun is the waiter, there will definitely be many people to take care of the business of our coffee shop~" The female classmates in the class chirped and expressed their opinions.

"No." I refused. Just kidding, who wants to wear a tuxedo and be watched like a gorilla in the zoo?

"Echizen-kun, don't let down everyone's expectations!" Yazawa acted like a squad leader.

This set doesn't work for me. Hanging my hands on the back of the chair, I raised my head and closed my eyes, "Tell me, Yazawa, how do I look like I can serve others well~"

"Ryoma-kun, you don't have to do anything." That's right, just put on your waiter uniform and stop casually in the store~" The girls in the class actually rushed to speak for Yazawa.

"Absolutely not!" A drop of cold sweat fell from my forehead, and I showed my determination to fight to the end.

"Why is this so~ Ryoma-kun~"

"Occasionally I do something for the class~"

"I really want to see Echizen-kun put on a cute waiter uniform~" It was rare for the girls to have the same opinion and unanimous opinions.

Remember the previous sports meeting, I did a lot of things for the class? These girls have worse memories than me.

"Wait a minute, Echizen probably can't be a waiter." Kotaro's voice came unexpectedly. This guy is quite reliable at critical moments.

"Why?" Everyone looked confused.

Standing up solemnly, Kotaro raised his finger solemnly, "Because Echizen is a first-year member of the tennis club. It is said that every year at Seigaku's school festival, each department will nominate a first-year representative..."

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