Chapter 297 - 298

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Chapter 297 Prelude? Coming

The author has something to say:

The narrator of this chapter is the protagonist - Fuji - the protagonist. The angle of view change is marked with *.

"Thirty minutes have passed." In the supermarket, Sister Ju raised her hand to look at her watch. "It's almost time to go back."

"Thirty minutes? What for?" Taocheng, who was in charge of pushing the cart next to her, was confused.

"I'm not very sure either." Sister Tachibana looked at Momojo clearly, "Brother seems to want to say something to Senior Fuji, so..."

"Is that why we have to run so far?" Momojo was dissatisfied. This guy is really slow.

"That's it." With a playful smile, Sister Ju glanced at Linlang's shelf, and pulled Taocheng's elbow, "Ah, I like those potato chips very much, so I want to buy some too~"

With my hands in my trouser pockets, I swung far behind them, feeling like I was shining brightly like a 1,000-watt light bulb.

"Tch, boring~" I muttered in a low voice as I raised my head and closed my eyes.

"Yesterday, I met the director of Lihai High School. His illness..." Tachibana's low voice sounded vaguely in my ears again.

Stopping, my eyes were fixed on a pile of bright green apples placed on the cabinet.

* "Really, Minister Rikkai..."

That elegant figure faintly appeared in his mind. Even wearing a loose and simple hospital gown, she is still as elegant and noble as an orchid in an empty valley. When I saw him, I felt that the saying "Buddhas need gold, people need clothes" is completely inapplicable to certain people.

With such an extraordinary appearance, temperament, and talent, but... am I jealous of the talent?

"Don't think too much before the game." Tachibana, who was sitting on the hospital bed, raised his head and said, "You should keep this matter a secret for now."

"Ah." I responded. If that fool finds out...

"You're late. Walk quickly, the minister is waiting."

"But why do I practice twice as much as others?"

"That's your temper towards Sanada-senpai~"

"Hey~ But I don't feel happy at all. Ah, I don't want to go, and I have to be scolded by everyone in front of the minister~" The approaching footsteps and unscrupulous loud conversations outside the corridor made the air in the ward freeze.

"What's wrong, Akaya?" The voice came from outside the open door of the ward.

"Hey~ What a coincidence~" Then another arrogant voice sounded from the door.

Tachibana and I turned to look at the same time. A low voice escaped from Tachibana's mouth, "Akaya Kirihara."

The guy standing there with a tennis bag on his back and a provocative look on his face was none other than the owed Kirihara.

"Really, where did this guy Echizen go~" Momoshiro loud complaint suddenly came from outside the corridor. Then came Sister Tachibana's chuckle, "Don't worry, he will definitely come back."

"What's wrong, Sister Tachibana?" With an unscrupulous voice, Taocheng appeared at the door of the ward.

Looking back with confusion on his face, Momoshiro glanced at us hastily, and then happily patted Kirihara on the shoulder from behind, "What, Echizen~ It turns out you came back first~"

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