Chapter 106 - 107

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Chapter 106 Tea of ​​Punishment Reappears (Part 2)

The author has something to say:

Sadako: The female ghost in the horror film "The Ring", anyone who sees her will die of fear.


"In the end, only the main selection was left." Gan raised an extra-large glass bitterly. In the glass, purple mucus was bubbling. "Same as last time, this cup is prepared for the last one -

—The most powerful improved luxury punishment tea!"

"Eh-" The members who had finally come back to life stared at the terrifying liquid, with expressions on their faces as if they had seen Sadako in broad daylight.

"Ah, by the way, there's this..." Dashi stared at the cup like he was dreaming. Turning around, he found that everyone was already rushing forward like an arrow.

"Wait for me!" Dashi ran as fast as he could.

"I will never be the last one!"

"Me too!" Everyone scrambled.

Looking at the seniors huddled together in front of me, I repeated my old trick and took the racket away from the wall.

"Kawamura-senpai, racket." I looked harmless.

"Huh?" Subconsciously taking the racket, the honest and honest Kawamura suddenly raised his eyebrows, "Burn! Anyone who gets in the way will die! Flame sprint!" Kawamura rumbled in front of him like a powerful train, opening a path.

"Humph~" I laughed and quickly followed.

"Echizen! You use this trick again!" Everyone behind him roared in unison, "Don't even think about escaping!"

Not long after, everyone huddled together again.

"Senior Fuji." Looking at Fuji running hard together, Momoshiro couldn't help but speak.

"What's the matter?" Fuji smiled.

"Don't you like drinking that, Fuji-senpai?"

"Punishment tea? Yes, I like it very much. It tastes good~"

"Then why are you still working so hard?" Momoro was puzzled. It seems that he has no clear understanding of the nature of the demon fox.

"Because, I prefer to watch others drink in pain~" Fuji smiled and narrowed his eyes, with the corners of his mouth slightly curved in a strange arc.

Momoshiro was obviously frightened. After being stunned for a while, he murmured to himself, "You must not provoke this person." You just know!

"Hurry up! We're running out of time!"

Under the urging of the minister and the blank stares of the other members of the resurrection team, everyone gritted their teeth and frowned, shouting slogans with ferocious faces, "Absolutely not drinking!"

They twisted into one force and swept across like a strong wind. Cross the finish line.

"Well." Qian looked at the stopwatch in his hand regretfully, "54 seconds. What a pity, there is still no winner."

"We all feel so tired watching."

"I'm so nervous~"

"It's like this every time Can you bear to run away?" The members on the side could only admire him.

"Damn! Does that guy Agan want to kill us?" Dashi complained weakly. He guessed correctly.

Having just crossed the finish line, we all sat on the ground and gasped for air, "I'm so tired~"

Prince of Tennis - I am Echizen RyomaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora