Chapter 130 - 131

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Chapter 130 Fiancée from America? (one)

I never get enough sleep in the morning. Yawning, I quickly walked to the tennis club room and found a large group of people crowded around there. Going to the circus early in the morning?

Just as I was thinking about taking advantage of the chaos to sneak away to sleep, the crowd suddenly split open, and a golden figure emerged from it and rushed towards me.

"Ryoma ~ My sweetheart ~ (Author's words: Unless otherwise noted, this person speaks in English)"

He hugged my neck, pouted and was about to kiss my face. I reflexively raised my hand to block her kiss, and her kiss was blocked on my palm. Between the fingers, a smile spread across the green eyes, accompanied by an indistinct voice, "You won't die if I kiss you on the face!"

"This is Japan, not the United States. (Author's note: When the protagonist talks to this person All in English)" I pushed her face three feet away from me. Even in the United States you are not allowed to do this. I glanced at her. I hadn't seen her for more than a year. This guy's habits were still the same, and his hair was still so long that it almost covered his butt. Also, he is not afraid of trouble, because she does not need to take care of any of this herself.

"Awesome, little one!" Kikumaru's abrupt voice made me notice something strange around me. Why are these guys looking at me like a lion or a tiger in a circus?

"Hey! Who are you!" Tomoka raised a stern look, one hand on her hip, and the other pointing menacingly at the blond beauty next to me, "Who allowed you to be so intimate with Master Ryoma!"

"Who am I~" The guy kept getting closer, put his hands on my shoulders, and leaned on me. His green eyes narrowed and she glanced sideways at Tomoka. She said word by word in stiff but easy-to-understand Japanese, "I am Ryoma's fiancée."

Tomoka and the others were petrified on the spot.

Suddenly, a data book appeared in Qian's hand like magic. He shook his pen quickly while making routine comments, "You can't tell, Echizen is really a brat. Good information."

"Stop talking nonsense, Stephen." Helplessly pushing his face away again (a habitual action), I said angrily, "Why didn't you call me beforehand if you were coming?"

"I want to give you a surprise. Who called you? You haven't contacted me for such a long time." (You still know where I am without contacting you?) he pouted and complained, "I took a flight that arrived in the early morning, and I have to fly back at night. I'm so tired. ~"

"Who told you to sneak out?" Her family would never let her run so far alone, especially her terrifying brother.

"I miss you!" He jumped up and grabbed the skirt of my chest and shook me hard. "Don't you miss me? Ryoma!"

In the eyes of everyone, I was shaken forward and backward by her and suddenly I heard an angry shout, ."Why are you wasting your time here if you don't hurry up and practice!"

The minister with his hands folded on his chest and a serious face appeared in the crowd, and the temperature plummeted. "Everyone! Go around the field 20 times!"

"So fierce, who is he?" Stephen stuck out his tongue.

"Our Minister." It's all your fault that we have to endure the howling north wind so early in the morning. "Wait until I finish practicing."

"Okay. But you are not allowed to go to class today. Please take leave to accompany me." he ordered. As unreasonable as before.

"Yes -" I responded in a cheery tone.

Prince of Tennis - I am Echizen RyomaWhere stories live. Discover now